While most of the Big Brother 19 house was calm the first half of Saturday it wasn’t a time to rest for Cody. He’s hard at work on a secret plan, but he won’t tell you, or any of his allies either. Working through several non-allies Cody started to deal his way toward a short list of possible renoms.
Update: Full day’s events have been added for the overnight content. There was plenty of drama for Mark over comments by Christmas about his showmance. Paul grew more concerned over Cody’s plans, and Jessica & Cody appear to have consummated their own showmance at the end of the night.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, July 1, 2017:
9:50 AM BBT – HGs are starting to stir for the day.
10:00 AM BBT – HGs discover BB has gifted them new BB branded cups.
10:25 AM BBT – Cody refuses his free BB cup.
11:17 AM BBT – HGs relaxing in the backyard. Talk turns to Josh as they laugh at his erratic behavior.
11:55 AM BBT – Cody tells Matt he wants to make a deal with Alex and Jason to keep the couples and Dominique safe.
12:10 PM BBT – Cody and Jessica hug. She says his kisses were Xanax for her and she feels better now after their rough patch yesterday. Cody promises Jessica he has a plan for the Veto renom.
12:24 PM BBT – Cody goes to Alex and Jillian telling them he’ll make a deal that he’s loyal to Alex and will keep her safe until Jury. Cody leaves and Alex says if she finds out that Cody is planning to put up Jason then she will use her Veto on Jillian instead and sacrifice herself.
12:30 PM BBT – Alex tells Jillian her plan had been to put Cody & Jessica up on the Block together if she stayed and won HoH. And that’s still her plan even after Cody’s offered deal.
12:41 PM BBT – Cody making a deal offer to Ramses of one week of safety each. Ramses accepts. After Ramses leaves he whispers to himself that he’ll still put Cody up next week if he gets HoH.
12:44 PM BBT – Cody goes back to Alex and Jillian, updates them, and says he’ll reveal his renom plan at the last minute.
2:30 PM BBT – Paul talks with Jessica to see if she knows what Cody is planning. She doesn’t, but says she’ll be shocked if he renoms one of their allies.
2:40 PM BBT – Jessica thinks Jason would be voted out unanimously if he goes up. Cody has been keeping an eye on this conversation from afar.
3:55 PM BBT – Christmas and Jillian found the master key for the lock boxes in the HoH wall. BB tells them to stop opening them.
4:15 PM BBT – Jillian and Alex question if Cody is really in charge of the other group. They suspect Jessica is calling the shots. Jillian says she would put Cody and Jessica up next week if she wins HoH. Alex wants to split up all the couples to even the playing field.
4:35 PM BBT – Paul, Elena, Raven, and Matt in the HoH room discussing the week’s plan. Paul asks if they still want to get Jason up and out. They agree but wonder if Cody feels the same. (He doesn’t.)
4:50 PM BBT – HoH crew agrees to mess with Josh and Alex about Josh’s continued interest in her. They want to agitate the situation between them.
4:55 PM BBT – Raven points out that Cody thinks he can convert Alex over to their side. The group agrees that’s a bad idea.
5:00 PM BBT – HoH crew continue to joke and chat. Elena slightly concerned she’s been seen naked on the Feeds already. Paul confirms that if she showed anything (she did), then yes.
5:40 PM BBT – Dominique is putting in the time with Josh and trying to help him. They’re talking privately in the Lounge as Josh discusses his mistakes so far and Dominique tries to encourage him.
6:20 PM BBT – Jillian and Alex continue their game talks while wondering who Cody will put up and their chances of keeping Jillian safe this week.
6:45 PM BBT – Paul discussing last season, his thoughts on the former HGs, and his reaction to the Jury’s decision. Says he decided to move on and be happy with the $50K. Paul thinks he still would have lost to James as well.
7:55 PM BBT – Jason is keeping his fellow HGs very entertained with stories in the Lounge.
8:15 PM BBT – Dominique and Mark are talking about his showmance with Elena. He isn’t sure how he feels about it and wonders how it could affect his game. Dominique says it’s hard to win in a showmance, but could help get him farther.
8:20 PM BBT – Cody tells Jessica that he can get Alex to flip to their side and not come after them. Jessica seems to consider it and suggests Alex has started to calm down.
8:20 PM BBT – Kevin and Alex discuss wanting Josh out but think they can let the other side take care of that for them.
8:45 PM BBT – Paul suggests to Cody and Jessica that they keep Josh just to wait and see how bad he builds up. They could use Josh as a pawn instead of always going with Jillian.
8:55 PM BBT – Paul pulls together a guys meeting between Cody, Mark, and Matt. He thinks Kevin is a number for their side and they shouldn’t worry about him.
9:40 PM BBT – Matt, Paul, Jessica, Elena, Mark, and Raven discussing Cody’s possible plans and how he wants to work with Alex. They’re concerned that Alex will target Cody even though he doesn’t believe it. They agree to try and BD Alex as their best option even if Cody doesn’t like it.
9:50 PM BBT – Jillian talks with Christmas about the other side’s plans. She asks if Christmas knows what Cody is going to do, but she says she has no idea. Christmas says Josh is seen as the threat, not Jillian. Jillian points out that Josh can’t go up.
10:25 PM BBT – Kevin has put on nice clothes, shirt and tie, and wanders the house.
10:30 PM BBT – Jason questions Alex whether or not she’d keep him over Jillian if both go up on the Block. Alex says she would keep him. Jason says he thinks Cody may actually be planning to renom Paul. Alex says Jillian expects the same move. Alex says she is planning to go after the couples if she gets HoH, but she’s been telling the couples that she’ll target Josh.
10:35 PM BBT – Jason says he’ll talk with Cody in the morning and has a move planned to try and help.
11:00 PM BBT – Dominique is hosting a talk show in the Lounge. Kevin is her first guest. Mark is next. She seems to be using this as a chance to get inside their game thoughts.
11:30 PM BBT – Christmas is sitting in on Dominique’s show when Mark is there and asks if his relationship with Elena is a showmance or a romance. This will become an issue later.
11:50 PM BBT – Jillian and Alex evaluate the votes in the case of Cody putting Paul up against Jillian. They don’t think Cody would risk the move if he isn’t sure he has the votes.
12:00 AM BBT – Mark went up to talk with Cody over concerns that the couples could be a target. Cody thinks he has that covered. Says he’s making deals to protect the couples before the meeting.
12:05 AM BBT – Mark is still upset about Christmas questioning the showmances. He thinks she’s trying to make couples the target.
12:10 AM BBT – Mark hopes Cody will do something big tomorrow at the Veto meeting. Dominique says she’d be shocked if he didn’t. Dominique suspects Cody will do something the rest of their group doesn’t like. She’s suspicious of his plan.
12:25 AM BBT – Jason warns Paul that Cody may be about to try and target him (Paul) at the Veto meeting.
12:30 AM BBT – Dominique warns Mark that Elena doesn’t seem to like their closeness.
12:35 AM BBT – Cody tells Jessica that he respects Alex’s game because she’s competing hard instead of laying low. Jessica doesn’t like this. Cody is confident that he can flip Alex and says they should keep her at least until Jury.
12:45 AM BBT – Mark tells Dominique that he sees Paul and Cody going at each other before too long.
1:15 AM BBT – Paul and Mark are catching up privately. Mark wants to work with Paul. Paul warns Mark against getting in to a showmance and to keep an eye on Elena after Mark says he’s concerned she could be playing him. They shake and promise to watch out for one another.
2:05 AM BBT – Paul talks with Christmas and Dominique to see if they think anything funny is going on with Cody’s plans. Neither thinks Paul is in danger. Dominique admits something might be going on with Cody’s plan. Christmas is frustrated that Cody won’t take input from the group.
2:25 AM BBT – Paul goes to talk with Cody and ask him about his plans and if he wants to discuss ideas. Cody doesn’t want to talk about it.
2:40 AM BBT – Cody and Jessica discussing his concerns. Cody says Christmas and Paul are stressful on their group. He gives her his speech on why those two are trouble for the group while everyone else gets along and works well together without inducing problems into the team.
3:10 AM BBT – Jessica and Cody appear to be getting very intimate in bed. Cameras 1/2. They pull the covers over their heads and the rythym intensifies. It’s pretty clear what’s going on. After a few minutes the Feeds cut to downstairs.
4:08 AM BBT – Mark and Elena are still awake and cuddled on the bathroom couches. They kiss then hang around and talk.
4:45 AM BBT – Everyone has finally gone off to bed.
So far it looks like Cody could be narrowing down to either Paul or Christmas for his renom plans if he wants to protect the couples plus Dominique. Go figure why he wants to trade group support for a one week deal with Ramses, but there you go. Cody has plans to finalize those deals he made with Ramses and Alex, neither of which plan to honor them though.
If Cody was planning to go for Paul then he’ll likely have to fall back to Christmas instead if Paul’s Pendant keeps him off the Block and not just prevents him from being voted out. We’ll have to see what happens at the Veto meeting.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Hopefully it won’t be Christmas. I still like her, but things may change over the next couple of weeks.
Loving Christmas so far, the bright side is that I THINK she could maybe have a good chance to stay over Jillian?
Do you think Cody has ever even watched bb before entering the house?!
And does anyone else’s ‘ick factor’ get a jolt from the Cody-Jessica relationship?
Considering he’s playing too hard too fast I say he hasn’t.
Oh and here’s a barf bag in case the make out.
*hands one to you*
Hahaha! I’ll take one as well, Dan. :)
*hands you one*
Yes, gross!
Seems to me he thinks he’s the greatest player ever and the smartest person in the house.
Agreed. He is, or shortly will be, a massive target of both those with whom he is currently aligned as well as the Oddball Alliance.
Let’s just hope he doesn’t win reentry when the first four or five battle for it.
Oh no, hadn’t thought that far ahead. Nightmare.
And I wouldn’t put him up on the block. …He seems to be a comp beast & would probably win veto. Would love to see him be a renom next to Jessica. Then one would definitely go!! And not too soon either!!
Is it me or does he remind you of how cocky Paulie was last year?
Yep – Exactly. Picked that one up on the first show
I suspect the “game” brought out Paulie’s worst traits.
Cody, on the other hand, seems to be a straight up d!ck.
My Ick factor’ gets a huge jolt with those two and an Ugh and Eww factor too!
Cody seems to think he’s running the house. He’s setting himself up for a HUGE crash & burn if you ask me.
And as far as Jess/Cody…eeeww! They make me sick! Jessica even said her mother is watching. I can only imagine what that woman is thinking about her daughter’s behavior. I’d be mortified!
You and me both! I would be really upset with my daughter if she jumped into bed with someone she’s known for barely a week let alone on camera! I wouldn’t care if she was an adult or not, she’d be locked in her room until she could learn better morals.
Its evident that Cody is playing a sloppy game social/strategical game. He’s trying way too hard to make an army and multiple deals. This could end up biting him in the butt. I hope Matt and Mark realize that the dude is a liability.
Also I never got Jess’s hatred of Alex. Just what did Alex do to piss her off? Beauty? Cody? Either way this is Aaryn/Candice or Bridgette/Meech BS.
Matt has been pretty subtle, but he seems to be more and more concerned with how Cody is doing things. If Cody nominates one of their group, especially without consulting with the group, that will be the beginning of the end for Cody’s game.
I call Jessica..Jessica Rabbit! I think she is a little floozy! Not sure if I spelled that right..looks like I was right since her and arrogant Cody have already had sex. I really don’t like that pair at all!
(Trump Voter?)
No. Obviously a Bernie supporter.
Uh relevance?
Exactly the same relevance as Kim’s comment, which was of course, my point. I’m unsure what your point in only pointing out my point, was.
Anybody BUT Paul to win. He sickens me.
I am finding Cody sort of odd. I have no idea what he is thinking and why he is only nice to some people. Plus huge alliances make no sense, people will talk eventually. I just don’t understand all the hate this year is it ego? Or just a bunch of rude people were brought in?
Unfortunately Cody seems to have set a negative tone to the house. He said he wanted to divide the house. Just waiting for some of the brighter bulbs in the house to see through him and plan to get him out. It took awhile in BB18 for some to realize what Paulie was and nominate/evict him. Hopefully it won’t take as long to get rid of Cody.
Yeah but he picked all the pretty people, big jocks, and sort of ignores the rest. I just find it so rude. He was negative from his first moment in, like he has some chip on his shoulder about something. I don’t think it would kill these people to get to know EVERYONE. Otherwise high school cliques do not interest me at all.
That’s pretty typical with the “asshat jock” type of houseguest.
This season went downhill fast. Now there might be a couple of players that may peak my interest but for the most part, not one I can think of that strikes me as a great player. Maybe Paul is the best player but he comes with a major target on his back. I think I would have enjoyed having crazy Caleb back over Paul, that would make it interesting between him and Cody going for the same girl LOL.
Caleb is married with a baby on the way.
Still he would be a better return player than Paul.
I think Lynne meant that Caleb wouldn’t chase after another girl.
I kind of figured that but I still would love to see him over Paul regardless.
Understandable. Plus two seasons in a row is overkill.
I see that Raven chick decided to go with another look? For awhile there, she looked like Angela Landsbury in the Broadway musical, “Sweeney Todd!
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b91b6a518c05f0ad8c404ddabdadd9a9277053ba1289067c7f5ba9cf93c9ddf0.jpg “
LMAO! I nearly fell to the floor laughing when I saw this! Raven…20 years from now.
Cody has quickly become the villain I am rooting against this season. His unwillingness to even try to connect to some people in the house is going to destroy his game. I’m excited to see the house turn on him as soon as he is no longer in power. Also, I’m not a fan of him using the word “tranny” yesterday. I do not want a repeat of what happened on BB15.
Oh, I know, I heard that too!! :O And he is brazenly unapologetic about it, even said (paraphrasing here) “Do you really think they’re going to call out a US Marine over a “tranny” comment?” I really dislike him & can’t wait until he’s evicted!
We don’t know the details of the pendant. Paul may sit on the block and then use the pendant at voting. Christmas may be safe if that happens and one of the other two would go home.
Since we didn’t see the reveal of the pendant then we don’t know when he gets to use it.
According to CBS website, he can’t be nominated or evicted
Hi tr8pping3! New season of BB is looking crazy so far, right??
I read the same thing. Paul cannot be nominated nor evicted, so things might get really interesting if Cody tries to renom Paul!
Hey TGJ! Glad you’re here for this season, I remember some fun exchanges with you last summer. Got your seat belt on, so far it looks like it’s going to be a bumpy ride. But fun!
Holy *bleep* does it ever!!~ :) I’m strapping myself in for the long haul hon! Looking forward to many great discussions here with you as we watch our boy Paul navigate the BB house without his fellow Sitting Duck, El-Fit Vic!! :) Maybe Christmas can be his El-Fit Chris! hahaha
Sounds like a good pair!
What the heck is up with Cody turning down the cup? It’s just odd and I’d love to know his reasoning behind it. I read on Twitter last week that Dan Gheesling talked to one of the male HGs as a favor to a friend and whoever it was told Dan that he didn’t need any advice on BB, he’d play his own way. I would not be one bit surprised if it was Cody.
I thought turning down the cup was odd too. I mean it’s just a cup.