Big Brother 19 is back tonight on CBS and CBS All Access (8/7c) but this may not be nearly as exciting as Julie Chen suggested at the end of last night’s live eviction. The Final 3 have been settled and they’re already on their way to the F2, but I don’t think we’ll be getting much of that action in this second to last episode of the season.
In past years our final Sunday show has been the throwaway “memory lane” event as the F3 enjoys a fancy brunch and reflects on the season behind them. But hey didn’t we just do that four weeks ago? Why yes we did. But with Sunday on CBS being taken over by the Emmys this week they’ve shifted this episode up to today. I still think that’s exactly what we’ll get tonight again with more “hey, do you remember that thing that happened last week?!”
Julie Chen mentioned we’d see the start of the Final HoH’s Round 1 competition and what that most likely means is quite literally we’ll see its start and that’s it. Last year was the first year I can remember in more than a decade of Big Brother where we were denied seeing the Round 1 endurance comp on the Feeds, then CBS teased us with just a minute of the challenge before saving the rest of its edited version for the finale show. Well guess what happened again last night?
Just like last year we were denied the endurance battle on the Feeds overnight, but you can read our spoilers on who won Round 1 of the Final HoH. Since CBS seems to think we’ll skip the finale episode if we see too much of Round 1 before then I’m guessing we’ll again only get a short glimpse.
We’ll be watching tonight’s episode because, well we kinda have to!, but it might be more of a DVR-now-watch-later destined episode just so you’re fully warned. Either way we’ll do a recap and have the details for you later tonight. The real action lies ahead with the season finale on Wednesday, September 20th at 8/7c with a two-hour event along with the final spoilers of the season coming up with the second round of the Final HoH competition and we’re expecting that news this Saturday.
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hoping they air more footage from the jury house and Kevin’s entrance … they seem be having more game-talk in the jury house then they did in BB house
Can’t wait for the live show and what Raven and all the rest of them have to say. I don’t understand Matt and his attraction to Raven. Mindboggling!
I’ve tried to figure out matt. The only explanation is he came from an overachieving family, went off to good colleges, graduate school, got a great but stressful career and too a leave of absence to relive his frat boy stress free days. I think he doesn’t care what people think and will spend some time traveling with raven, just drinking, sex, and lying on the beach. Then hopefully he gets out of his midlife or early life crisis and goes back to his career and a stable relationship.
Matt has mental issues as well. That was clear to see in the BB house. No one in their right mind would be attracted to such a mental case unless they were one themself!
I just think he saw easy Poontang and went for it.
I think he’s just a guy who likes easy girls who are just as desperate as he is! hahahaha
Want till they see everything online about her. To be a fly on that wall would be priceless. If they read things together I can just imagine the craziness matt will have to put up with.
his attraction to Raven? sex
EWWWWWW. No man should ever be that desperate!
Poor Raven.
Raven rattles on and on and Matt just sits there like a doormat. Matt needs to run as fast as he can from Raven once the BB show is over.
Of course they should be reflecting on the game and mistakes. No more blindsides but light arguments (like Raven’s puppet fight).
Remember Matt saying he was going to call Cody out in the jury.
Cody can perhaps put aside the hates with other HGs who can literally see his view about Paul from the get go.
You know they won’t be showing anything that would be considered entertaining! LOL
When raven said her and Paul had an alliance, I’m glad that everyone else told her she wasn’t right, even if she thinks she still is.
, , , , P E N U L T I M A T E ! ! ! . . . . P E N U L T I M A T E ! ! ! ! . . . .
PENULTIMATE !!! Gosh, doesn’t that sound exciting??? It’s got the word ULTIMATE in it, like THIS IS IT, THE FANTASTIC ONE, the ONE and ONLY !!!! CAN’T MISS EPISODE!!!
definition – “last but one in a series of things; second to the last.”
yea, next to last but not least!?! for sure, really, wow, right on,
Glad you’re excited for the show tonight lol
Very funny!
Looking forward to more Big Brother tonight. This must be how super football fans feel.
It’s the Jets vs the Browns and they both stink but it’s football!
So funny, Alfie! I could not agree more.
Hope You enjoy the show tonight Ron.
Hahaha, I’ll be bitching about the episode but for sure I’ll be watching!
Duelling gif’s, I love it. You two keep me laughing.
Snap out of it! You know all of us here put the “FUN” in dysfunctional!!! Why else would we continue to torture ourselves with mundane “expected” outcomes we’ve come to still be fanatical over? hahaha
That’s a good way to put it.
As a huge football fan even I will not sit through a Jets/Browns game. I couldn’t take last night’s NFL snoozefest after the half either with the Bengals/Texans.
“Who dat? Who dat? Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?
lol…Who Dat Alfie & laissez le bon temps rouler!!!
I would rather have full jury episodes then the last half of this season. Here they can be more themselves.
I think one of the reasons the HG want jury is no feeds and very little filming. I wonder if they offered them a gourmet dinner or $100 each if jury would agree to an hour of filming.
I’m so happy this season is almost over. I gave up watching actual episodes 3 weeks ago. Here’s to hoping BB20, aka BB Celebrity is less of a flop.
If not can’t wait for BBCAN6!
where do you watch BBCAN?
On global… I’m Canadian lol
They’ve already said that Celebrity BB is NOT going to be called BB20. BB20 is going to be the regularly scheduled program next summer.
BB Celeb will be # 1, BB20 will be next summer.
Hoping its just an hour long montage of Josh crying, that would be awesome.
Yes. We know. Josh is sensitive. Blah blah blah
He is more than sensitive, he is a crying manchild.
I don’t get it. Around 2:30 BB time today, Christmas and Paul were picking on and belittling Josh for everything he does. The guy couldn’t do anything right according to them. Is this game “strategy” or just plain meanness on their part? What’s the point at this point of the game?
Just meanness. They’ve exhibited it throughout the season.
I think that if the keep him upset he will not be able to concentrate
Poor Josh hasn’t done a mean thing all season lmao.
That’s a good one Joni girl!
Somebody please tell Raven to shut the hell up and go disappear in a corner of that jury house PLEASE!!!!
Wish they would show more jury interaction…that would be interesting
yes, the jury interaction was the best part of the last 2 thursday episodes…
I`m not even wasting my time watching this episode
Have a good evening, see you next wednesday.
I wont watch the episode, but I will still be chatting around.
That’s the spirit!!! :-)
It is either going to very very upsetting, like Paul narrating his journey to the finals, or I can hold out hope they add fun clips and focus on the fan favorites. Luckily i live in the west so I can preview comments and decide if I want to view.
I listened to Andy on a podcast last night talking about how cheap BB is, that he ran out of deordorant and contact lens fluid and they bought him some and took it out of his stipend. They discussed this years medical bills. Christmas had said BB made her use her insurance for her foot. Raven said she had to have it taken out of her stipend? Raven mother has praised the ACA for giving Raven insurance. So has Raven gone to the doctor so little this year she hasn’t met her dedtictuble and had to pay with her stipend for stitches? Just another story not adding up. Plus I was shocked how cheap BB is, you better bring enough of everything , don’t let anyone use you toiletries.
“Plus I was shocked how cheap BB is”
Signed up for CBS All Access. Currently watching the houseguests from
season 2 pile into a car so they can get groceries for a week. Then
whoever stays in the car last wins it. Is that the only season they gave a car?
Ok, this should be our show thread.
Let’s see how many people show up. Lol.
I’m here! Don’t know why, but I’m here.
I have the same feeling. We like torture I guess.
Either that or we’ll get a good laugh.
New thread here:
We’re staying here.
Are we staying here.
Well, usually the “Tonight on big …” is the show thread.
Ok I’ll stay. Lol
I came via the indirect route, lol
Did Branden jump the gun, lol? Why is the recap up already?
Branden is over this as much as we are. I love the disgusted tone of all of his articles. He speaks to my soul re this game
We wanted you gone too Josh.
Okay, I caved like Josh has and came here! LOL
All the cool people are here, lol.
It’s the cool kids.
Don’t worry all that hard work won’t get you second it will get you third place.
Wold be nice to have one thing this year that doesn’t go according to plan.
Yes it would. It would be my favorite part of the entire season.
Not a chance Christmas!
News Flash: Paul is very impressed with himself!!
I couldn’t tell.
That was dumb Kevin.
Seems odd they are showing this now, why not when it happened?
They were saving it for “Memory Lane”! LOL
Raven is such a pos. Gawd. Who does she really think she is? Like really, wtf girl.
Laugh my Arse off!!! Paul losing $500k would make the season worth watching.
And those are 2 of the rabid Paul supporters sitting there stonefaced ha ha. I have an idea who those 2 are, they post the same thing over and over and over every day
I’m in that 72%
Move over please, I’m with you
DoorMatt is such a little bitch!
I know. His voice sequels like a little girl when he gets heated.
IKR, that high pitch squeal, lol!
Makes me think of that scene from Deliverance, lol
No one knew until BB that Raven’s father was in “Deliverance”.
Raven’s cousin and future husband?
Maybe she really does like to keep it all in the family! :-)
Oh my!!
“God Jason, why you gotta be such a pu**y?” hahahaha Never thought a guy’s voice could get that high and with such emphasis! :-)
I don’t know if you watch RHAP but they have had so much fun making fun of Mattress and his falsetto voice!
I do from time to time! Rob is hilarious too!
Raven ugh Alex ugh
Terminal tilly telling Kevin to stay away from her, LOL. “I haven’t lied”!!!!! She has some hutzpah.
Go for it feral wombat, show everyone what we all know you are, an obsessed asshole!
Well, maybe that’s why Alex doesn’t like Kevin.
That’s part of it. The rest from the lies Paul filled her head with.
Was Kevin doing to good in the polls for AFP, so they are trying to give him a bad edit?…
That voting is totally fixed. You have to be an All Access member in order for your vote to count. If you go the cbs dot com and vote without signing in, it will let you vote but they won’t count.
If only Jess hadn’t got most to vote for Cody who don’t even watch the show, it wouldn’t have come to this.
Well, a lot of Kevin voters will be disappointed as well. And I think this hurts Kevin more than Cody.
I know! Sucks
It is weird timing, isn’t it?
Showing a lot of what we saw on the feeds. I forgot about that fight.
Oh I saw it…it was memorable that made me LMBO!
Yes I did too just forgot about it. Wish they would do a few shows of just the exciting things that happened on the feeds. I’d like to see it again.
Loved when Kevin decided to be a sh** stirrer! Like there wasn’t enough drama already! LOL
That was great!! Wish we would have seen him do that more often.
Oh for real! LOL
I love how when two people are fighting, others just feel the need to jump in.
Well Rave has to cos she’s running the house you know
Of course. The puppet master herself.
Puppet Master! haha
Loved, “you play about as good as a shoe!” hahaha
I was disappointed that Jason sat by and let his friend get attacked. He looked ashamed.
LOL, I’d like to beat her with my shoe!!
Cody being the funny Anti-Paul last night on the Jury clips improved his chances for AFP.
Let me see Cody’s calves one more time BB Gods, pleaseee
ok..found it!
Ok. lets move again. He found us!
i’m crying…you have the bucket?
Ask Josh, he has a few
So you can vote? Aren’t you from Canada?
Yeah, we have the vote here you know, lol live here in US? I will send you the shirt
No I’m in London, Ontario
Only kidding.LA..I thought you were joking ..London, Ontario. Didn’t know. lol Great city. Tourist spot.
Yes you said LA before, I was joking Bah and Baja, get it, lol?
ok’re so sincere.
I’ve been watching you all summer, taking tips from the master
Call Emma
Hi LG!…did Dan say anything about if you can play BB without being horny? ha!
No told you he said everyone needs a little.
ok got it. Our David has been to think of something else. Survivor is coming. lol..and BB celeb
Yep we have to come up with a good one. David is retired.
I’ll come up with something..just go along with it.
I will.
Quick, over to the next article! :)
Where should we meet?
I think he has a tracer on one of us
Did he slip it in my drink?
Geez, as if we didn’t suffer enough from Mr and Mrs victim noises.
Episode started out good, now time to leave the room
Haha, yep!
:::::gag::::: me
Reminds me of the kid who said ” You got it dude!”
Michelle from Full House! LOL
Soo Kevin gets a bad edit and Cody gets a good edit, SMH
I actually think Paisley is a very basic boring bland name tbh
please you dont like Cody thats fine but his child name has nothing to do with this at all
Umm projecting much. I actually like Cody and he or Mark is getting my AFP vote. His daughters name is wack though.
It reminds me of Prince and Paisley Park.
Alfie!!!!! :)
lol Dave Chappelle is good but we need the real Prince! He’s missed!
Dave Chapelle, one of my favorite comedian..’Clayton Bigsby character is hilariously twisted.
It is a Hippie Name because Paisley was what many wore. Far Out Man!
sorry I fail to grasp what his daughter name has to be relevant what is the point?
The point is it was on the show tonight, Jess said its a pretty name and I dont agree. I am more interested and why you are so bothered by my opinion. Your name is Paisley? what is it?
no its not but she is a kid 5 years old she does not need to hear her name is wack Would you tell her to her face?
I would not tell her that and I also dont think she is going to hear it now either. You can remain all up in your feelings, but I am exiting this conversation now.
No. Somethings should be and are off limits. Someone’s child is one of those things. It’s called discretion.
Who will Mike Boogie put on the block? Kent or Hardy? So many questions answered tonight on Big Brother. Enjoy the episode.
Hi Joni. loving CBS All Access. Hope your night is good.
So far so good! And yours?
Every season of Big Brother to watch. I’m blessed.
Please Nooooooo Maven
:::::gag me:::::
My cat doesn’t like it when Raven talks, lol. She just stood on the remote for what is probably the fifth or sixth time this summer.
Cats always know what’s up lol
Hopefully its over soon
And here’s that random Christmas convo… gag choke
I vote for broken!
Like we’re going to believe she has a heart.
Is Big Brother campaigning for Kevin ?
Hard to say!
Well, Julie loves him.
Could just be a way of warning future HGs to behave themselves.
Go away terminal tilly and doormatt
The two most useless BB players ever.
So awful!
Matt “Raven is awesome at things and stuff”
Noooo. Really? He said that?
Hahaha, “stuff”, all I can think of is what was in the bedside table, “stuff”.
Chokes on a diet pepsi. Got me good!
LOL, sorry, didn’t mean to be crude but I couldn’t resist my Alfie Man!
Always be you. Wonderful you.
That will earn you a couple of kisses! ๐๐
Well at least people that don’t have the feeds get to see some of the things that go on and get edited out. Too bad they don’t show some of Pauls true colors.
Dominique knew who Paul really was.
I loved Kevin’s stories, they were the best and really made the feeds must see TV, LOL!
Loved the snapchat one!
I don’t think I heard that one.
It was epic. Was the first time I actually saw Cody laugh.
Whoa, he laughed???? Must have been good to get a reaction out of victim noises!
It was a very rare moment!
Okay, so the AFP commercial just advertised FREE online voting. Either they’re going out of their way to trick people, or they’re actually counting all the votes and someone at CBS had their facts wrong.
I emailed CBS today and they told me you had to be an All Access member for your vote to count. But yes, I was looking for that disclaimer on the bottom and it did say FREE voting. Class action suit?
And they literally said the words “free online voting” in the commercial.
Yup, let’s sue.
Someone just called them out on it on Twitter, lol.
I think it is ‘The Voice’ that has a disclaimer that they are not bound to the votes from the public, they can do whatever they want.
Think maybe it has been fixed cos a friend of mine who doesn’t subscribe was limited to 20 votes today but could vote an unlimited # of time the day before
I hope so. Because that would suck if only certain votes were being counted. It wouldn’t have affected those of us with All Access, of course, but it’s more the principal of the thing, really.
That part with the rat is funny.
I’m with Josh about rodents.
Most people are.
I have cats that love rodents, no problem here! LOL
Me too.
This I know!!!
It did make me laugh.
There’s 2 rats and Josh in the kitchen right now
Loved what Christmas did with hairbrush hair! LOLOL
The actual rat must have felt like it found it’s brothers and sisters, lol.
Josh was like: “Are you my mother?” hahaha
Hello famalia
OMG. Why do those people have to SCREAM in their DR?
Btw. I can’t vote for AFP…CBS isn’t ‘recognizing’ my password. Hmm.
Hello Sharona, good to see you! :)
And you, FDD. :)
Hi beautiful.
Hello, my handsome confidant!
Hey girlfriend.
Hi LG! This show is really bringing some things to light…wish I’d seen it sooner.
You can…do you have a Green Card?
Yes. I got it from marrying an American. don’t have to wait for DACA to be approved.
Nope. I’m safe. *Whew!*
Bummer! Glad you could join us here, though! :-)
Hi Joni! I didn’t give you an individual greeting (sorry)—I’ve missed your beautiful laughing smile!
I took a break for a bit. But I’ll be here from now til finale! Always great to see you here! :-)
I told them if they yelled loud enough, you’d come visit. It worked, yeah?
Oh, so YOU’RE the culprit? LOL. Could you tell them to sthu now, please?
How about 20 minutes, pretty hard with Paul and Josh there right?
What is their deal? I’d have been here sooner…I was having issues.
Better now.
That’s good, we all miss you when you’re not here. Glad you’re feeling better.
Oh, thank you, mon ami. That means a lot to me. :)
God is on Dom’s side…
Front and back too!
Yup, and he said Get the hell outta here. You’re a pain in the azz
The goddess speaks.
Can’t go wrong with Bette!
Joan Crawford does not find it amusing in the least.
“Good” said Bette!
Did you watch Feud?
I did! Loved it!
Me too, surprisingly so. I rarely watched scripted TV, but I gave it a shot and LOVED it!
This is pretty close to ‘scripted’ TV. hahaha
Big fan of Jessica lange. Keep meaning to watch. Was it that good?
It was awesome!!!
If you are a Jessica Lange fan, you MUST! She was amazing in the role, she really had Joan down.
Watched American Horror Story. Jessica was brilliant.
Well Bette would tell her to buckle up, its going to be a bumpy ride.
you left off “bitches”! LOL
I’m not the swearin kind Miss Joni.
Ha Ha Ha
But Bette and Joan sure were! :-)
You have the best gifs, Miss Fiddle. You have a great mind.
Speaking of hollywood legends. Hi Ms Sharona.
Lol. Hi Alf! I’ve missed you.
You as well. Hope all is good.
It is now, thank you.
Why thank you Miss Sharona, I appreciate that! *curtsey
Love the guy on the end. watches him the entire time.
What would have happened when Cody was evicted if they were on the 20th floor.
Paul would go out the window. Josh is a big guy. Cody would struggle with him.
He’d have forgotten and done that! LOL
Oh Domarosa, I didn’t miss you at all.
Ha-Haa! I wish I’d seen her play…if she’s anything like your name for her, I have a feeling I missed something special.
You really missed out. She was amazing feeds, so much fun watching her melt down and she really did melt down.
Damn. ‘Domarosa.’ Ha!
Not much of a Dominator, was she?
Haha, not even close!!
Domarosa! omg I never thought of that comparison but it fits. You kill me, lol
LOL!! :)
Showing Alex do what all of them did all summer, run to Paul and tell him everything.
just got home from Radar’s hometown of Ottumwa, Iowa. Remember M*A*S*H???
Did I miss anything?
Saw all the RATS in the kitchen.
Saw Maven Ragen Raven Matten gripe at Kevin after K tole Matt about taking the $25K then K refute the accusation cause Matt can say anything he wants.
Any glimpse of F3Comp??
Did you really go to Ottumwa? Did you know that Big Bird’s teddy bear is named ‘Radar,’ as a tribute to Gary Burghoff? Caroll Spinney (Big Bird) and Burghoff met on “Hollywood Squares,” and Spinney found out that Burghoff is an activist for bird preservation. SO (long story longer), naming his teddy, ‘Radar,’ was a tribute to ‘Radar’ and Burghoff. Cool, huh? Kelly? Kelly, wake up. I know it was long and boring, but it’s rude to fall asleep right in front of me. :)
Yup, really went to Ottumwa. That’s where the ‘closest’ Social security office is for my county. The name of the teddy bear was a question on MeTV’s quiz on M*A*S*H. “Which Sesame Character has a teddy bear named after Radar?” I didn’t know it then, but do now with thanks to you.
I live 20-21 miles from Humeston, town where Jason is from. (in Chariton, Iowa) I substitute taught in Jason’s school district when he was about a junior or senior. I have wondered if he would have been in one of my classes. wow for me.
i have also thought of driving down there to see Ole’, or even visit with his wife/family. BUT, after the comment he made about the other’s wife and such, and that Jason’s family privatized their twitter account, don’t know how welcome a person would be.
This is the 3rd segment with Kevin as the focus
He is getting a lot of airplay.
Rather see Kevin air time rather than air-head Josh time. :-)
I love Branden. Lol! I don’t like any of these people. Paul has played a great game, but I don’t like any of these final three.
Yep, Jason’s was the only family shown!
I might go visit Ole’ tomorrow or Sunday.
True, but to be fair, he was brought along because he wasn’t a threat.
Now I remember why I can’t stand Josh.
They showed just a little bit more.
Lol this is who people want to win. Look at Josh’s behavior. Paul was nowhere as bad as this AND he actually played the game. Mark should have knocked him out.
But remember Paul is the one telling Josh to blow up on him. Then he hides in the corner like the coward he is. Doesn’t make Josh any better but it does make Paul a lot worse. IMO.
Agree to disagree. Everyone in there is a grown adult. Josh should have some sense of agency and not be an idiot. Take some personal responsibility.
He did. He expressed remorse over it. He’s the only one to do so, I believe.
So they showed Mark grabbing the pans away, I thought they cut the feeds.
They did, just so they could use it for the clip show. They also cut the fight Kevin had with Matt in the yard as well.
That was the first time. It was the next time they cut the feeds!
DISGUSTING!!!..I’m done!
I can’t watch any more this season!
That’s it Can’t handle this show know when BB celeb starts?
Hahaha your baby had a tantrum.
Did they do your baby wrong Cy?
Baby has grown a lot…he can handle anyone.
And he looks good!
He does, he’s lost a lot of weight!
They cut the booze this year because these Stooges couldn’t handle it and after seeing Josh they might just do away with Pots & Pans in the BB House next year.
So’s this:
Joey had Women doing that every day in the 1990s just with a how you doin.
Had to google. Looks like an interesting lady with her father. “Joey Heatherton”. Toured with Bob Hope USO in the 1940s.
Joey Heatherton is a female.
Joey Bishop did that….Joey Heatherton is a woman!
I realized it. Ray was the father on tour. I will research. Thanks for the name. Interesting family.
Yup! Joey Heatherton was definitely a women’s libber!
She was an Alex type, the feisty Alex we saw at the beginning of the season
I’m not supposed to be learning anything. Was told television was mindless but here we are and I learned something. Thanks.
“The More You Know!”
And she dated Derek Sanderson, one of my favorite Boston Bruins back in the day as they say
See another thing you learned cos of that mindless box
She was anything but a ‘woman’s libber.’ Sexpot? Check. Feminist? NOPE.
She wasn’t among those that burned their bras?
Oh noooo. She filled her bras (to the brim) but ix-nay on the urn-bay.
Not quite the Chairman of the Board but it’s his kid.
Can you imagine having to live up to Ol’ Blue Eyes?’ Still, he has a lovely voice. His phrasing is marvelous. Yeah, check out Joey—Sex Pot to the nth degree. I remember her appearing on the Bob Hope specials (and other variety shows) in the early 70’s.
Just a reminder for us…
Pendant of Protection is such a cop out.
Oh, look, footage from Christmas BEFORE she broke her leg. I almost forgot what she looked like without the boot/cast.
They did the snake sound when Christmas slithered her tongue! :-)
Them being Cody and Jess? Because I agree
Oh, boy… the cry segment. Let’s count how many are actually Josh.
Cameron should get another shot, plus I think hes cute
There’s going to be a lot of shocked faces when they face everyone that went home pre jury and call them out. They need to give more time to that segment.
Lol this edit right now
Not gonna lie, Cody saved the cry fest for me.
Hahaha the music.
Wonder if those violins are copyrighted?
lol don’t have to hear anymore “please stop singing”.
And where were the scenes of Cody crying like a baby?
He never did inside the DR.
No, but they made it sound like he never cried and he bawled a lot
… What feeds were you watching?
I only remember two times.
And to me that’s a lot for someone who complained of victim noises
I’ll pass gladly, they were bad enough the first time around.
Princess Buthhole acting like a pretentious bish, shocking, said no one ever!
‘Princess Butthole.’ OMG, you crack me up. I have someone I’d like to use that on; mind if I borrow it?
It’s all yours!
I thank you. ;)
I do declare!!!
BB19 has the weakest dudes ever! Haaha!
They didn’t show Cody breaking down! Dang!
Did he ever break down? I was under the impression that he just gave a ‘death stare.’
He broke down after Jess left.
That statement included himself.
That is so true..
Oh..God..I’m going to the bath room..bully somebody…brb.
Leave the pots and pans behind, young man
Hurry grab them before he comes back!
You done yet?’s a girl..
ROFLMAOPIMP…hurry, someone throw me the toilet paper! Oh, nm, Cy has the end still in his pants…I’ll take what’s behind him!
Damn. I had a perfect name for a boy. Dick Forest.
Hey, you watching BB Celeb? That should really be messy type of Big Brother. ha!
Oh, yes!! It’ll be GREAT! Dustin Diamond, Tori Spelling, Corey Feldman, Dina Lohan, Jon Gosselin…oh the possibilities!!
Unicorns… um, okay…
Seems about right.
Depends. Unicorns usually hate those who aren’t pure hearted, according to most mythology.
This show is rigged, right?
Don’t crush my dreams…….
Wait, you mean it isn’t?
ยฏ_(ใ)_/ยฏ I’ll never tell! :)
Ahahaha I remember that scene!
I hope Alison Grodnar doesn’t idolize Vince McMahon. Then your theory might be correct.
Is that the unicorn Raven will ride to the gum drop island?
Have the address of that so I can locate it on my GPS?
with puppy dog tails . . .
Oh lord, I just saw the jury clip from last night with Raven claiming to be puppet master. What is life?
Yep. Raven was totally the “puppet master.”
Those of you on twitter, if you want to help for the next hour, we are having a twitter storm for Dark Matter. You can help by going to #LightTheRaza and retweet every tweet you see go thru. That will help us make this hashtag trending.
Since I don’t tweet, ‘bye Captain!
No clue what this means, but good luck. May the force be with you.
Me either
It’s easy, put that in your browser:
Retweet every tweet you see.
Captain. You’re a great guy. Would love to help. Don’t have Twitter.
I don’t even know what a browser is.
the guy in the bookstore who looks thru the books but never buys?
You know me so well. I usually go to the library and order it. Save $20.
Hope he didn’t have a runny nose at the time.
That will be me since I prefer to buy them less expensive online.
HA-HAA! (sorry, not yelling…laughing loudly)
What is that?
That’s what we wanted. Trending # 1 in Canada and # 5 in the US:
I ended up in twitter jail:
Well, if you need character references, we’ll vouch for you. :)
The Xmas foot seems to be working now.
So, they instructed Christmas how to fall? How the crap is she supposed to control THAT?!
Look like they had a ton of padding down below her to fall on.
Anyone know who won first round?
Dang, why don’t I ever get questions like this? :-)
Well, it will be boring that that house until Wednesday.
Not between Prissmas.
Right, not if she has her way, lol
Yippee Kai Aye!
I hope Josh is in another room at the time
Banging on the wall too!
Where’s the RAIN RAIN RAIN???
Rain Rain come again, poor all over these dorks some more.
You tell em kelly!
Well, other F3 comps got wet and ‘rained’ on, these should too. Maybe later.
with some lightening and thunder and MORE RAIN!!!
See ya’ll next Wed!!! Or whenever Matt comes up with some enterprising threads! LOL
Hugs Joni girl! *mwah
‘night, my beautiful, smiling Joni!
Nite future AFP
Goodnight Joni. Have a great weekend.
Good Night!
That guy looks lie he watched every day of the live feeds this season. Look at the effect it had on him!
lol Uncle Fester Lives!
I’m glad I watched this rewind episode so I could be reminded of how much I despise Josh.