Big Brother 10 Cast Spoilers Allegedly Revealed

With just nine days until the premiere of Big Brother 10 the cast spoilers have started to roll in. Reality BBQ has landed the first extensive possible spoiler for the new cast and while this should be taken lightly it’s still fun to speculate.

Earlier I told you about the rumor of a young model, Laura Leigh, who was supposed to be part of this season’s cast. From the details below it sounds like she wasn’t included. Instead it appears that we could have quite the diversity in ages and backgrounds even with a gay cowboy. Yee-haw!

The casting is going to have a slightly conservative vs. liberal angle.

A recently divorced Koren-American tomboy.

A 35 year old gay rodeo cowboy who’s a bit prejudiced himself.

A 25 year old who doesn’t consider himself a bartender.

A 53 year old New Orleans socialite.

A 31 year old who’s from a predominantly white neighborhood, she’s a black mother of 3 and an Obama supporter in Bush country. She has a pair of rare twins.

The son of a Pentecostal preacher.

A 24 year old teacher in an all boys Catholic school. He would move out of the country if Hillary were President.

…and a few more. Thirteen in all. Don’t want to give you all the secrets!

If you’re interested in seeing the whole list of names to go along with these details then head over to RealityBBQ for that info. I’d love for this information to be true, but since it’s still early and we always seem to get a bogus list I’ll reserve judgment until CBS gives us the official word.

If you want to be notified as soon as more casting details are revealed then be sure to sign up for the free Big Brother updates you’ll get an email with the info as soon as it is released. Click here to sign-up for updates.

Update: Quirkydude pulled a Sherlock and discovered on his TVGuide that next Tuesday AM (July 8th) on the Early Show, Julie Chen will introduce the Big Brother 10 cast. My intuition tells me that we’ll get a “leak” of their photos and bios the evening before. Sign up for Big Brother 10 alerts to get all the info.

SirLinksaLot: Big Brother 10



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  1. I really hope AG has chosen more wisely this time around. Although I eventually got into BB9, it was very rough going for the first several shows. I have always adored BB and I look forward to each season but BB9 was quite a stretch. I didn’t find anything I particularly loved or particularly hated about anyone on the show. It was humdrum to say the least. I didn’t even care who won because they were all losers. Let’s hope BB10 is a great season and we can all begin to watch our guilty pleasure with pride again!!

  2. From the rumors running around it sounds like Grodner and Kass may have really been trying to improve the cast this year. I’m sure hoping so too!

  3. Very creative, Lesley. I never even considered that! That would be very, very interesting though it says the mother has twins, rather than being a twin so we probably won’t get to see them.

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