Big Brother 18 Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home Tonight?

A Houseguest will be evicted from Big Brother 18 tonight as three of them face possible elimination at the hands of eleven votes waiting to be cast. So who is going home tonight on Big Brother? The answer remains clear after days of planning.

Paulie Calafiore & Jozea Flores face eviction tonight on Big Brother 18

While the target has been set for awhile now the real question was whether or not it could be kept a secret to send the losing side in to scatter mode for the HoH competition that followed. Well, it’ll be a mixed bag.

Jozea is still going to be evicted. There’s no doubt. He can’t overcome the vote deficit at this point no matter how hard he may try. There are 7 members of the Eight Pack voting (Nicole is HoH and Paulie is not only on the Block but also not a technical member of the alliance), so that right there is a non-starter for Jozea’s chances.

Jozea won’t go out in a landslide though. He’ll have votes of support from Paul, Victor, Bronte, and Natalie. Natalie knows Jozea is going, but she wants to stick to her word and vote the way she promised. It’s a smart move for her to avoid upsetting the other newbies while also letting James know this is her plan and mentioning she’ll readjust her strategy going forward.

Watch for Jozea Flores to be evicted 7-4 over Paulie Calafiore while Bridgette Dunning will draw zero votes. From there we’ll set off to find out who will be the next Head of Household for Big Brother 18!

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.



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  1. Jozea delusions, and arrogance wasn’t the entertaining kind. His ego, poor social game and inability to understand the BB game cost him big time.

  2. I can’t wait to see this fool’s face. He really is a piece of work. The crap he spouts is unbelievable. Truly deluded.

  3. Guarantee CBS Production will figure a way for the ‘Messiah’s return’ to the BB House. Totally expecting Julie to say “But the game may not be over for Jozea just yet”.

    • I doubt it in Jozea’s case. He’s not Frankie. CBS did everything they could to keep Frankie because he was Ariana Grande’s brother. Frankie was at least amusing at first. Jozea isn’t even interesting enough to make me sick. He’s not entertaining annoying. No reason for CBS to want him to stay.

      • Kicking out the only “gay” person this early will not go over well with the CBS brass. It will make them look “racist” and “homophobic”.
        I will bet any amount of money that “The Messiah will return”.

      • But at the same time, they can only meddle so much. They can give him the opportunity to win his way back into the game, as they’ve done in the past (which, considering Adam said Glenn’s yet to be seen in the public eye, they might be planning on doing rather than pulling from the Jury members again), but they can’t just put him back in the game without the audience knowing it’s a fix.

      • CBS Production could have a “call in your votes to send one house guest back in the house” and they can pick anyone they want (Jozea) to reenter the house

      • OK…CBS has designed a way for Jozea to get back in the BB House. We shall see if the comps are rigged.

      • This is actually the first time, in all of the comments wanting him to go, that anyone has even mentioned that aspect. I dont think ANYONE cares that he is gay… that just goes to show how damn annoying he really is. LOL

      • I don’t “want him to go” because he’s gay. I could care less what sex anyone is.

        His “I am the Messiah” comments and his “I’m running the house” comments is why I wanted him out.

        But CBS cares. CBS wants you to THINK “they care”. So they figured out a way to get Jozea back in the house.

        I called it.

      • I was right. CBS has figured a way to get their boy back in the BB House.

  4. I did want Paulie to cool his jets last night though…confronting Jozea about his secret house meeting. Paulie, let it go, man. You’re safe. Chill.

  5. James crashing the meeting though… Love.
    And they didn’t mind admitting Bridgette was upstairs ‘listening for us’. Bwahahaha.

      • It makes me wonder how many of the players have even watched the show since some of their move are so idiotic.

  6. If only there’s somehow a miracle happens right now and Bridgette’s evicted instead so the Jozea stays. (And Glenn re-enters the house!) Would love to see Nicole and especially Frank and James sweat a lil bit. It’s gonna be another fantastic week if it happens!!!

  7. I will laugh hysterically at production’s sense of humor if Jozea gets evicted and comes back 3 days later…

  8. Jozea is getting evicted. He is so annoying. Its so funny how he thinks he’s the so called “Messiah” lol, he thinks he is gonna stay. When he gets evicted i will be jumping around and doing cart wheels lol

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