The heat was turned way up yesterday in the Big Brother 15 house. We saw an alliance start to crumble, a HG hangout without her top, some heavy romance, and a plan for the MVP renom come together under misguided direction.
Remember that you can check out any of these moments by using the Live Feedsย flashback/archive feature.
Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights โ Sunday, July 7, 2013:
11:10AM BBT – Spencer & Andy talking in backyard as others slowly get up. Andy pushing to keep Elissa and explains his logic. Spencer wants her gone, but he can’t explain it’s because of his Moving Company alliance.
11:45AM BBT – Judd is convinced Nick is a twist or plant by production.
12:00PM BBT – Elissa is testing the water for a Nick renom now that Jeremy has the Veto and will save himself.
1:55PM BBT – Spencer is still pushing his plan to get rid of Amanda. Why he’s doing that now is beyond me. He’s talking to Helen about Amanda.
2:35PM BBT – The photo booth is open and HGs are taking pictures. We get an up close view of what they’re seeing inside the booth.
3:00PM BBT – McCrae warns Amanda to keep a low profile. He’s heard talk of her being targeted and is trying to protect her.
4:50PM BBT – Andy is pushing Howard now to save Elissa, but Howard doesn’t sound interested.
7:45PM BBT – Andy warns Nick about a potential renom, but assures him he’ll be safe. Nick doesn’t like it.
8:30PM BBT – Aaryn and GinaMarie talking game in HoH room. The Mean Girls alliance has just seen it’s first bit crumble. Aaryn wants Kaitlin out so she can have Jeremy to herself to win competitions. She wants to keep it secret from everyone but the two of them. Now we have to hope Elissa renoms Kaitlin instead of Nick for some added drama this week.
8:40PM BBT – Aaryn hints to Andy that she would like Kaitlin gone. Andy talks about Candice, thinking that’s a bigger target for Aaryn. If Andy reports this Kaitlin option back to Elissa or Helen things could get interesting.
9:30PM BBT – Jessie puts herself in that category with comments speculating Amanda is rich because she is Jewish.
10:45PM BBT – Aaryn trying out her anti-Kaitlin approach with Jeremy, but he isn’t interested.
11:02PM BBT – Amanda begins wandering the house in just a towel and a hat with little else. The HGs get a little crazy as Amanda puts on a band-aid bikini and the other girls do stripteases in the backyard.
12:00AM BBT – Kaitlin & Jeremy getting very intimate with lots of moaning and groaning. You can decide how far they went.
12:10AM BBT – Elissa thinks she has enough votes to evict Nick if she renoms him. Right now, she does not.
1:00AM BBT – Elissa confronts Nick. Hints that he is likely the renom. Noo! Renom Kaitlin, Elissa!
Elissa is being lied to about support for evicting Nick. The Moving Company won’t let it happen and it’ll be Elissa’s undoing if she goes with a Nick renom. Based on Aaryn’s comments to several HGs, Elissa would have a far better chance of survival if she puts Kaitlin up for eviction, something we’ve been advocating for days.
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Someone needs to relay the Kaitlin eviction plan to Helen so she could pass it on to Elissa. Quick!
I don’t understand how Andy didn’t pick up on that comment from Aaryn any better. Then GM is completely missing her chance to try and protect Nick by telling him to get Elissa to renom Kaitlin instead. These HGs stink at strategy!
Why doesn’t Aaryn do it herself ? Call Elissa and tell her: “Here’s how you save yourself.”
Aaryn doesn’t do it because you have to have at least 2 brain cells cohabitating to be able to think strategy.
You would think, but Andy always seems to have Candice on the brain. Her name’s constantly at the forefront of his ‘hitlist’…
These girls have really showed themselves to be a really “classy” bunch!
You took the words right out of my mouth. This is seriously the skankiest bunch ever.
when is the renom?
That’s coming up later today:
Ugh I used to like amanda…
Personally, I think Gina Marie would make a better renom for Elissa and quite possibly split the vote down the line. For one thing, Gina Marie and Aaryn are the biggest racists in the house. Howard and Candace probably will vote her out given the chance. Add to that, Amanda, Andy, McCrae and Judd and anything is possible. Also, the other house guests know by now that Elissa has the sympathy vote of the viewing public so, they know that there could be a backlash against them if Elissa is evicted! Let us face it. The viewing public will be there even if Elissa is evicted and they decide who gets MVP. I for one will vote for MVP for the enemies of the racist bunch to get them out of the game—-the sooner, the better. Elissa please zip it because you do not want to stir the pot. Move quietly and nominate Gina Marie and you might yet, survive another week.
Even the Moving Company individually will see the wisdom of getting a racist player out of the game. They know that being associated with Gina Marie or Aaryn will get them a backlash from the viewing public. Something that does not help their game. Gina Marie is expendable—-go get rid of her now!
Would the MC be exposed this week by the vote if Elissa leaves?
Helen & Candice already suspect them. MC might be exposed, but with their strength it probably wouldn’t matter.
the only reason candice is suspecting anything is becuase she does not know about the other 2 alliances becuase she is a floater. helen is in an alliance with Spencer, Howard, And McCrae so Andy would tell her to stop with the suspicisions. Anyway, Candice is the least liked player after Elissa, So she would probobly go next week
Can’t blame Nick for running from the girls. I would too. lol
Jessie comes off as a stalker in that montage with Nick. Reminds me of Rose…
A 2 1/2 men reference? Or another Rose?
Two and a Half Men reference
such great gameplay from elissa this week re-nomming nick like that. we should give her MVP every week… (sarcasm)
I really really hope Elissa chickens out of renoming Nick last minute, or someone (Helen) hears about the fact that the Katilin alliiance is crumbling.
If Kaitlin goes up she might be going home. Please BB Gods, let the dark side lose a player this week.
I really hope that Elissa wakes up and puts Kaitlin up. That is her only chance at staying in the game. If she puts up Nick, unless Candice can rally up the house and figure out the moving company. Than Elissa WILL be leaving with out a doubt
Candice is shady
they wont believe her
She talked to Helen. If Helen and Candice can rally up the house then maybe just maybe Elissa can stay but it really looks like Elissa is done this week.
I Like Nick. Also helen believes in her alliance more than candice. if you watched the live feed andy told helen to trust spencer cuz he was in their group
Matt what happen to your section of resque screen shots
I don’t understand why the comment I am trying to post on here keeps disappearing….any reason for that, Matt?
I have watched one show this season and I have the Live Feeds. I don’t watch any more. I read the articles on BB Network and that’s about it because I am so sick of this group. I wish the producers would have made better choices for house guests but whatever.