Tonight on Big Brother 18, Jozea Flores will be crowned the winner of Big Brother ending the season and series forever. Might as well, because no one could compare. However, there is a chance that won’t happen and instead either Jozea, Bridgette, or Paulie will be evicted from the game.
The show kicks off live at 9/8c and we’ll be here at 9PM ET with our live coverage revealing how the votes go, who was evicted, and which Houseguest won HoH tonight. The odds are stacked against The Revolution alliance and unless there’s a power shift we could see a lot of scrambling real quick. Should be fun.
But wait, there’s more. CBS promises Julie Chen will reveal a “shocking surprise” during the show. Hmm.
Of course I do hope we get a power shift because a one-sided pummeling is rarely fun for Big Brother but if it’s going to happen then we’ll need to see Paul, Victor, or Bronte pull off a critical victory tonight. The rest of their team is either wavering or on his way out the door. Those are tough odds.
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While we usually get a pretty slow first week of the Big Brother season this one has been entertaining and active. I’m impressed with the activity these Houseguests have delivered. If you haven’t been watching the Live Feeds then you probably missed a lot of the fun even with our Highlight Reports.
Right now Natalie is aware how this vote is going to go down, but Bronte is stubbornly holding out that it’ll work because after her week of scorched earth strategy she needs it to. As for the Vets’ Eight Pack alliance, they’re doing much better for game awareness though even their team is starting to show cracks. Lots of fun ahead so stick with us to find out what happens next.
So what about that promised surprise? Like I’ve been saying for weeks, I’m expecting returning evictees like we saw in BB13 where the first four HGs had a shot to get back in the game. We’ll get more details tonight.
Join us back here at 9/8c as we live recap the eviction show to discover who was voted out, and who is the new Head of Household. What do you want to see happen in each of those decisions?
Big Brother 18 Episode 5 preview:
I cannot wait to see his face… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!!
I havent been watching long…maybe 3rd season. Is Jozea the most clueless person ever on the show?
Yep, at least since season 5 — that’s when I started watching.
In my opinion, that is.
Hands down, the most clueless player ever!
He’s an idiot
Pretty much!
I’m recording it, so I can watch it over and over and over!!!! It’ll be a shocker for sure! Well, not for us, but for him!
Here come the memes!
im getting nervous he will find out. its bad enough he knows it wont be a landslide “victory”
Does James know Tiffany is Vanessa’s sister?
Paulie, in addition to everyone in the 8pack minus Corey, knows.
Probably because Corey doesn’t have a clue who Van Van is hehehehe.
Well, Grodner’s always going to have a clueless but sexy alpha male in the house (not “Jozea-delusional” clueless, but clueless in the sense that he’s about as intelligent as an infant and has no idea what it means to strategize or not be manipulated by others)
For example: BB14 Shane, BB16 Caleb and of course, BB18 Corey
YESSSS! Exactly- you hit the nail on its clueless head.
Corey is clueless. They will have to write in Cheerios for him
Corey doesn’t have a clue, period. :D
Does Corey know who Vanessa is?
I want to say that he has no earthly clue. Seems like this crop of recruits was only given Season 16 to watch in sequester.
Jozea must not have gotten that memo!
Do they do that? Give them past seasons to watch in the pre-show sequester?
They absolutely give them DVDs of past seasons to watch! Whether they take that opportunity or not is up to them.
Reality shows tend to have what are called open casting calls, meaning that ANYONE who wants to be on the show just comes to the location on the advertised dates and times to try out. It’s kind of like auditions for Broadway and off-Broadway shows in NYC…’s a cattle call, thousands show up and a very, very few are selected.
Of course, there are also ALWAYS recruits on both BB and Survivor – people the casting directors have either heard of from their assistants or friends. Those types don’t typically have to go to the casting calls.
Cool, thanks for the info, Heather!
You are more than welcome! : )
I don’t get why they put people on who haven’t a clue about BB
Don’t think so! Ha
Paulie may be the pawn and is in the block in the first week but he is surely the safest HG next week
Can’t be too confident on that… the Revolution alliance combined has the brain size of a pea… so who can predict where their head is at?
Bronte and Victor is Frank’s next target. Bronte for sure is Nic’s next target. Can’t wait to see who wins HoH now to help Bronte be fitted for that chair she doesn’t believe will ever be hers! Praying Bronte doesn’t get HoH!
Since we have time to kill before the Jozea walks, let me predict who these HGs would nominate if they are HoH:
Victor: James & Corey
Paul: James & Michelle
Bronte: James & Nicole
Frank: Victor & Bronte, Tiffany (RK)
Nicole: Bronte & Victor (?) … Bronte for sure.
James: Victor & Paul (?) … He will protect Bronte because of Natalie.
Based on your predictions, I want Jamesie to win.
if its a team win, then james’ team has to lose bc if its like last time, the team picks the HOH. his team would not let him be HOH
Ahhhh, I see.
Based on several conversations throughout the week, that seems to be pretty accurate so far! James wants to throw it and he wants Natalie to do this too, so that Frank wins the HoH, if it comes down to that point and they’re all still in the comp!
I’m enjoying Frank this time. James is pretty funny running behind to attend the meeting last night
I don’t think they would bring Glenn back without making him work for it, honestly. In my opinion that would just be a waste of a twist. They will probably just bring back the first few evicted houseguests and have them battle it out- or something similar. I might be wrong, but I don’t think they’ve ever just brought back an evicted houseguest without having them earn it somehow- but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
I still think that photo finish showed Glenn grabbing flag first
He did. But, in going for it, his coconuts rolled out.
What is this “Shocking Surprise” that Julie is going to unveil tonight?!?!? Any thoughts, oh BB Loyalists?
If it’s to bring Jozea back right after he’s been evicted, I swear I will scream! I’m hoping Glenn will get to come back and try not to lose this time!
i would think w the negative stuff he spews and people talking about it, they wouldnt want him back in. too risky for backlash on them, dont you think
Some of them don’t have a filter themselves, so they don’t recognize his behavior as being “colorful” shall we say?
Oh I will scream if Jozea is left in the game
If Paul won HOH and was somehow convinced to put Victor and Bronte…OOOH. LOL it’s highly unlikely but I would pay money to see that happen!
He’s pretty BB clueless- it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibilities!
that would clearly put the stamp of the biggest loser on paul’s forehead
i agree, a pummeling is usually not as much fun, but when the other side is that cocky and clueless, it is great fun. the surprise, is glenn coming back
Hope Big Brother can continue to make it interesting. I think the Roadkill competition is a nice twist. Having the extra nomination without revealing it keeps the paranoid levels up! Keep it for the next 4 weeks atleast! The twist probably will be the 4 evicted house guests compete for the right to come back at some point in the game!
no b.s. I think I know the surprise. I stumbled on it by accident. Female hg coming in!
Maybe Rachel Riley. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?