Tonight On ‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’: Power Of Veto Competition

Celebrity Big Brother on CBS

Celebrity Big Brother 2019 is back tonight for its third episode which amazingly means the season with be nearly a quarter over already and has barely just started! This is a quick season of Big Brother so be sure not to wander off or you could miss a lot.

It’s been an interesting start to the season as we saw Ryan take the win as the first Head of Household followed by Jonathan, Anthony, and Tom being sent to the Block. And while our first expected eviction is on Friday it seems one Houseguest couldn’t wait that long.

Yes, one of the celebs appears to have left the game and we don’t know why or how it happened. Hopefully, we get some answers in tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother but the mystery may continue past that but will be answered is how all the latest Power of Veto events played out.

There are three nominees and the chance for one of them to find safety in the arms of the Veto, or at least by way of an ally winning it and putting it to good use. At the moment we know the Veto Ceremony hasn’t been held so it’s most likely we won’t see that as part of tonight’s show but we should get the competition included. Then with all the extra time perhaps they’ll address what happened with the one HG who couldn’t stick around.

This will be a one-hour episode starting at 8/7c so we’ll be back here at 8PM ET so be sure to join us then for a live chat on this post with other Big Brother fans.

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