As part of the latest BB15 HoH competition the HGs were fighting not only for the power to pick the nominations but also to avoid a punishment.
The last place players, those with the fewest eggs in their basket at the end, would be stuck with either a chicken or bunny suit. Viewers voted live and the chicken suit won out, but now that we know who got the suits I’m kinda wishing they had been bunnies!
Spencer and Judd came in last place and after a trip to the DR they returned to show off their new feathers. Everyone loved their costumes, well, except for the guys wearing it!
It’ll just be for two short days so enjoy it while you can. Spencer has already been busy making chicken jokes and I’d guess Judd will get over the embarrassment soon enough to have some fun with it. At least neither is alone in the situation!
Which HGs would you have wanted to see wearing the chicken suits?
#teampedophile ? Really????
Amanda and McCray in the suits perfecto
Why is Spncer the pervert still in the house?
he’ll be going after amanda and mc.
That Spencer chicken could feed a elementary school for a day…..
It would have been perfect for McCranda to wear them. It would put a dent in their gross sex things. But production would have to burn them after the 48 hours were up…yikes!
McCranda are horrible. Elissa should win, she does a lot of good that CBS wont cover. She teaches yoga to stressed out NASA engineers, which they have affectionately nicked themselves, Spacedicks. Kind a play on words, being jerks and what have you when they get stressed out. Google it and you’ll see for yourself.
I’d rather see Andy in the suit, yellow matches his personality!
I wanted bunny suits. This season is ruined. I’m not watching anymore. This show sucks it’s so rigged.
(Sarcasm/mocking for those who couldn’t tell)