Tonight on Big Brother 19 we’re set for a live eviction show that probably won’t have an eviction at all thanks to the big Halting Hex move that we’re anticipating from a cornered Jessica Graf. Will she save her closest ally Cody Nickson and survive to fight another day? Of course!
While last night’s show ended on a cliffhanger note there’s really no doubt over what’s going to happen here. It’s Jessica’s only move though Paul and company want her to keep it for one more week and let Cody walk out the door. That makes about as much sense as Jessica saying Paul was a fool for putting her up and burning off her Hex power. It’s never a “smart move” when it’s against your side of the house.
Speaking of sides, this competition is going to be critical and we should get the results by the end of the night as HGs have prepared to play a putt putt challenge here in the live show. The house is basically stacked 9-2, depending on which way Mark’s tears are falling, so if the showmance wants their safety they’ll need to win this. Well, this or the Temptation Comp + Veto Comp. Should be a good week for Feeds drama no matter how tonight ends.
Gallery: Houseguests Practice Next HoH Comp
Starting tonight at 9/8c on CBS and streaming live on All Access we’ll watch as the final decisions are made, votes are cast, and Jessica or Cody could be walking unless that Hex arrives. (Spoiler: You know it totally will.) See you then!
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Join us back here at 9/8c as we live recap the eviction show to discover who was voted out and who is the new Head of Household. What do you want to see happen in each of those outcomes?
Just wondering how long it will take once there is a new HoH for Mark to run to them and ask his standard question “Am I okay?”
Nobody would ever take you on that bet, you win for sure.
From Wikipedia: The jiffy is the amount of time light takes to travel one fermi (about the size of a nucleon) in a vacuum. Planck time is the time light takes to travel one Planck length. Theoretically, this is the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible.
I posted that because without it, my answer to your question makes little sense.
My answer?
Less than a jiffy.
Can you break that down in English for me? Lol
Mark will be up the new HoH’s hindquarters before the first ding of the winning *ding*ding*ding*ding*ding* is finished dinging.
Hahaha thanks.
Oh those crazy international units or is that interstellar?
lololol I just cackled reading that!
Just fell off my chair. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words
LMBO. Thanks for the visual.
He’s a big teddy bear. I actually do feel sorry for him sometimes. Can’t stand Elena. Don’t know why he associated w/ her in the first place. She loves to stroke all over Paul while Mark is watching and then go over to Mark and ask him what’s wrong? Ugh! She’s gross.
Make him stop.
Hey Matthew Boyer…so happy that you are here again to share your BB experience with us! Will you contact the producers and let them know that the “circus” song is actually a piece of classical music and is most likely copyrighted and their use of it via Josh might need a royalty payment? Thanks! T
Old enough to be in the public domain.
Thanks a lot, Captain!
I do feel for Mark, I don’t know how many of remember him saying he lost both parents at a young age (not sure how but I think he said how but I won’t repeat), he was raised by his Grandparents. I understand why he is the way he is and he deserves a serious chance at this game more than many others.
Oh my gosh … I did not remember Mark saying he lost both parents at a young age. How awful! That explains a lot.
Back when they introduced us to the cast on TV for the first time. His little bit of telling us who he is he mentioned that they died and he lived with his Grandparents. His Grandmother was giving him something to eat and he said Thank you Grandma. If anyone can go back to that first show and watch his story (as they say) he does tell us how they died.
That is sadly true and I feel for him here.
In that case, I hope Josh wins.
Mark, “Am I in trouble?”
Josh, “Yes, meatball, Elena is all mine! She prefers Italian sausage, now.”
And he’d bring the pots and pans to the nom meeting
Let’s hope so. ;)
Josh actually believes that if he wins HOH that one of the females in the house is gonna jump in bed with him….Elena would be a good choice but all shes gonna do is flash him either a boob or a thonged rump…Poor Josh the house ping pong ball…(meatball)
She has been messing with him, teasing him lately, but no, Josh is not going to get more than an eyeful. I kind of feel sorry for him sometimes. He is often asked to leave the room when people are discussing game play and he just leaves.
It is sad..He just wants to belong…
Then maybe he should stop being a dick.
But he’s just a little baby d*ck. Even Jess admits Cody is a big d*ck. ;)
i think walking around banging pots and pans like a 2 year old is not the way to ‘belong’
I don’t feel bad for Josh one bit. He tries to bring the heat but cant take it. It was HILARIOUS when Mark charged him and his eyes got soo big like “Wheres security” lolol
Josh only attacks whoever is in the weakest position at that moment, or people who aren’t there at the time, or even around anymore. He is a wimp.
funny since my gaydar goes off when he opens his mouth :D
Someone else has said that before. I must not have good gaydar because I don’t see it, but I admittedly have been wrong on occasion. I didn’t think Frankie Grande was gay.
LOL! c’mon that one is easy!
come on what straight man colors his hair pink,it was obvious that frankie was gay from day 1
Made me LOL :P
Josh is gay, which has nothing to do with him being gay.
Actually, he should say Cuban Cigars .
Cuban, right! Thanks for reminding me.
Are you kidding me? Yes, lets reward his disgusting, ridiculous, moronic, bullying obnoxious behavior! Why not…
Yes, Baby Meatball won!!! Gonna be a fun week. :D
lol I am sure
Probably not as fast as Paul running to the new HOH telling them what “their” plan is going to be this week. Paul is basically copying Derricks game but is not as likable as Derrick was.
That’s good game play by Paul. As long as they listen to him and respect his opinions, he’d be dumb not to get in their ear. There will come a time when they will need to become independent thinkers if they plan to beat him.
Yes of course good game play by Paul but not good play by Mark. If your rooting for someone everyone thing they do is good or smart move, when you are rooting against someone everything they do is a poor move or to be mocked….
You might think everything the person you are rooting for does is good or smart, but I’m not that naive.
Right! How bout win a HOH competition Mark so you KNOW you’re okay.
From Wikipedia: The jiffy is the amount of time light takes to travel one fermi (about the size of a nucleon) in a vacuum. Planck time is the time light takes to travel one Planck length. Theoretically, this is the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible.
I posted that because without it, my answer to your question makes little sense.
My answer?
Less than a jiffy.
Come on Cody and Jessica!! Please win and send trashy Paul home!!!!
send paul home….then josh
Cody first.
Yes….then the real game and fun begins.
As soon as they know they’re on the jury, the game is completely going to change.
Paul, then Raven, then Cody.
Finally someone who shares my viewpoint
Josh only acts that way to impress Paul. Without Paul, Josh does not act that way.
I agree also without Paul egging his stooge on he would not do the things he is doing. When he leaves the house a realizes he was a stooge he will feel foolish!
I can’t imagine Josh having a job when he gets out unless it’s a family business.
Josh has done nothing wrong but be an obnoxious kid. Not everyone sees all of the things he does on the feeds.
Josh?!..leave my baby alone!
I’m absolutely not a fan of Cody. I want him to go home soon, but I want him to stick around long enough to get Paul out. I don’t like the vet/beginners mix and it seems like everyone is still awestruck to do anything about the fact that Paul is the puppet master. I want to see Jody get power… find a way to make sure Paul leaves, power swings back to the other side and Cody walks then the real gameplay can begin.
I also don’t see anyone else trying to get rid of Paul right now. Maybe Jason later, when it will be too late. It really doesn’t matter who puts him up. If production wants him to win, then he will always win a comp to save himself.
I don’t know what Jessica sees in Cody. She deserves a better customer than him.
He is better than the other guys in the house.
It’s the house. It warps your reason. She will not make a good decision as long as he is there. Best thing that can happen to her is him evicted next week. Unfortunately for her she might have sank her game with him and she is the one that will take a walk to her appartment next week, all by herself.
For us hopefully Jess or Cody will be out next week and then the game dynamic will completely change. We’ll have a good last 6 weeks, I’m sure.
They were talking about evicting Jessica if she does not use the Hex so, so much for her game is going to be better if she ditches Cody! The rest of the Big Brother is against Jessica. She is at the bottom of the heap even with Cody not around! I doubt they would evict Josh or even Mark or Elaina before Jessica! It is all BS talk to get her to capitulate! Let her fight for her survival! Atleast, she went down fighting!
With him there she won’t necessarily be the target, but Paul really wants her out because she called him out and he is afraid others will find out he is manipulating them.
As much as I want to see Cody evicted , how interesting would it be to have Jessica to go home FIRST? We’ve seen that Jessica’s game would benefit if Cody is the one
LOL….it would be hilarious if his name was John instead of Cody.
He will pay! lol
In more ways than one LOL, hello child support.
Uh huh, very possible.
Jessica probably gets propositioned a lot a her work. She is VIP concierge isn’t she? Probably has old, rich men offering her all sorts of proposals. Some just want companionship believe it or not! I saw it on a TV special. Some women like it because they have a taste of the rich lifestyle and monies in their pockets.
It depends on the hotel she works at. Did she say it was a fancy one or the cheapest thing in town. If they hear about her loose behavior on the show, she may really get a lot of dirty old men who want to get inside her pants.
In LA, or Vegas, A VIP Concierge is a fancy name for a person that works in a 5 star hotel or ‘hotline who can set up anything you want. From hotel reservation, dinner, shows to escort services/prostitution, to illegal substances. I mean ANYTHING! lol Seeing her on feeds, I don’t think she does any of the bad things. She seemed to be very demure and conservative.
Ah Cyril, you are such a sincere person.
Hello there my partner in crime from last nights episode. You were there with me. We had a good time didn’t we? ha!
Yes we did, not sure if I’m going to make it tonite.
oh come on..
We’ll see if I can resist.
Feel that I’ve pretty well heard everything that is going to be posted. I’ll probably tape and then FF the commercials
And what monkey business have you two been up to? Us inquiring minds like to know! Ha ha ha ha! What happens in the Big Brother House gets spread outside the house!
Speaking of monkey business… see my post of Josh above! hahaha! Does anyone remember those monkeys with the symbols?? ;)
I had one when I was little ! I was SO scared of it , lol! I’m told that I’d say “throw it away, Daddy”! And he did! Wonder how much it’d be worth today?
If I get time, I need to check that out. You two are some of the best entertainment money can’t buy. lol
Don’t forget Cy’s baby K…
Leave him alone!….what up TGJ? …he’s gonna be famous. He’s gonna be on QVC
OMGosh! It’s Josh! That is just adorkable. lol
Yes, he is; very sickcere…you, too. :D lol
He treats her well. His bad temper is usually towards the men in the house. He also has a little girl whom he loves and she probably likes that about him.
Is that his ex? She kind of looks like Jess. He did say he had a type lol..
This woman looks nothing like Jessica. Just because they both have dark hair they automatically look alike. Again, they look NOTHING alike.
It is a sweet picture. He definitely has a type like he said. She favors Jessica. Sweet photo.
She looks like Jess…now I understand.
Also, rooting for Jessica and Cody. It would be pretty boring if that Big Alliance succeeds booting them out. Then, they will eat one of their own, the weak ones like Mark, Elaina and Josh! There is no excitement when you know what will happen next! Like watching movie reruns 10 times! You know nobody is going to target Paul if at all, except maybe, when it is down to 4 people. That would be 6 boring weeks!
Thank you!!! Someone who sees what I see!!!
Paul is not going just yet. One of his minions will save and replace him with the veto. Jody already missed that chance when they won HOH and POV. Paul’s eviction for now will be possible if Jody wins HOH, Mark probably wins veto and Paul lose out in the temptation competition.
And now Josh won HOH. So Paul will not go home yet. So upset about that.
Anyone but Jody for HoH. Then I’ll only have to look at them whine on BBAD for one more week if someone else wins just one of the other comps. It’ll also be good to put that sketchy Hex behind us.
I do hope the hex is used and that one of the two win HOH. I really, really want Paul and Raven on the block. I will be happier if he goes, but if she goes instead it will make my day.
I want to see if CBS has the guts to show everyone who Paul really is tonight, or are they going to continue to make him appear like the greatest player of all time. Time for Paul to go and have a real game.
And if they will show who Jeszibel really is, with threats of poisoning and drowning people, rubbing her nipples and patting her boobs to make her nipples visible as the camera zooms in, pretending to vulgarly sit on a coke bottle, pulling her shorts down to moon someone with her butt in perfect camera view, sexing it up on camera for the viewers, all the vulgar talk she has had about buttholes and other female parts, bragging about Cody’s swinging d*ick, giving free prostate exams…then she berates Cody for making her look bad with his behavior. I couldn’t care less what CBS shows about her or Paul, but why do you want Paul singled out?
Thought you were talking about Elena there for a little bit… lol
She is a tease. I don’t know which would win slut of the season, her or Jeszibel. They both act like trashy gals, imo. Raven is in an entire other category. There are a lot of delusional women on BB.
That’s funny. CBS has not made her look good at all, they’ve made her look like a total b*tch. Wouldn’t it be fair to have Paul look like the a$$hole he is?
Have you seen any of the aforementioned things about Jeszibel broadcast on CBS?
Really, you’ve obviously never seen Bad Girls Club. Jessica is a saint compared to the girls on BGC.
Yeah, air that ENTIRE bullying/gang-up fight that happened on Monday.
Some Jody haters would be singing a different tune.
Any person in their right mind would not tell me that wasn’t atrocious what they did…but because Paul says it’s strategy it’s okay, it’s just a game. Then why were they called to the diary room and told to calm down if it’s okay to act that way?
SMH. Just atrocious behavior.
And before this, I really was rooting for Alex (hoping that she’d somehow see the light and get rid of Paul), but the way she was jumping on the bandwagon, being aggressive, and just downright acting like a lunatic, I’m not rooting for her anymore. She showed her true colors in that fight with Jessica. So did Raven. Christmas is a provoker, and doesn’t actually do any of the yelling. Elena and Mark are the bystanders who know the bullying is wrong, but don’t do anything.
Yeah, they might not get anywhere, but I’m still rooting for Jessica and Cody. I hope they somehow find a way out of this, otherwise Paul is going to win because his minions handed it to him.
You seem so aggravated by a person you don’t even know. EVERYONE has vented and said things of a volatile nature. It’s only Jessica you choose to pick on extensively. A lot of them has wished ill on someone they don’t like. Doesn’t mean they are going to act on it. It’s just venting your emotions and frustrations.
You actually think those people she works for and with are going to tune into the live feeds?…because we aren’t actually seeing her sexual behavior on the televised episodes and really…that’s neither here or there.
And you really think it’s okay the way they all ganged up on Jessica three days ago, shouting all of their vulgarities, obscenities, and just downright BULLYING behavior…WAY worse than anything Jessica or Cody ever did.
Yeah, Paul and his minions can use “it’s a game” trope as an excuse, but really that behavior of Paul, Josh, Alex, and Raven…and Christmas too a lesser extent, was APPALLING. Never before have I ever wanted to come through the screen and punch the faces of each and everyone of these people that I just mentioned. Don’t take that statement the wrong way. I’m just venting, like Jessica was. I will never actually do it. (Just in case you believe otherwise seeing as you’ve obviously never heard of venting before.)
And really, the gall of Raven to yell and scream like that when she was cowering to Jessica and Cody earlier in the day. It’s only because she was flanked by her fellow minions that she stood up and started completely acting like trailer trash.
She is the real disgrace, not Jessica.
Great to see you, too, Jasmine! lolol
Great to see you, too, Jasmine! lolol
This happens every year… there’s always one or more players that fans feel strongly about that just get their true game and personality hidden by the CBS edit. I think CBS is trying to sell Paul for their ratings.
Won’t they also show the Veto meeting tonight? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen them skip it on Wednesday before.
Right? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it pushed to a thursday before!
They need time fillers because there won’t be an eviction tonight is my take on it.
Depending on which way Mark’s tears are falling…
So very well said!!!
OK, I just want to put his out there. I am not convinced just yet that Jessica will use the HEX this week. Call it a gut feeling or whatever you want but it is still there.
With that said, I also think Paul and her will come to a last minute deal and maybe Alex will go next week. I would hate to see Alex go but that would still leave two power players in the house Paul and Jessica. I won’t be back on spoilers once I leave for work around 2 and I want to watch the show to see what Jessica does before I get back on spoilers but my need to know may actually out trump my plans LOL.
Sorry you’re going to miss out live!
I kind of have that nagging feeling too, but I think she’s at least smart enough that she will use it. Honestly, I feel like Paul completely screwed up any chance of it happening by leaving her on the block, which is also why I kind of feel like CBS probably left the Veto meeting off of last night’s show. They wanted that suspense there going into Thursday for the casual viewer that Paul might pull her down so they can get Cody.
I’m going to call your work and tell them to announce it over the intercom. haha
Since, the main building is over 1 mile long and 3/4 of a mile deep, we don’t have intercoms LOL however, we do have several radios that we talk on.
What frequency do you use? :D
10-4 good buddy. lol
Willie, is this criminal or government work? If criminal, do you work with Kevin and if government, are you in cahoots with Dom? I’m getting suspicious here
No, more like automotive. we build full frame vehicles that start with the letter F. Don’t worry, they circle all their mistakes.
So they keep you in a circle?
Like when you play duck, duck, goose?
Sure isn’t ring around the rose y!
Sometimes in a cage LOL. We start building the 2018’s next week. One is a truck the other two SUV’s. One of the SUV’ is going to be a Black Label version and it is going to be around the $90,000.00 range. The truck has been the best selling truck for 40 years LOL.
Don’t let them catch you when you drive it home. Just make sure you don’t ram into anything.
Aluminum body, no way I would hit anything. I have in the past got to drive the truck and and the other SUV we made home once each. Lets say, I think the new Exped……… will sell very well. First time a SUV really looked good to me.
Vehicles are too expensive these days. I like a nice heavy car with room, as I take 3 of my grandchildren to the mountains, to see movies, and stuff like that. My 2005 Mercury Montego Premiere that I bought new has around 75,000 miles on it and still looks and runs great. It’s heavy and roomy. I’ll be ready for a new one in about 2 more years. I’ll hunt you up for a coupon. lolol
I still have my Crown Vic so yeah, I know what you mean about those big heavy cars. My youngest drives it now and I put it in his name but he really knows who it really belongs too LOL. I bought it new 10 years ago and it looks just as good today as it did then.
Won’t tell a soul
If Paul left Jason on the block they had a shot but without him on the block that would be like Jessica voting to send Cody home and she is not doing it because time and time again they house showed they cannot be trusted at their word.
Why would she stay alone in the house and risk her boytoy not going to jury. I think her best chance in surviving another couple of weeks will be if he stays. Cody is also good at comps, and he can beat most of the house each week.
Paul wanted Dom out because she knew he was a snake and a “tempter”. Now he wants Jess out because she knows he is using psychological tactics to get the HGs to do his dirty work. Whomever is against him needs to do it quietly or he’ll get his puppets to get them out. Come on Jason.
Why are people puzzled over how this evening’s live show will go if the Halting Hex (HH) is used? It seems that these are the two obvious ways it will play out:
1) Jessica invokes HH before voting begins (likely): Entire eviction process halts; Julie asks a question or two, such as “How does everyone feel about there being no eviction?”. While broadcast then goes to commercial, house guests go outside and get ready to start HoH competition. Back from commercial — viewers see HoH event live. With more broadcast time (since eviction was stopped) than usual, viewers see more of the competition. Simple.
2) Jessica does not invoke Halting Hex at all (unlikely) or tries to invoke it too late (after eviction begins): Eviction proceeds as usual, and viewers see partial HoH competition as usual with remainder to be shown on Sunday broadcast.
She would be an idiot not to use it considering Paul cannot play for HOH this week… but then again, I couldn’t believe she & Cody actually believed Ramses was safe, so what do I know!! ;)
Exactly, she is an idiot, so you never know. LOL
Exactly, she is an idiot, so you never know. LOL
No one is puzzled.
I’m actually hoping for Elana to win this “crapshoot” HOH tonight. Imagine how she has to try to explain to Jessica why her and Cody are targets for her…
It sounds like Josh may have some type of speech impediment. Does anyone else here a slight lisp? And he talks with his tongue touching his teeth. Could it be a hearing issue? When my son was 3-5 years old we had him see a speech therapist who re trained the speech patterns.
Well, everyone’s tongue touches their teeth when they talk. To me, he just seems like he always has a stuffy nose or a cold.
It’s a lisp.
His main ailment is a missing spine.
With all the bulling in the world isn’t what they are doing in. The show bulling to make Cody lose its? I think so what are u thinking cbs?
I have watched big brother since the begging and I have never seen so much bulling. It’s heart breaking and I can’t believe they are showing this on tv. josh I would never purchase anything from your family products.
I’ve been a fan of the show since it started but this season is making me crazy! The way these children are behaving is disgusting. Let’s show everyone how to bully people. This is not ok. With all the anti bullying things out there about how wrong this is why are you promoting it? Paul and Josh are the definition of bullies. Their behavior should not be out there for others to follow. This is harassment and the others are just standing by letting it happen. What are we teaching our kids? Is this role model behavior? Julie I love your work and have always respected you. I just wish you would do or say something about this kind of behavior.
I’m done! So glad Josh is not my son.
Josh as the new HoH…….I’m scared yet curious of what will he do to Jessica and Cody even though I don’t like all 3 of them
He will do what Pauly tells him to do. Josh has no spine.
Elena has really not played the game. She has only floated. Elena has also played both sides of the house staying loyal to nobody including her own boyfriend.