Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 9 Power of Veto Episode

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and what could be a very interesting edit for the latest Team America mission.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

The Battle of the Block is over and a Juror has returned to the game so this week is going to feel different from what we’ve had all season. Now with just the Power of Veto in play to change up the nominations the pressure is on for this week’s targets.

Team America also has a new mission and if you’re wondering why we haven’t voted on anything yet that’s all going to be cleared up tonight. Donny revealed the new mission to the team this week and explained how it gave them a chance to keep him safe this week. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure.

I’m waiting to see if CBS shows how Frankie and Derrick rejected Donny’s pleas for help. When Donny suggested they could save him and earn an easy $5K Frankie countered with them doing a play. Well that’s going to hurt their golden-boy image, won’t it?

Also we can expect to see what happened when Victoria became so ill she was found crumpled on the floor of the toilet stall and had to be seen by a medical team while HGs thought she’d leave the game entirely.

Can’t wait for all the spoilers to arrive tonight on CBS? Get our Big Brother spoilers now and see what happened with the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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Big Brother 16 Episode 28 preview:



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  1. So, did TA complete their mission or not? I’m confused (Of course, that’s nothing new). Because if the “play” counted as a completion, I’m gonna be kind of bummed out. Guess I’ll find out tonight!

    • I with you, he needs to know what America thinks, but unfortunately he too stupid to get the drift. No money for that horrid man.

  2. The REAL team America Wants Frankie to go and Donnie to stay…CBS let us vote on THAT ONE!!

      • Yeah, I’m graduating nursing school and watching her was sad. Basic rules of a nurse follows are the ABCs. Airway, Breathing, Circulation and Safety… she did none of those it seemed. Not only that, she just said, “I’m a nurse but I usually take care of patients that I know”… hilarious, fruit loop dingus indeed. In the hospital, you always get people you “don’t know” — I’m assuming she works at a nursing home? You know, where most nurses go to just hand out medications that they don’t even know what they are giving for and sit at the nursing station. “Excuse me miss, what did you give my husband?”, “Oh, I gave him… Lopressor?… It’s to make him feel better.” >.>

        Nurses job is to assess and make decisions,… how did she pass her NCLEX is beyond me.

      • She said people she doesn’t know. She said it’s hard taking care of people you know.

      • Pretty much the same excuse I just stated, just not word for word. Let alone, she should not of graduated if she cannot remember Introductory Nursing skills. Whatever nursing school she went to… must be pretty bad.

        Law suit? If she has no license then she would practice under the Good Samaritan law. It’s actually better to provide emergency assistance with no license than with a license, they have nothing take. So, how would that be a law suit waiting to happen?

      • No you stated she usually takes care of people that she knows which she did not say. You have it backwards. And she’s very smart and finished school early. And what would you like her to do? She did what she could.

      • Regardless. She stated it was hard to perform BASIC nursing skills to a person she knows. That says enough… she may be book smart but definitely not common sense.

        A: Assess her level of consciousness (which she did not do), assess her head for trauma from falling to the floor (which she did not do), ask if she is in any pain (location, intensity, ifso level of pain — she did not do), turn them onto their side to make sure they don’t vomit or choke on fluids (maintains patent airway, which she did not do), cool washcloth on neck and forehead (which is not mandatory but helps soothe). Call for medical attention, not Derrick.

        Any more arguing from a person whom clearly has no healthcare expertise?

      • ACLS… What about it? We have CERT here: Certified Emergency Response Team, which you are trained for various emergency situations, even behavioral.

      • I don’t think I have to worry about that, I’ll be returning to Germany after this Spring to visit family. I never said I was not a rookie either. Every nurse is a rookie in their career even after they pass NCLEX. If you work urology for 10 years it means nothing, because if you go to a ER you would probably find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Staying in one department does not make you a good nurse, you learn the same meds and forget much other valuable nursing skills/information. People are flying in and out of the ER, not like in other departments. Same goes for Labor and Delivery, so when someone says they have 35 yrs in one department of nursing… they missed out on much more. Let alone, it’s not nursing when your are sitting behind a desk! Come on now, that’s administrative.

        Call me a rookie, which is fine but at least I know what I am talking about. Thank you, come again >>>

      • Maybe it doesn’t piss you off but it does me because I take my profession seriously. Watching her was embarrassing for me and nurses were voted by the general public as being one of the most respected professions for many years. This year though, we placed second, EMT’s/Paramedics were first and showing America this does not look good on us. That’s all I am saying.

      • I did fell Derrick as a cop with minimal training did more for her than Nicole did.

      • If I remember correctly, he was more calm and collective. Maybe he should be a nurse? After all, he does work with the general public and has likely been in emergency situations. Would definitely beat that pay salary he gets I’m sure.

      • Look you’re not telling me anything. I have my masters in nursing and managed an ICU floor for over 35yrs. I just retired a few years ago. Like I said there was not much more she could do. She had nothing available to her. I would say her quick reaction when she heard her fall and calling for help was about all she could do. End of discussion.

      • Obviously I did tell you something you didn’t know, you’re just too arrogant to admit it.

      • Like what? You think 5yrs experience teaches you everything? You have a long way to go.

      • 1. I never said I knew everything.
        2. A good nurse never stops learning and going to school, you’re not a nurse if you think you know it all.

        You’re retired, give it a rest — I might be giving your medications one day.

      • That’s very true. I was watching feeds and it went to fish before Derrick even got there.

      • And did I? Good nurses do not slam other nurses. We support each other. Just like your slam about other nurses that work in nursing homes. Did you ever think that they have a lot of compassion for the elderly? Maybe that’s what they want to do. And as far as giving me meds all I can say is hahaha. You not only have a lot to learn but also a lot of growing up to do.

      • I’m working in a nursing home right now doing clinicals and yes, it is true. If you knew anything about nursing, you would know they saying, “Nurses eat their weak”. I am not slamming people, I am being critical, something many Americans do not understand about my culture. You can “hahaha” all you want but it is true. Pretty sure I said “many” nurses and not “all” nurses too by the way.

        I have compassion for everyone, not just the elderly. Clearly you’re offended by my observation during my clinicals at the nursing homes I’ve worked at. If it offends you, I’m not sorry, it is the truth. I’d rather have a nurse who has a well-rounded set of skills, than a narrow set. It’s all about improving yourself, being a better nurse and continuing to learn. This improves the healthcare to the clients in the long run.

        Fact: 35 yrs ago is a LONG time ago to graduate nursing school. You don’t have the slightest idea that school has become even more competitive and require higher education than when you attended. The hospital I am working at is doing away with all their CNAs in the ER and ICU, replacing them with EMT/Paramedics and eventually, they plan on trying to do the same with the floors (stupid idea in my opinion, but whatever).

        Anyways, enjoy retirement, night.

      • This is where you know nothing about what you’re talking about. Just because I started my education in nursing back in the 70’s does not mean I haven’t continued it. In case you didn’t know I had to keep up with my nursing education. Everyone has to. And if I want to keep my license current I would still have to continue my education. Also if you’ve been a nurse in ICU for 5yrs why are you doing clinicals? And I’d say a Masters Degree is a pretty high education. Along with education comes life experiences which you know nothing about. I’m done going back and forth with you. I like to come to this site to talk about BB. I don’t like bringing my personal life into it. Have a nice life.

      • I answered your question, you got mad because I made you look foolish when I gave the correct protocol– let’s not be bitter.

        Why ask me questions about my personal life then if you don’t want to talk about yours? I’m an open book, I was a paramedic for 4 years, got tired of getting shot at when a gang member shot a rival gang member and I tried to come to save their life. I worked 5 yrs in ICU as an Para/CNAII, during that time I also floated/relief to all departments and even behavioral health. You can hate me all you wish but I think you’re really out of touch with working on the floor. Our administrator cuts out hours, then we have 10 patients per nurse, why can’t they lend a hand? Oh wait, sitting behind their desk is more important. I’m not hating on anyone, just speaking how me and other staff feel that I know. What gives them the right to increase our workload when their’s does not increase? It’s nonsense and dangerous.

        A person can have your BA, Masters or PhD but if you’re continuing your education by taking classes and you’re not applying what you learned in class into everyday situations then it doesn’t mean squat. Nursing is patient teaching, calling a kid parents to update them on their status and giving 2 bags of blood while the floor is understaffed and flooded. Nursing is NOT running a floor or departments operations, that’s administrative nursing — totally different. Hate it or love it, that’s how I feel about my experience in healthcare.

      • Honey you’re the one that looks foolish by contradicting your own comments. And I never said I hated you. I don’t use that strong word. Also I never asked about your personal life. You are the one that starting talking about your life. Like I said numerous times you know nothing about what you’re talking about. You keep saying what I do or don’t do. What my education is and on and on about my life that you know nothing about. I was on the floor taking care of patients. You see we worked as a team on my unit. The patients got the best of care because of that. When we had a code I was right there and not sitting behind a desk. You couldn’t keep up with me. And back to BB If Nicole would of walked away to do everything you said Victoria would of been left alone after the door slammed shut on her head. Why would Nicole have to make sure her airway was clear? You fool Victoria talked to Nicole. Nicole did everything right. She called for help immediately while she got down on the floor with Victoria, talked to her telling her to keep her eyes open. There was NOTHING else she could of done without leaving her alone.

      • She just graduated and hasn’t taken her boards. And that could be a law suit waiting to happen. That’s why they got a doctor in there so fast.

      • She might have had to sign a contract that she wouldn’t practice nursing on the show. I’m guessing that it’s a legal issue with CBS that they have to provide any medical care.

      • This is not a hospital setting. The BB house has 24 hr Medics on standby. You don’t just dive in like that and do your ABC just because your’e a nurse. You call for help. She did the right thing.

      • Agreed!

        Matti: Lavendargirl, Cyril, and I just gave 3 solid reasons why Nicole did the right thing and not more.

      • It’s a very fine line. And what else should she have done? She opened the door yelled for help instead of running to get help and leaving her. She got down on the floor next to her and kept telling her to open her eyes and kept talking to her. There was no room to do anything in that little stall and she never could of pulled her out by herself. I say she did what she could.

      • she also said she panicked, and Nicole is one of the hgs who worries about what people think of her especially with all those cameras on her. Not only that but there very well could be a legal issue with CBS not to mention risking a lawsuit from Vic’s parents if it would have been something much more serious

      • Matti, please don’t say that about nurses that work in nursing homes. While working full time, Mon-Fri at a physician’s office, I also worked every weekend at a nursing home for a while, on what was called the Baylor Plan (two 12hr shifts). I had numerous responsibilities, which included “handing out meds”, but entailed much, much more. I treasure my time there as a great learning experience in skills and humanity, very different, yet very fulfilling. Congratulations on your achievements and I hope you enjoy the profession as much as I did.

      • Thank you. She eats her own didn’t you know. I would of never had her working on my unit. We all worked together.

      • How things have changed if that is an expression nurses have learned and are using. It surely questions whether an attitude of compassion could survive in the same mindset. Our instructors would have eaten US alive if they had heard anything resembling that remark.

      • She states she just graduated from nursing school but she knows it all. I don’t even believe she’s a nurse. And if she went to school she forgot to take an English class. Ok I’m done. I don’t like making things personal but she ticked me off. Back to BB. Lol

      • I don’t know about now. I’m getting too old. Trying to enjoy retirement after working my butt off for 35yrs. Also I was widowed at 25 so I not only worked long hours I also raised my son by myself. Not looking for sympathy that’s what I meant by not keeping up with me. Well gotta get up early and I’m old so I need my sleep. Haha. Girls day out tomorrow.

      • OMG, Lavendar. You never know what someone has been through or may be going through. No wonder you are so strong and tough, but I know too much now, and I know to be a good nurse you can’t have a mean heart and I have a feeling you were a great nurse.

      • I’m not talking bad about all nurses in nursing homes, just many I’ve ran into have lost what they had learned. If you’re a nurse and cannot handle shifts on a med/surg floor then you probably need to remediate or quit, even if you’re in a nursing home.They are simply a danger to other clients. Same goes for hospitals now days, many nurses cannot even start IVs. I’ve been a student in many local hospitals and had to start IVs because nurses didn’t know how to.Think about that, that is rather scary in my opinion.

        Thank you for your kind words, many blessings to you too.

      • You have to love the profession to be a good nurse because a lot of the time you won’t love the job. My 78 yr old mother is still working as a nurse part time in a hospital and has tried to retire 3 xs and they keep asking her to come back. Although I had to give it up because of a voice disorder which inhibited my ability to teach and use the telephone for necessary tasks, I admire anyone who practices nursing with a heart of compassion. No matter where you are working, as long as you stay current with what is needed to give your patient the care they deserve and love doing it, you will be a great nurse. When you stop loving what you are doing, it is time to reevaluate.God bless you with your journey.

    • Nurse not doctor, she did try to keep her awake. Victoria said Nicole and Derrick both said stay awake, talk to us.

      • Exactly there’s only so much she could do. She was talking to her and kept her talking. She had nothing available to do anything else. All she could check was her heart rate. She couldn’t even check her BP.

  3. Hate not to give Donny another 5k but I can’t stand the thought of giving Frankie another 5k.

    • That is why I didn’t feel bad about voting “no.” Frankie is such a nasty person..he deserves no more free money. Derrick says two different things…you are supposed to tell the truth in the DR. Donny will get the 25K for AFP..he will be just fine! There may be some casting agents out there just waiting to put him in a commercial!

      • I agree, I voted no. I will try to vote tomorrow before vote closes. Only once has it let me do it.

  4. wow! Frankie finally got a bad edit in his dr about the TA mission, and then talking to Derrick.

      • very true, but this is one of the first times that CBS has actually given him a less than glowing edit on the show. Now all of America gets to see what an egotistic douche he really is.

      • Frankie is a glowing example of a self absorbed, worthless human being. This is what is wrong with the world

    • Finally is right. I think CBS has been getting complaints. I know least 5, all from me.

  5. I want to bash Frankie’s face right now saying America would never make the mission save Donny and it wouldn’t be acceptable so arrogant and conceited

  6. I have now come to the major conclusion that Frankie is a major dickhead, although I have suspected it all season long. The way all of the house guest are treating donny makes me physically ill. I cannot wait till Frankie and Derrick find out 5 hat s me Rica actually think they suck.

  7. That last part of my statement was I can’t wait till Frankie and Derrick actually find out that America thinks they suck.

  8. Where’s Emma??? I think they will force us to watch some of it so we need the bucket.

    • Hi, I forget it was on…I am already grieving the pack of wolves shedding Donny.

      • I don’t want Donny to go but I think he will be much happier in the jury house. It’s sad the way they treat him in the house. At least in jury he will be with people he likes and that talk to him. He will be getting AFP and the money from TA so he will be getting quite a bit.

      • He will definitely be happier. He gets along with everybody there and he gets to shave. He’s looking forward to that.

      • True, at this point if he stayed it would be delaying the enviable. I am so angry watching how he is being treated week after week. He fought so hard, I do believe he will get AFP. Plus, the jury house he will get the ultimate say. I remember when TA was started each has a choice to share TA. I know Donny is to classy to blow that up walking out the door. There better be no TA after this week, period.

  9. I wish I had someone to root for after Donny leaves… There’s always next season though :/

      • I’m not as much of a Nicole fan as everyone else don’t get me wrong she is a good person smart and beautiful but I just think she is to gullible or that’s not fair just to optimistic about people. Which isn’t a bad thing she just hasn’t been jaded by life or let down by many people

      • I would say out of everyone left though I would much prefer to see her win than anyone else

  10. I’m sorry if I m sounding off like this, but these people literally are turning my stomach. I usually don’t react like this to big brother, but this is ridiculous.

  11. I am happy CBS showing how everyone is like a pack of wolves after good ol Donny. TA my a$$.

      • Yes, Derrick and Frankie both have a choice too choose to keep TA together. The episode is not showing everything, is true. But, they managed to show Derricks acting.

  12. Wow, Donny and Nicole played that bad, although everyone was working against them. You can’t fold every hand.

    • Nicole has to get some confidence with these comps. She could have won that veto. She could find herself walking out the door again very soon. C’mon are my last hope!!

  13. Look Frankie go he thinks he’s “brilliant and mean spirited” at least they are finally showing everyone’s true colors

  14. Every body. Vote no with the TA money Donny already has plus his stipend for making jury plus when we all vote him Americas favourite player he will get another 25000 he will have roughly 50-53 000

  15. Cody> “I have my reasons…yeah.. Derrick told you to say that. Good for nothing !

  16. Does Derrick have multiple personalities? In one DR he says Donny has to go, then he says TA is not over yet. WTH

    • I’m still hoping he changes his mind. If he finds out how close Vic is with Nicole he will.

      • He’s telling America what he thinks they want to hear just like he has done with everyone else in the house. He lies to everyone. Well that or production told him to say that to ad drama for tomorrow’s episode for those who don’t have feeds or keep apprised of what is going on

      • Nicole is in deep with all of them…plus the Derrick approval of her and Frankie talking. And now everything is all puppy dogs and rainbows for her. Pppfftt

    • In his Drs Derrick acts like we are all imbeciles like the hgs in the house, so he tries to mist us and it does not make him look like the power player that he thinks he is.

  17. Donny should really expose Team America so all of the winning would be forfeited. That way, Derrick would win $500,000, Donny would win $25,000 (AFP), and Frankie would win nothing AT ALL!

  18. I voted “no” on the TA mission. For the simple fact that in no way do I want Derrick and Frankie getting anymore free money, especially with the way Frankie acted in that DR tonight..facing away from the camera, putting his glitter make-up condescending, this guy. I am sure that Donny will win AFP by a landslide and he will do just fine, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him pop up in commercials soon.

  19. Well, according to Caleb, Donny is a genius with an IQ of at least 153, which was due to him being a CIA Officer which was a result of gangreen … Ha!!!

    That Caleb sure knows how to top himself sometimes …. :)

  20. Frankie says if they fail he will lose it. That pisses me off cause we won’t see it.

      • Since Donny is a have-not, she will probably ask him if he could have any food he wanted, what would it be? Apple pie. I really hope it’s a no..I want to see the look on cocky Frankie’s face!

      • Frankie is supposed to say apple pie to Julie’s question about what food a have not should have. I’d Julie says granted, mission a success.

  21. Anybody know what’s going on?. Just turned the feeds on, What is Derrick talking about to Frankie? Are they scheming?

    • They spent an awful long time debating if they should keep Donny or Nicole. I’m not sure they’ve settles it for good. I have a feeling that convo will be done again before the vote.

  22. Derrick made an excellent point to Caleb that Cody would have all the girls votes. That means Nicole, Christine, Victoria plus Cody could team up.

      • I was surprised, but not shocked. It’s Derrick…He is still playing the oh whatever the house wants meh…and the ok Cody. We shall see. Earlier Derrick was in the camera saying if he wanted to flip the house for Donny to stay he could. He also was in the camera calling Frankie an AZ because of him being excited the HN eating tofu. Also last night Derrick was mad at Frankie for gobbling up the HN tofu.

      • There’s no clarity on who is Derrick going to take to the end. I don’t think he knows it either. He basically have deals with everyone in the house, and I noticed he hasn’t been as calm like before.

      • I agree Derrick is now showing a few cracks in his game. Now, all he needs to do is keep Donny. It is way better for his game, period. He was already thinking ahead with Cody, Nicole, Christine and Victoria teaming up. He also noted Victoria is thinking for herself more and more. Lol if that is possible. Anyway, Derrick is done with Frankie too the HN thing and Derrick talking in to the Camera about Frankie being and azz. Derrick tolerates Christine, but really she just annoys him. Derricks hamster wheel is turning. Derrick also can figure out Caleb is like play doh, and can still be manipulated. Derrick is warming up to Donny, many options for him.

  23. Does Nicole actually believe Derrick? She did last time and look what happened to her. I so hope that she is not that gullible.

  24. Frankie is strong with wanting Nicole out. So, Derrick needs to put the shock collar back on his boy Cody, and say Donny is staying. Derrick and Frankie I hope stay money hungry and keep Donny for TA. I really would like Christine or Victoria gone next. Donny has played his heart out. I am still holding out hope, knowing that Donny will be tortured again next week if he doesn’t win HOH. I don’t know.

    • Hi, Emma. If those whippersnappers hadn’t have bungled it to begin with and used the veto to put up Frankie, they wouldn’t be in that situation. I just feel that they passed up the best and maybe only chance they will get. Nicole/Donny is a difficult one. That one, I’m just hoping whatever happens turns out to be the best for both of them.

      • Well, Nicole just drove a tractor train over Donny. She just told Derrick reason why she played the veto the way she did. She said she threw it to Cody, because she knew Donny was the target and she wanted Donny evict too.
        She is back to being the Nicole in the beginning that I did not like. It is Nicole who should be going. I hope knowing this Derrick will now solidify to Frankie and Caleb that Nicole is working with Cody now.

      • I am DVRing AD. Just can’t take it straight, I need to dilute(FF) it. I may turn it on though. You have me intrigued.The stupidity of this gang is really up there. Nothing they do or say surprises me anymore, but I wish it would.

      • I agree, I am going to take a break. I have been played tonight, I have hope, then I am crushed….then I think why am I still fighting so hard for Donny. Cause next week if he isn’t HOH, then I will be back on this roller coaster. Stupid Derrick and Cody. If Cody put his big boy pants on in the beginning Frankie would be on the block next to Nicole. Cody wanted Frankie there. I am annoyed. Now, I am just crying over spilled milk.

  25. God ! Christine’s laugh is so annoying tonight on feeds ! The should mute her mike when she does that. She sounds like a hyena !!

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