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Aaryn reasoning didn’t make sense. If she was really after “revenge” than why go after Helen? I get Elissa, but why not put Amanda on the block. Amanda had more to do with getting David out than Helen. And why was Aaryn “offended” by Helen talking strategy with her? Aaryn’s stay hopefully will be over soon.
I was really proud of CBS to air Aaryn’s comments last night :D
At least now, for those who don’t know, America will use that to make a better decision for MVP
Also I HOPE Howard loses his temper, but not enough to get kicked out
Aaryn needs to know “ish” like that isn’t acceptable, and it’s offensive
“Also I HOPE Howard loses his temper, but not enough to get kicked out”
Aaryn goes around and thinks it’s acceptable to talk like that and thinks no one is offended or speak up
If Howard were to , IDK, call her out, then maybe she will see the error of her ways and stop all of this :)
Howard is already a target because he’s a strong physical competitor and he’s smart. If he starts screaming in Aaryn’s face he’d become a bigger target because Aaryn doesn’t strike me as the type that likes being yelled at.
I can’t stand Jeremy, but why is it okay for him to get in a woman’s face but not okay for Howard? I agree with every thing you are saying though. Just wanted to make a point.
I don’t think it’s Okay. I said if he did it he’d become a bigger target because Aaryn doesn’t like it and it would be wrong.
You’re right, Aaryn doesn’t like being yelled at……and coming from a black person?..OMG no !!
Aaryn reasoning didn’t make sense. If she was really after “revenge” than why go after Helen? I get Elissa, but why not put Amanda on the block. Amanda had more to do with getting David out than Helen. And why was Aaryn “offended” by Helen talking strategy with her? Aaryn’s stay hopefully will be over soon.
I was really proud of CBS to air Aaryn’s comments last night :D
At least now, for those who don’t know, America will use that to make a better decision for MVP
Also I HOPE Howard loses his temper, but not enough to get kicked out
Aaryn needs to know “ish” like that isn’t acceptable, and it’s offensive
“Also I HOPE Howard loses his temper, but not enough to get kicked out”
Aaryn goes around and thinks it’s acceptable to talk like that and thinks no one is offended or speak up
If Howard were to , IDK, call her out, then maybe she will see the error of her ways and stop all of this :)
Howard is already a target because he’s a strong physical competitor and he’s smart. If he starts screaming in Aaryn’s face he’d become a bigger target because Aaryn doesn’t strike me as the type that likes being yelled at.
I can’t stand Jeremy, but why is it okay for him to get in a woman’s face but not okay for Howard? I agree with every thing you are saying though. Just wanted to make a point.
I don’t think it’s Okay. I said if he did it he’d become a bigger target because Aaryn doesn’t like it and it would be wrong.
You’re right, Aaryn doesn’t like being yelled at……and coming from a black person?..OMG no !!