Tonight On Big Brother 24: HOH & Nominations

New BB episode on Sunday

Big Brother 24 is back tonight at 8:30/7:30c with the latest Head of Household competition and nominations for the Final Five HGs. Note the 30-minute delay for NFL games today, but that could still be extended if needed.

The dust was still settling from the Double Eviction event where we saw Terrance and Michael knocked out in succession when it was time to crown a new HOH and this was a doozy of a competition.

Feeds were cut for hours overnight Thursday as the HGs performed in an individual competition of the black box. Set in a “Horror Fest” the HGs would need to work their way through the dark to board up a house while under the threat of a slasher villain trying to get them. It was so intense that one HG decided to tap out and not finish due to anxiety. Should be an interesting one to watch!

So we’ve got our Final Five HGs with Alyssa, Brittany, Monte, Taylor, and Turner. One of these HGs will soon be $750K richer in just two weeks from tonight. Yes, the Big Brother 24 season finale is going to be on a Sunday night which is nice because they won’t have to share the night with Survivor and that gives us more time to what’s sometimes a rushed event.

The Feeds have been keeping us entertained this season so be sure to keep a watch on that. Stay up on the latest with our Feed Highlights Report and get all the top events from what’s going on.

Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast at 8:30PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter!



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