Last night on Big Brother 16, the season’s cast had their first eviction vote as Julie Chen returned on CBS to announce the official results.

We made our own predictions for Thursday’s voted out Houseguest and readers have cast their votes as well. Now it’s time for the HGs’ official tally. As its the first elimination of the season we’re excited to get things rolling with the debut eviction and then an exciting double HoH competition.
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Host Julie Chen reveals the results as we watch one HG walk out the door:
Big Brother 16 Week 1 Votes:
- Devin votes to evict: Joey
- Derrick votes to evict: Joey
- Frankie votes to evict: Joey
- Cody votes to evict: Joey
- Zach votes to evict: Joey
- Brittany votes to evict: Joey
- Nicole votes to evict: Joey
- That’s enough votes. Joey is evicted.
- Christine votes to evict: Joey
- Victoria votes to evict: Joey
- Jocasta votes to evict: Joey
- Hayden votes to evict: Joey
- Amber votes to evict: Joey
- Donny votes to evict: Joey
Big Brother 16 Week 1 Evicted Houseguest:
- Joey Van Pelt evicted 13-0
What do you think of the outcome? Did the HGs make the right choice for eviction? Discuss!
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