Tonight On Big Brother 21: Power of Veto Events

New Big Brother episode on Wednesday

Big Brother 21 is back tonight at 9/8c with the latest set of Veto events sending the BB21 HGs to the Big Brother Farm for a little barnyard chaos for those with a chance to change up Holly’s nominations of Sam and Nick this round.

With the Shooters back in charge of the game the options to target are dwindling and these were the obvious choices. Despite the Shooters starting to doubt and question their own alliance it seems too much for any of them to make the move.

We’ve got the second to last round tonight of Christie’s chance to use her power to change up the renom with combined with the Veto power. Watch to see whether it gets used or goes back in its back for its final week.

If you can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode then check out the Veto Comp and Veto Ceremony results to find out who will be our final noms of the week. Then on Thursday, we’ll get the live vote and eviction with the last eviction just ahead of the Jury.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 9 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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