Tonight On Big Brother 17: Nominations & Battle Of The Block

There’s more Big Brother tonight when we get back in to the house for nominations and the next Battle of the Block where one Houseguest is willing to put his game on the line.

Big Brother 17 - Episode 3 tonight on CBS
Big Brother 17 – Episode 3 tonight on CBS

Yes, we’ve got another thrown competition coming up tonight as one side of the house makes big plans for a surprise eviction this week that could keep Houseguests guessing until it’s too late.

After Da’Vonne was evicted on Thursday we saw Vanessa and Austin win out in the Head of Household competition. They’ve been closely working together which gave them a strong opportunity to control everything from one step to the next. Now they’ll just have to decide what’s best for their games as they line the other side up for a firing squad.

Can’t wait for all the spoilers? We’ve got the results for nominations, Battle of the Block, and even the Power of Veto competition! So much has been going on that you won’t want to miss our Big Brother updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Join us back here at 8/7c for the Big Brother 17 episode and chat with us and other fans throughout the show before we race back to see what’s going on the Big Brother Feeds.



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  1. I know that the Gronk parties started after PoV, but do you think they’ll start showing them tonight? I’ve counted 4 so far … hot shower (8:55 PM), toga (11:40 PM), limbo (2:45 AM) and hot tub (7:20 AM). It’s about time for another one! No sleep this week!

  2. I guess they wanna keep the twins for numbers. I don’t know, I thought you want to take out a player, not to take in.

  3. Sorry guys but looks like this year its the ditzey dark haired guys. Really Austin and Jeff are in another world.

  4. Clay Aiken? How many gays can they get on this show?

    Jason, Vanessa, Aud the trans and now Austin is a Clay Aiken fan? I am speechless!

  5. Now we know why John is on the show. Until just now, it made no sense to me.

  6. JMack identified crown #s of each twin as unique markings. One has “b” or something….some forensic s**t going there my man!.. lol

  7. If Clay and Shelli were out of the house, I’d enjoy it more. I know there would still be two sides but I’d like to see them play out.

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