Tonight On Big Brother 24: Double Eviction As Final 5 Revealed

Julie Chen on Big Brother 24

Welcome to Double Eviction Day for Big Brother 24! It’s a double dose live show tonight with a two-hour runtime, yes another two-hour show, when things kick off at 9/8c with the Final 7 Houseguests facing an easy vote to start the night but things could get choppy from there.

Terrance and Alyssa are on the Block and Terrance remains the target to go. The voters met the other day and all agreed that Terrance posed a greater threat to win another competition than Alyssa did and so with their priorities straight they set out on the next round target.

HGs suspect we could get a Double tonight and they’ll get clued in as it gets closer if they’re paying attention. So when they do know for sure I’m interested to see if Monte and Turner, possibly along with Taylor and Brittany, will decide to swing at Michael tonight when he’s vulnerable in the second eviction. Michael will likely need to win this Veto tonight or else he’ll be a no-brainer to renom and evict. And if the HGs pass on the opportunity then they’ve got no one else to blame on finale night.

I’m also hoping we’ll finally get a look at the Jury house which is racking up its members and still remains in the dark over the latest there. I imagine we can all look forward to a miraculous recovery by Jasmine now that she’s out of the main house. And what about Joseph being trapped there with her and Indy? I’m looking forward to the big ol’ smile on Joseph’s face when Kyle followed him in the next week too. With TWO hours to fill tonight, I’m thinking our odds are good for some dedicated time to the Jury crew.

What do you hope to see happen in tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? We’ll soon see who wins this next big competition with our spoilers to follow!

Join us back here on the site tonight at 9PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter for more updates!



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