Allison Grodner said “no twists” this season. Seems Grodner thinks she must be running for election this season because that turned out to be a lie. America, meet your twist for Big Brother 10:
BIG BROTHER 10 will bring back the popular America’s Player segment that debuted in “Big Brother 8,” in which viewers will have the opportunity to vote to decide which current Houseguest will be given the chance to be the new America ‘s Player on Tuesday, July 29 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT).
The Houseguest with the most votes will be offered the chance to become America ‘s Player for one week. If they accept, they will do America ‘s bidding and will have the opportunity to win a total of $20,000. They will be asked to make moves that are both personal and strategic, from getting certain Houseguests nominated for eviction to convincing their fellow Houseguests to vote for who America wants out of the house. Most importantly, they can never tell anyone in the house that they are working on behalf of viewers and they need to be careful… because, just like their fellow Houseguests, they can be voted out at any time. Viewers will be able to vote on or via text messaging from their mobile phone.
So during tonight’s episode of Big Brother 10 we’ll get a chance to vote on who should be “America’s Player”. Who do you want to be our new “Player”??
Get ready to watch it all live and uncensored with the Big Brother 24/7 feeds!
I’m bummed about it. I think it messed things up a bit. I hope that whoever is offered it, declines it.
I’m sorry they decided to go this route as well. However, I doubt most any of them would turn down the offer to make $20K in one week for doing stupid stuff.
That’s a lot of money too. Eric worked all season to earn just a little more than what they’re offering now for one week.
I was going to vote for Renny, because I thought she could pull off doing wacky stuff unnoticed, but I think it’d be more fun to make Jessie do things that could screw his game. I don’t think he’d be good enough at it to mask what he’s doing.
I believe Allison Grodner said there would be no ‘casting’ twists this year…as in two people who know each other, or bringing someone else into the house. She said nothing about game twists.
i just hope it’s Dan…Because he’s so quiet and the most conservative acting and it’d be funniest having HIM doing crazy things..
You’re right, she did say “no casting twists” when asked specifically about “America’s Player”. I guess I took that to mean she wasn’t going to do twists using the cast again like America’s Player. She also said they were going to keep it “fresh”, which I would not take to mean reuse old bits…
Either way, not a big deal as this could be just one week.
“EW: There’s nothing old school about America’s Player. Is that twist out this summer?
Grodner: Casting twists are off the table, but I’m not going to say anything else at this time. You have to keep the game fresh. I think that’s important. These players are die-hard fans so you have to keep them on their toes, as well as the viewers.”
@tendr: It could be Dan who gets it, especially if you look at the way the votes have gone on the survey here.
I guess we’ll know for sure tomorrow night, but maybe not till next week. I can’t remember if they said when it’d be revealed.