Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 9 Eviction & Next HoH

Julie Chen returns tonight on CBS for another Big Brother 16 live eviction show at 9PM ET/PT as the HGs prepare for a repeat eviction vote between Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel.

Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises
Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises – Source: CBS

It’s been a stressful week for Donny fans and this match-up is going to feel familiar as we’re back to the same situation from just a few weeks ago. Either Nicole or Donny will go and the majority alliance will head in to tonight’s HoH comp with a strong advantage.

But wait, while most of thought Donny was as good as gone an interesting situation came up last night. Caleb wasn’t so sure that sending Donny home was best for their game and soon he had support.

Can Donny be saved from eviction tonight? Check out all the details on what happened last night and whether or not we might still see Donny in the house come tomorrow morning.

Have you voted in this week’s popularity poll? Tonight’s two nominees are leading the vote right now so that’ll be a loss to the fans either way. Which do you think is heading to Jury tonight?

Join us tonight at 9PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother eviction.

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  1. I hope Donny is able to stay tonight but either way I hope whoever stays be it nicole or Donny that the person staying wins HOH

  2. To those of you that come here to chat during tonight’s show:

    I’ve seen you all pass the vomit bucket. Tonight I leave you a giant box of tissues to pass around for the eviction segment.

  3. I think Donny has a good chance of staying. Frankie and Caleb are on board and maybe Derrick. They have even convinced Cody. We’ll see.

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