Celebrity Big Brother 2019’s Live Feeds arrived last night as the Houseguests were set and ready for us as we had our first steady stream that wasn’t going to cut away after just a short sneak peek like the earlier teases. Now we’re up and running for the rest of CBB2 so make sure to join us, watch the HGs along with us, and read our daily highlights for everything going on.
Don’t miss your chance to watch along with us. The season is just getting started and that’ll run less than a month (check the schedule) so you can watch all the fun for less than $6.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
9:00 PM BBT – Feeds are here! House split between ladies upstairs in the tub and others downstairs playing cards.
9:05 PM BBT – Big Brother pages HGs to the “Diary Room upstairs.” That’s new. Two DRs this year.
9:20 PM BBT – Storage is stocked with wine, but HGs are going for coffee instead. Card games continue.
9:30 PM BBT – Tamar comments “Brother Mooch, you tried.” Tom questions if they can discuss that.
9:43 PM BBT – HGs question why Mooch’s memory wall photo isn’t grayed out. The discussion suggests Anthony has left the game.
10:10 PM BBT – The backyard is open. Ryan heads out for his endless pool swim.
10:20 PM BBT – HGs mention the Veto ceremony is set for Wednesday.
10:36 PM BBT – Jonathan and Joey discuss how Ryan will have to do more nominations and waiting for what Kato will do with the Veto.
10:47 PM BBT – Tom asks if they’re allowed to talk about what happened with The Mooch. Kato suggests Mooch was some kind of mole and none of them were in on it. Feeds cut, signaling production doesn’t want them talking about it.
10:50 PM BBT – Things are getting heated with Kandi and Tamar in the bedroom. Ricky is trying to tune it out.
10:56 PM BBT – Kandi leaves the room and Tamar is really upset with her. She tells Natalie and Ricky that she’s going to vote Kandi out because Kandi is being shady now that the Live Feeds are on.
11:01 PM BBT – Tamar says that Kandi was trying to make it look like Tamar doesn’t get along with people, especially females. Tamar says she has four sisters so that is not true. She again says that Kandi has got to go and she’s voting her out. Ricky says voting her out isn’t going to mean she actually goes home.
11:10 PM BBT – Tamar says she’s not having fun anymore and is over the game already.
11:20 PM BBT – Tom and Kato discuss Kato winning the veto and the plan to remove Tom from the block.
11:48 PM BBT – Ricky tells Natalie and Lolo that Tamar is overplaying the situation. He says it was a normal conversation and Kandi didn’t really do anything.
12:05 AM BBT – Lolo and Natalie review events and mention there was a second Veto competition (Kato won that) after Ricky won the first comp and Kandi was renom’d in Anthony’s place.
12:25 AM BBT – Lolo worries Tamar isn’t coming back from the DR.
1:25 AM BBT – Natalie offers Tom a deal of safety from her, Tamar, and Lolo should any of them win HOH.
1:40 AM BBT – Tom reports back to Kato about the safety deal.
2:00 AM BBT – HGs are slowly heading off to bed.
Well that was a busy first night! The Mooch vanished under mysterious circumstances which may never be fully explained. Then Tamar and Kandi did exactly what production must have hoped they’d do and started fighting. There’s some good drama potential there.
We’ve got a plan in the works for the Veto ceremony on Wednesday and it sounds like Tom should be safe. Keep an eye out for those results going official later.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.