Celebrity Big Brother 2019: Veto Plans In Round 1

Last night we got a lot of information offย of the Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feeds including the news that one of the HGs has already left the game and which of the HGs is the Power of Veto winner this round. After finding all of this out, there was a short conversation about what was going to be done with the Power of Veto at the Veto Meeting coming up a little later today.

Tom Green seems to be a little clueless about how this game really works and he talks Kato Kaelin last night on the feeds to see if he was helping or hurting his own game. Tom goes to Kato (at 11:18 pm BBT on cams 3/4) and tells him that he thinks he is making strategic errors in his game. He mentions how he feels like he is talking too much, about the situation with Anthony and talking about the game openly with people. He also talks about how there was talking or signaling through the comp between them, neither of them is completely sure that they are even allowed to do that.

Tom mentions how the lack of working together in the POV comp didn’t matter because Kato won. Going into the comp they had already decided that if Kato won he would use it to take Tom off the block.ย Tom seems to be getting into his own head a lot about gameplay and how he should be playing compared to how he is actually playing. Sounds like this week he is going to be safe from eviction, but this could potentially put a huge target on his back if he starts to annoy the people he is working with.

What do you think of Kato’s plan to save Tom? Who do you think Ryan should put up as a renom? Make sure you come back later to find out what happens during the Veto Meeting!

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