Tonight On ‘Big Brother 19’: Special Penultimate Episode

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19 special episode

Big Brother 19 is back tonight on CBS and CBS All Access (8/7c) but this may not be nearly as exciting as Julie Chen suggested at the end of last night’s live eviction. The Final 3 have been settled and they’re already on their way to the F2, but I don’t think we’ll be getting much of that action in this second to last episode of the season.

In past years our final Sunday show has been the throwaway “memory lane” event as the F3 enjoys a fancy brunch and reflects on the season behind them. But hey didn’t we just do that four weeks ago? Why yes we did. But with Sunday on CBS being taken over by the Emmys this week they’ve shifted this episode up to today. I still think that’s exactly what we’ll get tonight again with more “hey, do you remember that thing that happened last week?!”

Julie Chen mentioned we’d see the start of the Final HoH’s Round 1 competition and what that most likely means is quite literally we’ll see its start and that’s it. Last year was the first year I can remember in more than a decade of Big Brother where we were denied seeing the Round 1 endurance comp on the Feeds, then CBS teased us with just a minute of the challenge before saving the rest of its edited version for the finale show. Well guess what happened again last night?

Just like last year we were denied the endurance battle on the Feeds overnight, but you can read our spoilers on who won Round 1 of the Final HoH. Since CBS seems to think we’ll skip the finale episode if we see too much of Round 1 before then I’m guessing we’ll again only get a short glimpse.

We’ll be watching tonight’s episode because, well we kinda have to!, but it might be more of a DVR-now-watch-later destined episode just so you’re fully warned. Either way we’ll do a recap and have the details for you later tonight. The real action lies ahead with the season finale on Wednesday, September 20th at 8/7c with a two-hour event along with the final spoilers of the season coming up with the second round of the Final HoH competition and we’re expecting that news this Saturday.

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  1. hoping they air more footage from the jury house and Kevin’s entrance … they seem be having more game-talk in the jury house then they did in BB house

    • Can’t wait for the live show and what Raven and all the rest of them have to say. I don’t understand Matt and his attraction to Raven. Mindboggling!

      • I’ve tried to figure out matt. The only explanation is he came from an overachieving family, went off to good colleges, graduate school, got a great but stressful career and too a leave of absence to relive his frat boy stress free days. I think he doesn’t care what people think and will spend some time traveling with raven, just drinking, sex, and lying on the beach. Then hopefully he gets out of his midlife or early life crisis and goes back to his career and a stable relationship.

      • Matt has mental issues as well. That was clear to see in the BB house. No one in their right mind would be attracted to such a mental case unless they were one themself!

      • Want till they see everything online about her. To be a fly on that wall would be priceless. If they read things together I can just imagine the craziness matt will have to put up with.

      • Raven rattles on and on and Matt just sits there like a doormat. Matt needs to run as fast as he can from Raven once the BB show is over.

    • Of course they should be reflecting on the game and mistakes. No more blindsides but light arguments (like Raven’s puppet fight).
      Remember Matt saying he was going to call Cody out in the jury.
      Cody can perhaps put aside the hates with other HGs who can literally see his view about Paul from the get go.

    • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

      You know they won’t be showing anything that would be considered entertaining! LOL

    • When raven said her and Paul had an alliance, I’m glad that everyone else told her she wasn’t right, even if she thinks she still is.

  2. , , , , P E N U L T I M A T E ! ! ! . . . . P E N U L T I M A T E ! ! ! ! . . . .

    PENULTIMATE !!! Gosh, doesn’t that sound exciting??? It’s got the word ULTIMATE in it, like THIS IS IT, THE FANTASTIC ONE, the ONE and ONLY !!!! CAN’T MISS EPISODE!!!

    HA HA HA

    definition – “last but one in a series of things; second to the last.”
    yea, next to last but not least!?! for sure, really, wow, right on,

  3. I would rather have full jury episodes then the last half of this season. Here they can be more themselves.

    • I think one of the reasons the HG want jury is no feeds and very little filming. I wonder if they offered them a gourmet dinner or $100 each if jury would agree to an hour of filming.

  4. I’m so happy this season is almost over. I gave up watching actual episodes 3 weeks ago. Here’s to hoping BB20, aka BB Celebrity is less of a flop.
    If not can’t wait for BBCAN6!

  5. I don’t get it. Around 2:30 BB time today, Christmas and Paul were picking on and belittling Josh for everything he does. The guy couldn’t do anything right according to them. Is this game “strategy” or just plain meanness on their part? What’s the point at this point of the game?

  6. Somebody please tell Raven to shut the hell up and go disappear in a corner of that jury house PLEASE!!!!

  7. I listened to Andy on a podcast last night talking about how cheap BB is, that he ran out of deordorant and contact lens fluid and they bought him some and took it out of his stipend. They discussed this years medical bills. Christmas had said BB made her use her insurance for her foot. Raven said she had to have it taken out of her stipend? Raven mother has praised the ACA for giving Raven insurance. So has Raven gone to the doctor so little this year she hasn’t met her dedtictuble and had to pay with her stipend for stitches? Just another story not adding up. Plus I was shocked how cheap BB is, you better bring enough of everything , don’t let anyone use you toiletries.

    • “Plus I was shocked how cheap BB is”

      Signed up for CBS All Access. Currently watching the houseguests from
      season 2 pile into a car so they can get groceries for a week. Then
      whoever stays in the car last wins it. Is that the only season they gave a car?

    • Branden is over this as much as we are. I love the disgusted tone of all of his articles. He speaks to my soul re this game

  8. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Seems odd they are showing this now, why not when it happened?

  9. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Terminal tilly telling Kevin to stay away from her, LOL. “I haven’t lied”!!!!! She has some hutzpah.

  10. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Go for it feral wombat, show everyone what we all know you are, an obsessed asshole!

      • Yes I did too just forgot about it. Wish they would do a few shows of just the exciting things that happened on the feeds. I’d like to see it again.

    • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

      LOL, I’d like to beat her with my shoe!!

  11. Cody being the funny Anti-Paul last night on the Jury clips improved his chances for AFP.

  12. Who will Mike Boogie put on the block? Kent or Hardy? So many questions answered tonight on Big Brother. Enjoy the episode.

  13. Well at least people that don’t have the feeds get to see some of the things that go on and get edited out. Too bad they don’t show some of Pauls true colors.

  14. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    I loved Kevin’s stories, they were the best and really made the feeds must see TV, LOL!

  15. Okay, so the AFP commercial just advertised FREE online voting. Either they’re going out of their way to trick people, or they’re actually counting all the votes and someone at CBS had their facts wrong.

    • I emailed CBS today and they told me you had to be an All Access member for your vote to count. But yes, I was looking for that disclaimer on the bottom and it did say FREE voting. Class action suit?

    • Think maybe it has been fixed cos a friend of mine who doesn’t subscribe was limited to 20 votes today but could vote an unlimited # of time the day before

      • I hope so. Because that would suck if only certain votes were being counted. It wouldn’t have affected those of us with All Access, of course, but it’s more the principal of the thing, really.

  16. OMG. Why do those people have to SCREAM in their DR?
    Btw. I can’t vote for AFP…CBS isn’t ‘recognizing’ my password. Hmm.

  17. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Oh Domarosa, I didn’t miss you at all.

    • Ha-Haa! I wish I’d seen her play…if she’s anything like your name for her, I have a feeling I missed something special.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        You really missed out. She was amazing feeds, so much fun watching her melt down and she really did melt down.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Haha, not even close!!

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        LOL!! :)

  18. just got home from Radar’s hometown of Ottumwa, Iowa. Remember M*A*S*H???
    Did I miss anything?
    Saw all the RATS in the kitchen.
    Saw Maven Ragen Raven Matten gripe at Kevin after K tole Matt about taking the $25K then K refute the accusation cause Matt can say anything he wants.

    Any glimpse of F3Comp??

    • Did you really go to Ottumwa? Did you know that Big Bird’s teddy bear is named ‘Radar,’ as a tribute to Gary Burghoff? Caroll Spinney (Big Bird) and Burghoff met on “Hollywood Squares,” and Spinney found out that Burghoff is an activist for bird preservation. SO (long story longer), naming his teddy, ‘Radar,’ was a tribute to ‘Radar’ and Burghoff. Cool, huh? Kelly? Kelly, wake up. I know it was long and boring, but it’s rude to fall asleep right in front of me. :)

      • Yup, really went to Ottumwa. That’s where the ‘closest’ Social security office is for my county. The name of the teddy bear was a question on MeTV’s quiz on M*A*S*H. “Which Sesame Character has a teddy bear named after Radar?” I didn’t know it then, but do now with thanks to you.

        I live 20-21 miles from Humeston, town where Jason is from. (in Chariton, Iowa) I substitute taught in Jason’s school district when he was about a junior or senior. I have wondered if he would have been in one of my classes. wow for me.

        i have also thought of driving down there to see Ole’, or even visit with his wife/family. BUT, after the comment he made about the other’s wife and such, and that Jason’s family privatized their twitter account, don’t know how welcome a person would be.

  19. Lol this is who people want to win. Look at Josh’s behavior. Paul was nowhere as bad as this AND he actually played the game. Mark should have knocked him out.

    • But remember Paul is the one telling Josh to blow up on him. Then he hides in the corner like the coward he is. Doesn’t make Josh any better but it does make Paul a lot worse. IMO.

      • Agree to disagree. Everyone in there is a grown adult. Josh should have some sense of agency and not be an idiot. Take some personal responsibility.

    • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

      They did, just so they could use it for the clip show. They also cut the fight Kevin had with Matt in the yard as well.

  20. They cut the booze this year because these Stooges couldn’t handle it and after seeing Josh they might just do away with Pots & Pans in the BB House next year.

  21. Oh, look, footage from Christmas BEFORE she broke her leg. I almost forgot what she looked like without the boot/cast.

  22. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Halting Hex, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

  23. There’s going to be a lot of shocked faces when they face everyone that went home pre jury and call them out. They need to give more time to that segment.

  24. โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

    Princess Buthhole acting like a pretentious bish, shocking, said no one ever!

  25. Oh lord, I just saw the jury clip from last night with Raven claiming to be puppet master. What is life?

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