Welcome to Big Brother! Maybe? With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic a lot of our regular life events have been left in uncertain terms and that even impacts the entertainment world including CBS’s summer season of Big Brother 22.
Last month the Canadian version of Big Brother was abruptly canceled midseason reminding us that even seemingly isolated settings like the Big Brother house still involves many workers coming in and out of the studio and the house itself leaving everyone at risk. So what does the coronavirus mean for the quickly approaching season and will Big Brother 22 be canceled?
Earlier this week THR published an article stating CBS would be “without new seasons of Big Brother and Love Island [this summer], neither of which had been shot before the world stopped,” but without a source I can’t tell if that’s what the writer was told or if it was her interpretation of the situation. Obviously BB hasn’t filmed yet since that’s not how that works, but is Big Brother really canceled for 2020?
I reached out to a couple of trusted contacts and received an encouraging response. According to a casting producer at Kassting Inc., “we are still moving forward” when asked if applications were being reviewed and selections were being made regarding the upcoming season. “It’s a day to day figuring out as you can imagine, but still moving forward with the show!!”
Fantastic! So CBS hasn’t told Kassting to shut down their work which is encouraging. It’s no promise of a season this summer but we can’t have BB22 without Houseguests so continuing casting is a good sign and right now I think we could all use something encouraging even if it’s just about a little mental escapism like our favorite show.
So what could happen with Big Brother 22 in 2020? Now it’s time for my speculation. Maybe we won’t get a full season. In recent years the season has started in late June which is still 2+ months away but years ago our Big Brother fun didn’t launch until after the Fourth of July each summer. Then take into account how Celebrity Big Brother proved a shorter season can still deliver with an impact.
Maybe things are delayed until July or even August and we get a 6-8 week season instead of 100 days. That wouldn’t be so terrible, right? And while we don’t know what CBS is planning it sounds like they haven’t called off BB22 just yet and with months to go, there could still be accommodations to make this work.
I hope the pandemic improves, lives are saved, and Big Brother 22 arrives. That’s an odd mix of a wishlist, but having some normalcy back in our lives sooner than later would be pretty amazing and that’s what I’m hoping for now.
Stay healthy, stay safe, and keep checking back here for any updates on BB22. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, by Email Updates, and download our Big Brother App for more.
There was no response yet from my CBS press contact but I’ll update that here if we receive any additional responses.