Tonight on Big Brother 17 the second Double Eviction event of the season arrives and the Houseguests may be caught off guard by the surprise arrival of another whirlwind night.
Houseguests know another DE can’t be far off, but most are thinking it’ll happen next week instead. Combo that with the murmurs of a flipped vote tonight and we could be in for a very exciting show.
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Double Evictions are always my favorite because of the surprises we typically see. Most weeks we’re watching the slow march to elimination and know what to expect but with tonight’s show it’s going to happen so fast it’ll be over before we know it!
If you want to get ahead and start running through ideas for potential scenarios then be sure to read what BB16 winner Derrick Levasseur explains in his breakdown of tonight’s possibilities. It’s a great read so don’t miss it.
Heads up that many areas will have tonight’s show bumped in the schedule due to NFL preseason games across the country. We will be providing live coverage of the show on time so you can join us for any missed results.
Join us back here at 9/8c as we live recap the eviction show to discover who was voted out, and who is the new Head of Household. What do you want to see happen in each of those decisions?
So will it be Meg then James/JMac getting voted out, or will it be Julia then another ‘Austin’s Angels'(I know if could be one then someone else, but if either of these happen it’ll put one side in decisive control)? Should be an interesting night.
Meg goes first, then James unless he wins HOH or veto. If he wins veto again, it gets very interesting to see who walks out the door. Hoping for fireworks
Probably JMac or Steve, cuz everyone is too scared to target Vanessa, and the Austwins don’t like JMac and have started to not trust Steve, but I’d expect JMac. Unless JMac/Steve win HoH, then I guess they’d have to target an Austwin if James won Veto.
If James wins HoH it’d be one hell of a night lol. Although hes said he’d put up Steve… which is dumb, put up 2 of Austin’s Angels…
Especially after they are the group that put him and Meg up this week but once again someone targeting someone that doesn’t make sense. This whole season has been the season of “What the??? who is the target????”
Steve is a much bigger threat than most people realize and is actually a good choice to evict–for everyone but James and especially JMac. JMac shouldn’t put him up for obvious reasons–its his closest ally and the only person he can actually trust at all. James has a whole different set of problems, and sending Steve out the door doesn’t help him. Getting rid of Vanessa does, and that’s where he should go. Of course, actually getting her out is easier said than done.
Not too hard if Meg stays. Put Van/Liz Ho on the block and take out Van. Then someone other than Austwuss/Liz Ho needs HOH and we’re good to go.
Sounds great in theory. Besides James, nobody in there has the guts to do it
Well James just has a warped view of the so his thinking is just plan off. Him targeting anyone is kind of up in the air cuz you don’t know what he is thinking and has no allies(if Meg is gone), so whatever he would do is what he thinks is best for him, but since he’s clueless it will probably be a dumb move.
Getting rid of an Austwin or Vanessa is better for everyones game pretty much lol.
I’d like to think it will be interesting, but it will probably be more safe play from these skittish HGs. I think Meg will go home, then James and then Jmac leaving the rest of the idiots in play. How dreary. Plus, we’ll have to put up with Vanessa continuing to pat herself on the back about how wonderfully smart she is. And, of course the twins will continue to bash James and accuse him of being a bully for daring to play the game. What I would like to happen, is Julia gets evicted, James wins HOH and puts up Vanessa and Austin with Vanessa getting evicted. Then, JMac wins HOH and puts up Austin and Liz with Liz getting evicted. Let Austin panic and grovel for a change.
Ya, they’ve been in power for 4 weeks now(if you include Vanessa basically running Steve’s DE HoH). They someone to shake thing up. But I expect Meg to go home, then James or JMac to follow, just like the whole season has gone…
“Most weeks we’re watching the slow march to elimination and know what to expect” That sentence alone should give the producers of Big Brother some pause, and not just with this cast. Given the live feeds, the broadcast itself and the weekly process has become so bloody tedious. This show really needs to revamp its format. No matter how many twists they throw in, the basic format is tired and has gotten really boring. I agree that the double eviction shows are the best, precisely because the action is fast and unpredictable. The producers should take a lesson from that and figure out a way to apply that kind of fast decision making and unpredictability to every week. I’d be interested to know what aspect of BB generates the most cash — the live broadcast or the live feeds.
If you throw in the money CBS makes from advertising during the show I’d suspect that heavily outweighs people paying for live feeds.
But yes, they should try to find a way to revamp the show. Saw one post where someone had an interesting idea, wasn’t quick thinking like you mentioned, but changed the show. Either have 3 noms and 2 get evicted, or they could have 2 HoH, they nom 2 each, no BoTB(not sure how veto would work), but then 1 of each of the sets get voted out, then between the 2 they have a comp where one reenters the house. It’d change the game because even if someone is voted out, they could come right back, it’d be like a rewind sort of each week. And don’t stop it at 10 players, have it play through to like the final 4.
Anything would be an improvement. A shorter season would help tremendously, so that this action isn’t dragged out over three months. Of course, they don’t get the same number of shows out of the deal, but maybe throw in an extra season each year to make up for it.
Or have 4 episodes a week and have 2 evictions a week. That’d be an idea if they wanted it set in stone which nights will be eviction nights vs having it stay at 3 and having a revolving eviction night. They could up it to 20 HGs, 2 evictions a week, make it about 10 weeks instead of 13 or so.
Or something just as simple as change up the schedule of things. This DE is going to be a surprise but the first wasn’t because they do it the same weeks every year. Randomly throw in DE and put the comps in random orders so the hg can’t guess whats next.
They really should be letting us produce the show. We would all be so much better at it. :-)
BTW, when you watch the live feeds, do you get advertised to there? I don’t have access here. Just curious.
i don’t have live feeds, sorry. Usually only watch the Thursday episode and get the rest of my info on here lol.
Same here.
Me three lol also watch Sun & Wed online right before Thu live show. One nite of BB the threads keep me informed way b4 shows airs.
Save grandma!
She’s not worth saving. She shouldn’t even have been an HG. Being sweet and looking cute just doesn’t cut it. Love her as a person, but as a contestant, not at all.
certainly hope that both aus-twits will be leaving the building tonight then the next HOH will be one of the 4 guys or Meg left so they can put the crackpot out of the house next week
Sorry Meg you leave
Who goes home can’t see it due to the game.
Meg then James Very upset I didn’t see it because of the football game.
I’m so mad didn’t see it because of football game is on. I’m a very big fan. I hate Vanessa she need to go.
I’m so mad didn’t see it because of football game is on. I’m a very big fan. I hate Vanessa she need to go.
I quit watching when Steve nominiate and got Jackie evicted. Can’t stand the twins…Julia is ok frankly…but Liz? Ugh. Now I just check the recaps cause there is no intrigue or interesting play. So now we are left with in the clouds Steve, Love struck Judas, Faking love struck Liz, Julia who could have been descent alone, Johnny Mac in survival mode and Vanessa, lil’ miss waterfall and constant in your face manipulative embarrassment. Hate the results. Not even interested in who wins – except for Fan Fav hope it is James. Where do they dig these people up? Nasty. Like Johnny Mac (except his working with Vanessa) James, Meg, Jackie. If twins, Vanessa, and Judas gone…the show would have been more fun. This way it is the bad guys who win. Ugh ugh ugh
This is the worst season ever. Those twins should have been gone weeks ago, along with Vanessa. I dont understand why Steve, Jmac, James and Meg didnt form an alliance together, and Steve knew the right move was to take out Julia but he was too afraid of Vanessa the bully to do it. If those twins win, I will never watch BB again.