Tonight On Big Brother 19: New Nominations & Den Of Temptation

Tonight on Big Brother 19 on CBS (8/7c) it’s time to deal with the events leading up to the departure of one Houseguest and the resulting fallout forcing Cody to send another HG to the Block.

Update: Missed Sunday’s BB19? Read our recap of episode 03 here.

Big Brother 19 Nominations in Week 01

While the Den of Temptation was no doubt the planned focus of this first Sunday episode we’re going to have to get some answers after we discovered Megan Lowder had quit Big Brother apparently earlier on Thursday before the Feeds arrived.

From what we’ve heard on the Feeds there was a whole new round of nominations. Cody is getting plenty of chances to build list of Houseguests who aren’t too happy with him. It’ll be interesting to see how Megan’s departure is handle and if it’s given much attention or quickly swept under the rug.

Don’t forget you can live stream CBS TV on All Access to catch tonight’s Big Brother 19 episode even if you’re on the go for the holiday weekend! Get your Free Trial now and watch all the episodes and Live Feeds too.

Once we get Megan’s exit out of the way it’s time for the first Temptation twist arrival as one Houseguest will be offered the Pendant of Protection, but for every reward there’s going to be a consequence for someone else.

Can’t wait to find out who won the first Den of Temptation vote and who was bit by the “serpent” in return? We’ve got your spoilers here. And if you really want to get ahead then check out our Temptation twists spoilers revealing the next two rounds of rewards.

Join us back here at 8/7c and chat live with other fans throughout the show. Want even more Big Brother? Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates.



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  1. Good synopsis, I really hope this year the show stays out of it an doesn’t edit so much out. Let it flow naturally and true.

  2. Personally, I think the Megan exit will quickly get swept under the rug. BB got their main publicity of the situation when the feeds came on the first night.

    • Agreed, although I’d like to see production explain (in detail) what made Megan quit, I doubt they will.

    • Needless to say, it was one of the reasons she got so much air time the first 2 shows.

  3. So Paul was awarded the pendant of protection and cannot be nominated or evicted for three weeks… It will be interesting to see the fireworks (4th of July pun intended-haha) if Cody tries to put him up as a replacement nom for Alex. :)

  4. So who’s here already? And who’s feeling happier than… (ahem ahem)… Christmas right now?!

    • Sad thing is, that can refer to anything on this show, lol. But I know what you mean.

  5. Elena’s not wrong. This many people, and there are 3 boys and 3 girls who are all the same age? Yeah, production was practically praying for at least one of them to evolve into a showmance.

  6. Sooooo Paul saying Cody was stupid for not nominating him but then when he tried to put him up as replacement and Paul had to pull out his safety then Paul gets pissed. Which is it Paul.

  7. Cody is so anxie right now. Demeanor has changed. lol He needs to chill. I see a little bit of Paul Calafiore game in him. A lil bit of Monte and Beast mode maybe? Maybe he’ll learn from this situation

  8. Ouch, strike 2 – Meg was on slop. But at least she volunteered for it.

    • No, Jessica called Alex “Pao Pao” – Paola’s nickname from BB16. Megan told Alex that she called her a Panda, which she figured was a racial slur.

      • Ok, I believe Meghan really thought she said panda. Or was she trying to stir the pot?

      • I think Megan just heard wrong. I don’t think she was trying to start anything.

      • it is Jessica that is the sneaky b***h causing problems don’t like her AT ALL

  9. Why not put their names instead of numbers? We have no idea who was chosen. Production could pick anyone.

  10. They gave Cody the “leader” edit..then followed by paranoid Cody. lol genius!..’will he survived”? next week…on Biiig Brother

  11. If Josh gets picked to receive a “care package” from home, I hope they send him a STRAIGHT JACKET!

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