Tonight On Big Brother 17: Final HoH Round 1 & Memory Lane

Tonight on Big Brother 17 the final Head of Household competition kicks off when we watch the the last three Houseguests of the season face off in one tough challenge that took them in to the carnival mad house.

Update: Sunday’s show is delayed about thirty minutes due to NFL run over.

Big Brother 17 Final HoH endurance comp
Big Brother 17 Final HoH endurance comp – Source: CBS All Access

Not only will we watch the nearly four hour competition nicely condensed in to a more manageable duration, but we’ll also get the season’s Memory Lane trip. Liz, Steve, and Vanessa talk us through the season’s highlights over brunch and drinks.

When things left off on Wednesday night Johnny Mac had just been eliminated again (read our eviction interview with John) leaving the final three to prepare for the last three competitions of the season. First up was that night’s endurance comp which we’ll be watching tonight.

Round 2 of the 3-part competition series was held on Friday night but that won’t air until Wednesday’s season finale (9:30 PM ET) and we’ve got those spoilers here if you can’t wait.

CBS is also promising new footage for tonight’s reflection portion so that could be interesting, but I wonder how much will be things we saw on the Live Feeds and just didn’t make it to the episodes. These are usually silly segments, but we’ll still watch to see how it goes.

Join us back here at 8/7c (barring any sports delays) to chat with other Big Brother fans.

Big Brother 17 Episode 39 preview:



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  1. So here is hoping that Vanessa will still be medicated on Wednesday night for the mental comp. Steve for the win.

  2. Emmy Awards are on tonight. Andy Samburg is much more amusing than these three. Shoot, paint drying is more amusing than these three.

  3. Am I the only one who finds the memory lane (whether BB or Survivor) just dreadful to watch. I might have to opt for the Emmy’s or a bathroom break at that point.

  4. OK, this should be the show thread. 60 minutes started close 7H30, so BB will start close to 8H30.

  5. Disqus seems to be screwed up tonight. I don’t get the update on the thread. I have to reload all the time.

  6. I cannot stand this season. I am close to shooting my tv. Vanessa is rigged to win, will host her new CBS show after she wins. (Called poker face). Why drag it out. The outcome has been set since day one. Not that many people can be that freaking stupid to put up with Vanessa and all her crap. What a joke

  7. This show is mad is boring tonight. Who cares about Vanessa’s story about getting the final two with those two imbeciles. They are not going win against her. I rather watch paint dry than this bull 2nite. I’m furious.

  8. I can’t wait for Wednesday so these scumbag bitches can leave this god forsaken show and Survivor can start.

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