Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT as the BB16 train builds up steam for the Double Eviction Week.
Ahead of us tonight will be the Veto comp and ceremony as this week’s nominees, Christine and Nicole, face a new chance for safety and the rest of the house faces an interesting proposal from Caleb. What if they put Nicole’s eviction on hold and went for a bigger, pink frosted target?
With time running out on the season the HGs will have to start taking bigger risks and making bigger moves if they want to pad their Big Brother resume and control who they take to the end.
Can’t wait for all the spoilers to arrive tonight on CBS? Get our Big Brother spoilers now and see what happened with the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.
Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.
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There is not a lot to say…Its the same (rerun) veto show we been watching since July…
Spoiler alert wait how can it be a spoiler when we all know we are relying on caleb to do something smart. Christine comes off block Victoria goes up because caleb thinks he is the greatest and his claim to fame is the defunct bomb squad
What sucks about these CBS shows is they edit it so they make the viewers believe they’re going to do something big and then womp womp womp….they follow suit under Derricks command. *yawn* – I have a couple of friends who ONLY watch the CBS shows so it’s funny to get their perspective but knowing what we know. And I find myself in defense mode constantly. LOL! UGH!!
Worst season of Big Brother ever ! Nobody has the nerve to do anything that might be a game changer. Make them all do the ALS Challenge and donate the $500K
OK CBS enough of the Chinese Water Torture. Here is how to improve the show. Make America 2nd. HOH able to veto someone on the block, bring back the winner of previous season to host the show instead of Julie. Julie is taking the fun out of the game and seems to revel in the madness making a lot of people mad plus she is too old for this type of show. She makes too much money anyway to host this type of show. It is not her type of show.
9 mins to go
Tick …. tick …. tick ….. tick
You’re so quiet tonight.
Yes he is.
Mommie ?
56 minutes to go
Tonight’s show will be predictable the only question is how the edit will come out
Now it begins
Can’t wait to watch this comp.
That is about the only reason to watch and to see how the edits come out
Well lets get settled in and see if Frankie gets another good edit or a true one.
How can you edit disgusting?
They been doing it all season till last week.
Can’t edit jerk.
Holla! Geeze I hate that and doesn’t it punish the whole house not just Derrick.
Yep they may vote him out just to stop it.
I think that is why the punishment put your game in Jeopardy
I would. When does it end?
5000 hollars
How long will that take, rest of season?
Just about.
Listen to Derrick stroke us
Caleb is so stupid.
Is just me or is Derrick getting a little c**ky
He ALWAYS has been.
It’s not just you. He is cocky!
It’s a cop attitude. Most have it in them. They have to with what they have to deal with on the streets these days. Not saying it’s bad, not saying it’s good either. It just is.
The ” cop” mentality is coming out
Oh poor Skankie.
I heard Frankie pitched a fit afterwards.
They didn’t show it all.
Where ya been?
Nope just a hint.
Please fill me in. Pitched a fit after what?
After not getting picked to play in the veto comp.
He wanted to play. Bawaaa waa
Skankie is such a cry baby
Derrick is getting so cocky in his dr’s. pretty soon there won’t be anyone i want to watch. good thing it is almost over
This is a pretty cool comp.
That’s hilarious!!!!!
Where can I watch online? Direct tv no longer has CBS.
What ? I have DirecTV and watching CBS.
me also
Local stations sign contracts every year. Some hold out. It happened here last year for 5 days.
Oh really. I’m glad I have the New York feed on 390.
Not just CBS also the others but most don’t get greedy. I heard (true??) Directv was charging more to carry them.
Actually, it’s the other way around DirecTV has to pay CBS to carry their signal and DirecTV is trying to pay as little as possible.
new it was one of them. Look how long we lost the weather channel. My lifeline on the coast. Of course I check NOAA and Underground Weather online too. LOL
What channel are you watching?
I have the New York Channel, so I have CBS on 2 and 390.
I don’t get either one of those so I’ll try thepiratebay. Thanks.
What channel r u watching? I watch on channel 10 in Ohio.
If you can’t get it on tv wait 30 mins after show check thepiratebay
Definitely one of the best comps this year.
I like it too.
Hi..I’m a Pastor of White Tail Chapel..sorry I’m late.
Did you drown anyone in Holy Water?
If I can baptize him, I’ll put some weights in his robe and dunk him..
yes !
Oh STHU Caleb. You’re all talk. Get your balls back from Amber.
Ain’t that the truth.
Wonder whats going on in the house? Matt says still on Jeff loops.
Pandora’s Box? The feeds went off quite awhile ago.
Prod is taking out the have not room, but it shouldn’t take this long. Maybe CBS wants people to watch the show, not the feeds.
Been almost 2hrs.
I’ll bet the feeds are up after the show.
Probably turned off the feeds so everyone would watch the show and then the ratings wouldn’t look as bad as they really are…
If you wanted Frankie out Cody, why didn’t you put him up?
Big talk no balls for no balls Cody
Nicole zing Cody lol right on
Cody:..blah..blah…blah..blah…Ok Derrick whatever you want. I’m on board.
More like wimp mode cowgirl.
Too bad for caleb there isn’t a bomb squad
None of them want to be the first one in jury house because of how they treated those already there don’t want to be the odd one out themselves. Except maybe Derrick
There’s a disconnect in Derrick’s DR. I just don’t buy his confessional.
I wouldn’t buy anything he was selling.
He tells the viewers what he’s going to do, but he doesn’t follow through. It’s irritating and It makes his DR session boring…like…”Here comes nothing !
Keep talking nicole tell everyone
She did call him Dan a couple of times, he asked her to please not.
They cut half of the conversation out. She was giving him credit for his game and said she would not say anything.
She should at least on her way out the door say to Derrick at least I lost to someone who is playing on dan ? Level don’t know how to spell his last name
The way they edit is so out of sequence. Derrick was on board to backdoor Frankie. The conversation they just showed of him trying to get Nicole out was early then late at night he wanted Frankie gone.
You’re so observant. I’m impressed. Why do you think they did that? Do you think the editing was negative towards Derrick? It was nice to hear how unimpressed Victoria/Nicole with witless Caleb.
I think CBS did that so we would think Derrick wants Nicole out. Even his DR saying Nicole figured him out so she’s gotta go. The DR edits what they say. He wanted Nicole to stay.
No caleb you thought throwing everybody under the bus including yourself was a better idea!!!!!
Yep your gut Caleb because you don’t have a brain.
Ok Derrick. Whatever you say godfather.
Did you kiss his ring?
What a dummy caleb is you tell him Victoria and Nicole
All I can say is I can’t wait to see who talks to Julie after Nicole tomorrow. And it’s not going to be Victoria.
Nope it won’t be her.
With football starting tomorrow should have had de now after veto episode
Football is on NBC for me.
This week football is NBC. Sunday Night Football on Thursday. Next week is on CBS, that why they move BB to Tuesday and Wednesday.
Derrick is so full of himself.
Finally giving Derrick the edit he hasn’t gotten. Showing how cocky the live feeders get to see.
Still think of all these he’s played the best game. May not like it but was the best. Which if BB holds true of lately he won’t win.
Oh I agree. He has played the best game. Just don’t like the way he’s played it.
He has played the best game because none of the other idiots know how to play. Now if they would play who has the biggest ego it might not be so predictable
Oh my. That’s so true. I think Frankie and Caleb top 2, not saying who would win. Then you have the others so no telling who would win that.
calip is so fucking stupid way to go asshole cowbay u have to be the stupides player ever hen u get out u will c stupid i would be ashamd maybe your girl is wiating for u opps she hate u dumbass
I find this year a big bore. Nobody will make a
big move, they’re all afraid to think for themselves.
Well, see you tomorrow. Same bat time (although technically an hour later)same bat channel. Should be fun.
Yep same place.
Same batty people. Lol
How can you justify keeping that RAPE monger Frankie on the show.What a disgusting PIG! I AM SO SICK OF HIS FAKE HUGS and his self importance what a phoney MORON! Bad for BigBrother