The houseguests spent Tuesday night in the Big Brother 21 house sipping on some booze as more and more cracks formed in the Six Shooter alliance. Sam did some light campaigning, but it seems like he knows it’s pretty much a lost cause at this point.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, July 30, 2019:
3:00 PM BBT – HGs are all hanging out outside. General chit-chat going on.
4:42 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson she’s growing more annoyed with Sis and she knows Sis is still upset about losing the HOH to Holly.
5:05 PM BBT – Holly and Jackson talk about laying low and hoping that of their alliance Christie and Jack are targeted first. Holly thinks no one will touch Tommy for a long time and he will get far in the game.
5:10 PM BBT – Now Holly has decided that people would be too afraid to take a shot at Christie and Jack and would probably target herself and Sis. Jackson says Sis would go in that scenario because she has a terrible attitude. Holly says she thinks people would keep Sis over herself.
5:18 PM BBT – Holly says Sis has been really distant from her lately. Jackson says he’s getting the opposite. Holly says it’s probably because Sis is not getting enough attention from Jack.
5:20 PM BBT – Nick and Cliff talk about not trying anything against the big alliance because that could screw them over in the double eviction. Nick says they might be screwed regardless but he’s trying his best to get back in good with them.
5:24 PM BBT – Cliff tells Nick if they want to play it safe with the others, they would expect them to put up Nicole and Jessica. Nick says he doesn’t want to put Nicole up, though. Cliff says he doesn’t want to do that either. They agree they like Jessica, but she’s never going to be any help to them and is more on the other side anyway.
5:30 PM BBT – Nick says worst-case HOH this week would be Jack, Jackson or Sis. Cliff says Jack or Sis would be the worst. Nick asks Cliff who he would put up next to Jessica. Cliff says he’s only options would be Kat or Nicole. Nick asks Cliff if he would put Jack up. Cliff says he wouldn’t do it without asking Christie if it’s OK.
5:43 PM BBT – Kat tells Christie that she’s nervous because she knows that Sis wants Sam to stay. Christie says not to worry because Sis told her she knows she has to vote Sam out. Christie tells her that Holly wouldn’t let Kat go on her HOH.
6:31 PM BBT – Sis tells Tommy that she enjoys Sam’s company and it sucks that he has to go.
6:35 PM BBT – Tommy asks Sis if she still likes Jack. She says more every day but she knows she’s setting herself to get hurt because he’s still in love with his ex.
6:54 PM BBT – Kat, Holly, and Jessica discuss Sis. Kat says she’s playing too hard and Holly says she doesn’t respect how Sis is playing the game and mentions that Sis has been more flirtatious with Jackson lately. Jessica says that’s surprising to her but Holly says, not really because flirting is Sis’s main gameplay.
7:02 PM BBT – Kat thinks that Jack is on Sis flirting with everyone. She thinks that’s part of their game plan. Kat asks if Sis and Jack are going to flip the vote this week. Holly and Jessica say no way.
7:16 PM BBT – Holly is annoyed that Sis is supposed to be her closest ally, but she has spent days trying to save Holly’s target. Kat says Sis isn’t playing Big Brother, she’s playing a high school mean girl.
7:34 PM BBT – Sam and Sis talk about the vote. Sis tells him that if Holly told her she wanted Sam to stay, she would vote for him to stay. Sam says Holly said she wants him to stay but that’s not what the house wants.
7:25 PM BBT – Kat is annoyed that Nick referred to her and Holly as Jackson’s “body count.” She tells Jackson that was disrespectful and she would nominate him for that if she wins HOH.
8:00 PM BBT – Jackson has been talking about the perception that he is disrespectful to women. He tells Kat if he ever disrespects her to let him know. He then asks Jessica if he’s disrespectful. She says she’s not the right girl to ask because she has older brothers. Jessica tells him she thinks there are other men in the house who are more disrespectful.
8:06 PM BBT – Jackson tells Holly, Kat, and Jessica that it breaks his heart that anyone would say he is disrespectful toward women.
8:58 PM BBT – HGs have gotten a booze delivery.
9:30 PM BBT – Everyone hanging out outside, chatting and drinking their beer and wine.
10:15 PM BBT – Sam is working on his campaign plan. Next stop is to talk with Christie and Jack. He’s also got a revised speech that he wants to test out.
10:35 PM BBT – Holly and Kat discuss Jackson’s disrespectful behavior. Holly says it’s his biggest turnoff. Kat thinks it’s his immaturity. Kat suggests Sis is raising the issue just to help with her own agenda.
10:45 PM BBT – Sam continued to work with Nicole on his speech. Christie interrupts to let them know Jack and Sis are having sex in the shower again.
11:40 PM BBT – Kat shares with Holly that Christie wants to renom Jackson with her power.
11:45 PM BBT – Nick warns Jack that since they’re both big targets if Jack gets him (N) out then the target will just shift over to Jack. Nick promises he doesn’t want to get him out.
12:00 AM BBT – Sam, Nick, and Nicole discuss Bella’s departure. Nick knows he can’t trust the others and has to win this HOH.
12:25 AM BBT – Christie promises Jack she’s going to stop talking so much. She says she hasn’t talked game today. Christie’s plan is to only talk with Tommy and Jack.
12:40 AM BBT – Holly updates that the bedsheets have been washed after she thought the problem was bed bugs and mentions how the hot tub gave her a rash too. Others point out if it was bed bugs it would have spread to others by now.
1:30 AM BBT – Sam still going over votes with Nicole and thinks he might be able to flip it.
1:45 AM BBT – Jackson notes to Jack that he’ll be okay if Nick wins HOH but Nick won’t be so safe in return if he wins HOH.
1:50 AM BBT – Jackson is frustrated and believes Sis is trying to split up Jackson and Holly. He thinks Sis just wants all the guys to want her instead. Jackson says Sis reminds him of a lot of his ex-girlfriends.
1:55 AM BBT – Jackson suspects Sam hasn’t really done anything and that his real crime was knowing too much about Christie and Tommy’s game and that’s why they want him out.
2:30 AM BBT – Jess lets Nicole know that Sis pushed for her (N) to go up instead of Kat.
3:10 AM BBT – Nicole tells Jess the house will keep Kat because she’s easier to control than Sam.
4:30 AM BBT – Jackson is back up and cooking again.
5:00 AM BBT – Everyone is asleep.
The majority remains set on evicting Sam this week but he hasn’t given up and appears determined to continue to campaign until the end. Meanwhile, the Shooters continue to be suspicious of one another and will be on edge heading into this next HOH comp.
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