Allison Grodner Promises Big Brother 16 ‘Curveball’

As part of the Big Brother 16 preseason coverage through the now active Live Feeds, Jeff Schroeder sat down with executive producers Allison Grodner & Rich Meehan to discuss the season.

Big Brother Executive Producers Allison Grodner & Rich Meehan
Big Brother Executive Producers Allison Grodner & Rich Meehan – Source: CBS

Right away Jeff jumps on a topic we’re always anxious to have discussed: twists. They’re critical to the game no matter how much we dislike them or wish for a plain “just let them play” season. Production uses them every Big Brother season and most of the time they flop like a fish that’s leapt from its bowl. But if we’re stuck with them, it’s worth knowing what production is thinking.

Jeff: How hard is it to come up with a different twist each season?

Rich: It gets challenging as the years go by, but we’re always looking for ways to throw a major curveball at the houseguests.

Allison: You have to throw a curveball at the houseguests now that we’re in our sixteenth season. You can’t come in expecting to know how to play this game. It’s just not going to work.

Well, it could work. *ahem* Big Brother 6 *ahem* Okay, we’re getting another “curveball” twist this season. So how does production come up with these plans for the new Big Brother season?

Afterthought – Wait, didn’t BB6 twist about coming in with a friend/ally? Well nuts. I guess that season did have a twist, but at least it wasn’t a massive impacting “MVP” style twist.

Allison explains, “sometimes [the twist] comes to us immediately. Sometimes it’s something we’ve been wanting to do for awhile and now’s the time. Or sometimes it’s something that takes a long, long time.”

Rich adds that Jeff’s first season, Big Brother 11, was a twist in the making for awhile. They had wanted to do the “cliques” twist for two years before the timing was right and it came together.

What sort of twist could we see this season on Big Brother 16? No solid hints here, so we’ll keep waiting and watching to see if that “Blood Vs Water” rumor turns out to hold any truth to it.

While we wait, lockdown your preseason discount with the on-sale Season Pass for Live Feeds!



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  1. Hopefully no half-baked twist (ehem, MVP, ehem, coaches, ehem, BB9 forced showmance). I need to see something long-term that has an effect to the game for the rest of the season. :D

    It’d be nice if they bring back the show’s very first twist: A significant amount of cash in exchange for your spot in the house. That would be nerve-wracking for those who came into the game for monetary gain to help their families.

    • I would take all those twists over the Saboteur Twist that lasted a week.

      • That was such a disaster. Annie should have just laid low throughout the first week. Such a predicament that was obviously not seen ahead of time.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. CBS Promises ‘Twist After Twist’ On Big Brother 16 | Big Brother 16
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  3. Hayden Moss On Big Brother 16 Twist & More | Big Brother 16
  4. Big Brother 16: ‘Most Twisted Season Ever’ Says Host Julie Chen | Big Brother 16

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