Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 2 Thursday Night Highlights


The Big Brother 16 house will be a little less crazy now that Joey has been evicted. Wait, never mind. Scratch that. Devin is still there and he’s HOH.

And as if that weren’t crazy enough in itself, Big Brother moved up nominations, so Amber and Devin spent the night right after their wins figuring out who to nominate for eviction. So it was quite a busy night in the Big Brother 16 house.

Read on to find out about what else happened on the Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Thursday night after the live show finished and we got to look back inside the house again.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, July 3, 2014:

7:11PM BBT – Feeds return. It’s a calm house. Cody looks upset having just been named HOH and then having it taken back. He gets called to the diary room.

7:15 PM BBT – Jocasta is crying because she didn’t do well in the competition. She thinks she’ll be going up on the block.

7:16 PM BBT – Derrick also thinks he might go up since he was the first guy out of the competition.

7:23 PM BBT – Caleb tells Amber if Derrick goes up to put him up with him. He thinks they could win Battle of the Block, dethrone her and let Devin get all the blood on his hands this week.

7:25 PM BBT – Devin tells Caleb he wants to nominate Brittany and Paola, with Brittany as the obvious target.

8:00 PM BBT – Brittany is really upset that Devin won HOH. She knows she’s going to go up and she thinks he’ll bully everyone into voting to evict her unanimously.

9:04 PM BBT – Hayden is in the lice costume from the veto competition singing heavy metal.

9:42 PM BBT – Devin and Amber get to see their HOH rooms. Both read their letters and Devin shows his picture of his daughter.

10:01 PM BBT – “Nominations Today” is on the TV screen in the living room!

10:10 PM BBT – Derrick noticed that nominations are tonight, so he goes and tells the others. People start freaking out.

10:20 PM BBT – Amber and Devin are talking about who to nominate. Both have eliminated Donny as an option.

10:25 PM BBT – Frankie starts crying because he misses his sister.

10:30 PM BBT – Caleb, Frankie and Derrick join Amber and Devin in the HOH room to talk about nominations. Devin wants to put up Brittany and Paola. Amber wants Hayden and Paola. So if Devin gets to go first, Amber needs another girl to nominate. Derrick suggests Nicole. You can tell Amber really doesn’t want to, but she might be her only option. Talk then turns to Nicole, but Derrick is pushing for Nicole.

11:03 PM BBT – Devin tells Cody the nominees will be Brittany, Paola, Nicole and Hayden.

11:30 PM BBT – Devin talking to Nicole in the HOH room. He basically tells her she’s going up but she doesn’t need to worry because she isn’t the target and won’t be going home.

12:20 AM BBT – Devin asks Paola to throw the BotB comp so they can make sure Brittany goes home. He pinky swears that he’ll save her with the Veto if he wins it.

2:12 AM BBT – Feeds return. Amber nominated Hayden & Nicole. Devin nominated Brittany & Paola.

2:20 AM BBT – Devin confirms to Hayden and Nicole that Brittany is the target.

2:40 AM BBT – Brittany and Paola in the Hive. Brittany knows she’s the target.

3:00 AM BBT – Caleb explains to Hayden and Nicole they are not the targets and not to worry.

3:05 AM BBT – Messages start playing over the speakers. HGs try to remember all of them. They’re college themed (playing off Thursday’s HoH comp?).

3:15 AM BBT – Devin plans to renom Victoria if he has to pick someone.

4:00 AM BBT – Nicole is trying to write down the messages. Hayden is studying with her.

4:30 AM BBT – Victoria complains that she can’t get any sleep if they keep playing these messages. Everyone shouts “that’s the point!” Victoria had never seen BBUS.

4:55 AM BBT – Feeds cut to Fishies (well, Jeffies) and the Battle of the Block is underway!

6:30 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Hayden & Nicole won the Battle of the Block. This was to be expected.

6:35 AM BBT – Devin trying to calm Paola down. She’s upset at Victoria telling her she had to win the comp. Pao threw it. Devin tells her not to get upset at Vic. That’s because Devin wants everyone to stay focused on his goal: evicting Brittany.

6:40 AM BBT – Victoria retelling Jocasta that Devin made gun gestures at Brittany after she lost.

7:10 AM BBT – Cody, Zach, Derrick, & Christine want to keep Brittany and vote out Paola. They worry about Paola being an anchor in future BotB comps.

7:45 AM BBT – Cody and Derrick tell Brittany they’re going to fight to keep her in the house if they can get more support to make it happen.

9:20 AM BBT – Donny gets up and joins Hayden & Cody. They agree to work together. Donny wants each of them to get a side alliance member to bring in. He says he’ll get Jocasta to join them. All agree. They discuss keeping Brittany over Paola.

10:00 AM BBT – HGs finally getting some sleep.

So a lot will happen fast over the next couple days. Who will win Battle of the Block? Which HOH will remain in power? And which houseguest will be the next to head out the door next Thursday? And will we all remain sane with Devin as HOH if he holds on to the power? We’ll find out soon enough.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. So just a couple of things that really have nothing to do with the episode …

    1. Is Frankie’s sister really that famous? I had to google her and means nothing to me, but not my kind of music. Will anyone care if they find out who his sister is?

    2. Also, I find this year’s house to be so visually unappealing. Not a great set. Might have been interesting for a shot or two, but for a whole summer?

    • Almost no one in the house would know who Adrianne Grande is. Her demographic is too young to be a HG in Big Brother. Frankie will be more famous than her after this is over (at least among adults).

    • 1. I had to google her myself. She is very popular amongst the teens crowd. She has 16,3 millions followers on twitter. Hollywood star like Samuel L. Jackson has 4 millions. Brittany’s 3 children are probably very excited about this. She is like Hannah Montana before she became Miley Cyrus.

      2. I agree with you. Probably the worst decor they had so far.

    • Don’t listen to these people. Ariana Grande is very famous. She does have a young demographic, but nonetheless she is very well known.

  2. 1 observation about the house. As much as they get for commercials as many seasons as they have had, don’t you think they could afford another bathroom? I mean really have you ever stayed (or lived) with a bunch of people. 2 toilets come on that’s crazy.

  3. Devin is a weirdo, for sure, but who gives a flying flip if he made “gun gestures?!” My brother did that, too, when we played army as kids, for crying out loud. Now, if he had a REAL gun………………………….

  4. Well that was an interesting night, I reckon the feeds were crazy. Sucks that I didn’t get to watch due to personal matters. *sigh*

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