Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 17 – Week 1

Well well well, BB17 is underway & we are already in midseason game mode for some, while others have no clue what’s going on. Please keep in mind – these are my thoughts based on how the house is at the moment I am writing. By the time it’s published, the house can flip flop about 12 more times.

Adam Poch on Big Brother 13
Adam Poch on Big Brother 13 – Source: CBS

I gave you all my preseason ratings based on their opening interviews, but now that the game is on, these ratings are based on gameplay.

James Huling – 5 strips of Bacon – winning the first HoH is always tricky – but when you have someone the entire house wants out, you can do your thing, sit back, and have your game on cruise control the next 6 or 7 weeks. He’s shown his social game is on point and he can win challenges. I hope they bring Taylor Swift in for him later in the game!

Steve Moses – 4 strips of Bacon – I will say this a lot this season, winning the Veto when you are on the block is the best feeling in the world. Steve is still a bit awkward at times, but despite the rampage that Jace spewed on him Tuesday night, the rest of the HGs are starting to like him. VERY similar to Ian BB15… same result? We shall see.

Jason Roy – 3 strips of Bacon – late to bed, early to rise – Jason is always awake and getting in on conversations. He’s shown he’s not afraid to tell other players what he thinks, and even gave Jace a good platform to campaign with. Along with James & Johnny Mac, I do not know anyone else that is as liked in the house. When will the rest of the house decide to turn on him? Jason will probably turn on them first.

Da’Vonne Rogers – 3 strips of Bacon – she’s loud, she’s in your face, she calls people out when they talk smack, and yet – everyone loves her for it. Da’Vonne is putting herself in a good spot right now, since no one is threatened by her.

Jeff Weldon – 2 strips of Bacon – coming into the game after being thrown in as part of the BB Takeover twist – Jeff has done a much better job blending in with the rest of the HG’s. I would totally fanboy out and ask him about The Amazing Race everyday, but it looks like no one sees him like that, and just a player in the game. Not many of the other players have even mentioned his pre-existing friendship with Jackie.

John McGuire – 2 strips of Bacon – he took being nominated as a pawn in stride and did not freak out, then went out and killed it in the BoB with Becky to secure his safety. I just hope he does not become a pawn more often. No one has any beef with him, so he does not need to win an HoH for a while.

Becky Burgess – 1 strip of Bacon – if she was not nominated & won the BoB with Johnny Mac – I would not even know she was in the house. BUT she did win the BoB and kept herself safe this week, so Bacon for you!

Vanessa Rousso – 1 strip of Bacon – I really need to see Vanessa’s DR’s to see what she is really thinking. So far on the feeds, she has been sad & mopey, she’s been pissed & confrontational, and she’s been happy and cheerful (not that oftem, but we’ve seen it here & there). Is this all her poker bluffing, or is her brain really that scrambled by playing this game against this crew of crazies. At the poker table, the ultimate decisions are all mathematical risks/ rewards. In Big Brother, you have to factor in irrational behavior.

Meg Maley – 1 strip of Bacon – Meg has kept her crazy in check – which is kind of easy to do in a house of crazier people. She has planted some seeds around the house and is growing great relationships all over. Eventually she will be seen as a threat – but as long as she stays chill, she will get far into the game!

Audrey Middleton – 1 strip of Tofu – Audrey came to play – and play she did. All signs point to her winning the next HoH – but with the BoB twist, will she remain HoH? She has kept everyone on their toes and seems to have some allies – so the next week is critical. I still think she will be around for a little while.

Austin Matelson – 2 strips of Tofu – getting the save this week probably kept the bullseye off of him and Jace was the next obvious choice. For the first few days, palling around with the most unliked person in the house was not the best bet. He still has time to mend those fences and get back on the good side of the anti-Jace contingency.

Liz Nolan / Julia – 2 strips of Tofu – everyone except for the CBS only viewers know that the Twin Twist involves Liz & her sister Julia. If I was Julia I would be very upset if they did not show her opening scene getting her key. But if the 2 of them knew they were part of the twist, why would they ever try to get into a showmance… with Public Enemy #1 (at the time, maybe Audrey is now).

Clay Honeycutt – 3 strips of Tofu – on BB15 – Andy put a lot of mileage in making sure he was in the middle of every conversation. Clay on the other hand is putting on a lot of mileage being other people’s spy. Getting into a showmance with the Puma Shelli will only put a target on his back sooner.

Shelli Poole – 4 strips of Tofu – Shelli loves Clay. Ummm, that’s all I got.

Jackie Ibarra – 5 strips of Tofu – hello, does she even know what show she is on? Is she still waiting to get to a cluebox so she knows what to do. Sure, against Jace she is probably safe – but Jackie needs to start making some personal relationships if she wants to get far in the game. I feel sorry for whoever has to waste an HoH on her!

That leaves the TOFURKEY of the Week award! Jace Agolli was the front runner for this award the second he appeared on the CBS show. He solidified it when the live feeds kicked in. I wondered preseason if we’d see the chill Cali guy – or the arrogant DBag we saw in his opening interviews. We got the latter! The fact that he thought everyone thought he was hysterical – and then found out later they all were plotting to backdoor you. He’s still got time to save himself – but… I do not think he will!

These first 13 have been pretty interesting – we still have 85 days to go. If this is the type of gameplay we will see all year… then none of us will be getting much sleep this summer!

From outside the Big Brother house… I am Adam Poch!

Follow me on Twitter to get more updates as the season progresses twitter.com/heavymetalteddy.

I am also part of the wonderful Hearts of Reality fundraiser this August with several other Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race Alumni. Click here to make a donation & find out more about this wonderful charity that gives vacations to children with life threatening illness’ & their families http://gktw.convio.net/site/TR?px=1247410&fr_id=1330&pg=personal



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  1. Right now, thinking that Day and Jason have the best chance, along with John.

  2. So happy that Adam gave 4 strips of bacon to Steve. My grandmotherly instincts have taken over and I have him cuddled underneath my arm ~ not to worry, no doubt he’ll be ‘flying about’ soon.

    • Cuddles, I am a grandmother as well! My 2 granddaughters and their best friend are coming over tonight to watch BB with me! The girls got hooked on it last year when I suggested they give it try! (Thank heavens I didn’t suggest it last year!)

      • WOW ~ hi Haley ~ I recognized your name ~ I responded to your comment on usweekly about Kathie Lee’s daughter. Welcome to BBN. Sounds like you’re going to have a wonderful visit with your granddaughters. I envy you ~ Hope to see you again!

      • Became a first-time grandmother myself 18 mos ago to a redhead girl who looks just like me. I ordered that up special for my blonde daughter! :-)

  3. If I didn’t know better, I would not believe that Jackie was even in the house, but that goes for JMac and Becky also. I understand trying to be laid back at first so you can get a better read on the other HGs, but to stay in the shadows is different. I understand it is impossible without feeds to have a clear take of exactly how they are interacting with others, but even reading Jokers, they are mentioned very, very infrequently. To me, not one of these HGs deserve any bacon unless it is uncooked.

    • Jackie..I heard she got hit in the face by a train. Is that true? How do you get hit in the face by a train? I mean…your head will come off!..Is it a toy train? lol

      • I can’t tell if you are being serious(for a change) or not. It wasn’t Jackie was it?

      • lol No.I’m serious..sort of? lol Chic was right. I’m talking about Beckie. I read about it. I don’t mean to be insensitive, but it’s almost like a crow story. Seriously. is it an actual train? Is it a very slow train? lol..ok she looks good..STAY AWAY FROM THE TRACKS!!

      • Really, a slow moving train? Well, that’s what I get for not having feeds or thinking you were messing with me. I had no idea about that. I apologize to you. Everyone knows that you would never be insensitive or insincere. hehe

      • man..I have so much free time starting today till the 4th..so I’m cool today..so hows Karen today?

      • I just spent some time learning the ins and outs of my tractor, practicing taking the front-end loader off and putting it back on. Now we’re having severe storm warnings. Free time? Good for you.

      • I cannot picture you! You are fit! aren’t you? Then you’ll zipline, go to Amazon next year. I mean..

      • Strawberry blonde, naturally, little gray going on,
        5’2″, hazel eyes, 132 lbs. this AM so a little overweight, mostly muscle.hehe I cook a lot. My skinny cyclist husband loves to eat, so I eat. That’s me. Nothing fancy, but I’m cute!!! Haha What do you mean Amazon?

      • I was confused by the Amazon comment too…unless he meant going to the Amazon, which I’m not picturing either. Zip lining in TN, though I did read! Should be fun. I, too, am 5’2″, natural red head with a dash of white streaking (life’s frosting since I’ve never colored my hair) going on but am way overweight due to contracting hypothyroidism 5 years ago..used to look anorexic, but now am sporting a shelf for my puppies atop it, so won’t mention my weight for purposes known only to me..and I’m still cute too as you can see from my rainbow profile pic..recently taken at that! That’s me!

      • Love your pic. I liked the one last year. It is different, right? Redheads get a bad rap. No bad temper here.

      • Yes, it’s slightly different from last year’s! I don’t have a temper here either as I have more Swedish/Polish than Irish in me! :-)

      • haha just kidding about Amazon.Good stats!

        …I should have said African Safari..

      • Speaking of stats, have you seen Jackie in the whorekini yet? I’ve been waiting on a pic. Did I miss it?

      • LOL,OMG, salonpas. NO! I saw someone talking about it on one of the threads. I think it is a red bikini that Jackie has. She is curvy.

      • Happy to hear you and your tractor are forming a mutually beneficial relationship.

      • I don’t think it can be called that yet, but hopefully as soon as these storms stop hitting us, I’m either going to put it to work or it is going to put me to work.

      • Becky was the one who was hit by a train. She said her face had to be almost completely rebuilt. I think she looks great!

      • Yes, Chic, I think you are correct.Cyril is usually a very compassionate and serious person who knows BB backwards and forwards.Must be having an off day.

      • Please know i definitely didn’t mean any disrespect towards Cyril’s comment. I had just read about Becky telling some people in the house about it and I wanted to correct the name….
        although, not to be totally mean, I could see how someone could think it was Jackie. Jackie took a little too much off with her nose job; it just doesn’t look natural anymore. Plus all her botox makes her look a little odd too.

      • Chic, Cyril and I have a very sarcastic but loving(ahem) relationship and are always joking around. In no way did I feel you meant any disrespect and I can guarantee you that Cyril didn’t either. I apologize if I made you feel that way. My fault because you don’t really know how we go on all the time.

      • I have to say that Cyril was correct, it seems. As I said, the knowledge is there. I will never question that again.

      • Becky got her face sideswiped by a tram I heard..not Jackie. Took 7 surgeries to get it where it is today.

    • Lotta flip flopping going on for sure…which uncooked bacon tends to do if you handle it much! hahaha

  4. I feel like Audrey and a few others took lessons from Devin about playing too hard and too fast early..

      • Yeap, good job again. I have a feeling your job won’t be easy, for the next few weeks at least, because there will be lots of up and down for certain HGs. Bacon one week, tofu next week and vice & versa.

    • The major one I’d disagree with is Clay. He’s done quite a bit better playing the game than the majority of the houseguests.

      • But whose game is he playing? He has not come up with ideas on his own.

      • By the way, Ian was in BB14, not BB15. I stopped watching 15 before it ended.

      • It’s week one. It’s a better move when you arent playing on your own. Audrey and James are really the only ones who came up with their own moves this week, and without the protection of HoH, look how horrible that works.

        Hes been great for week 1, becoming friends with almost everyone and establishing himself as valuable to many while being threatening to few. Cruicial for early game position.

  5. Just watched a 20 minute video on YouTube of Jace bullying poor Steve. He made up all these lies and told Steve everyone was calling him geek and 4-eyes behind his back (all lies). My heart was breaking for Steve.

    • I watched it. I pegged him on the first night. The guy is a huge douche nozzle, right down to the knit cap indoors in the summertime! His body language, constant repeating himself. Bullies prey on who they perceive as weak, outcast. You’d never see him try this tactic with Clay, Austin or Jeff. I don’t think that was all game play, I think we saw into who this clown is.

      • Yes! And he has ZERO clue (self-awareness) of how he’s coming across . Like you said, that first night, my first impression of Jace was of someone who was trying just way tooooo hard to be the “cool, carefree, fun guy”. All he did was annoy everyone with his antics (which he thought were awesome and hilarious) and it backfired on him. Hahaha!
        What a douche he is!!!!

    • Ian Terry tweeted about Jace intimidation of Steve. He thinks he’s a douche and he wants him gone.

  6. Steve has my heart in this game. I love his awkwardness because I can relate and I know he’s going to be a big schemer and play a good game. My ideal would be if Steve, John and Da’vonne worked together! That would be epic!

  7. Anyone else want to see Steve and Day work together in a Danielle/Jason type scenario?

  8. What signs point to Audrey winning next HOH? Isn’t it a live competition?

    • The houseguests have openly been saying that production will probably give Audrey all the answers if it’s a comp like that and that it’s rigged. It’s pretty funny but now that they’re openly being called out I don’t think any comp will be rigged.

      this is because they have suspicions that she’s been given information.

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