Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 4 Power of Veto Episode

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and with the house getting a little too confident this week the results should make for a good show.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

We left off on Sunday’s show with Amber and Jocasta saving themselves from the Block leaving Brittany and Victoria heading deeper in to the danger zone. Luckily for them the Power of Veto competition was still ahead for one more chance at safety.

From what we’ve heard on the Live Feeds the PoV comp is a soccer theme for the World Cup which makes you think Cody might have a big advantage here. Heh. Oh but this will be a fun competition to watch as it’s also the infamous “steal a prize” round where subsequent knock outs can take a prize from a previously eliminated player. There are some punishments ahead for your enjoyment.

Something else to watch for in tonight’s show will be the Veto players being picked. Brittany and Amber developed a plan for how they could get Amber to play to assist Brittany in her quest for safety. What happened at that meeting defies logic. I’m still baffled by what happened that morning.

Can’t wait for all the spoilers to arrive tonight on CBS? Get our Big Brother spoilers now and see what happened with the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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    • Not 100% sure or if he did, he might say he’s not the target (maybe a warning shot?). That is based on Caleb telling the boys that Zach should be the first to go out of their alliance, even before Jocasta.

      • Caleb wants Cody out of the house. Cody had a chance to get Caleb out ot the house, but chicken out.

      • He wants him out but will not put him up because that’s not what his alliance wants. Everyone in the alliance wants Caleb out and they all like Cody. He would never make himself a target v

      • Cody was going to put Caleb up, but Cody chose Donny. Derrick made him put Donny on the block after that, If Cody and Derrick want to get Caleb evicted why didn’t they do it?

      • Key words…”Derrick made him,” Cody better play the game for himself not for Derrick.

      • Donny should start playing what he thinks, not be a third vote for America’s Team……Gosh

  1. Wish they would have put up caleb the stalker or zak the yapping dog that wont shut up. I cant believe nobody has just yelled at zak and said just shut up. you don’t do anything in the house, in any of the comps. all he does is run around . yapping to everyone .pretending that everything that goes on is his idea.

  2. I am so bummed that Britt will be voted out. Her reaction to have been lied to from her so called friends is heartbreaking. I know some posters think she is boring, but at least she does things. Most everyone else just lying around and doing nothing. She has had a miserable stay in the BB house.

      • They just gave Frankie a letter from his family and he can send one back. He’s staying.

      • Wow. Tough call. for me I would go to my Grandpa’s funeral, rather than stay in the game. Don’t know what is going on in Frankie’s head or if the Grandpa said stay. Still Grandpa only ” one funeral.” Frankie is a cartoon character that would be picked up in another reality show, IMO.

      • Yep I’m with you, would have to be with my family. Granpas dying wish was stay in game.

  3. No wonder Britt chose Caleb for HG’s choice. She may have thought she made inroads with him. Oh well…

    • 50/50 on Caleb putting up Cody or Amber. Maybe 60/40 but he’s mad at both.

    • Donny said earlier that if he wins HOH Derprick and Frankie are going on the block. I think he would change Frankie to maybe Ratine. Either way it would be great fun to watch.

      • Maybe. I would not use that as an excuse. I want Frankie sweating on the block…you know he will be driving the bus all over everyone and anyone. Donny can say you are my pawn, I want TA together. Just don’t want ppl to know we are together

      • I read that Arianna relayed on her Twitter that their grandpa asked the show to not let Frankie know about his death.

      • Yeah, I just saw the clip uploaded on Youtube. Don’t think he’ll leave the house though as much as he wants to see his grandpa’s wake.

      • In cases such as these, if production is given permission by a houseguest’s family to relay this news, they’ll give Frankie a chance to see his grandpa for a limited time. If he stays too long outside, this will count as a forced eviction.

      • Frankie has 649K
        Paola has 43.3K
        Cody has 20.3K
        Joey has 16.3K
        Devin just join this week and he has 10.7K
        Derrick has 8951
        Amber has 8285
        Zach has 7954
        Caleb has 7627
        (what might be ?) Hayden has 7469
        Brittany 5627
        Jocasta has 1150
        Christine has 106
        And I’m sure you read it here before, but as a mark. Ariana Grande has 16.4 Miliion
        I have 81, but I have some good one, like Janelle and Liza (BBCan1). I have a few Survivor including Rupert.

  4. To be honest, I have to give credit where credit is due. Victoria can win comps if she makes an effort to win.

  5. Caleb should get out in time to see that new show. Now we know what CBS production is up to with the love triangle. Stalker

  6. Did you hear Victoria walk out and say the soccer punishment looks easy What? she must have thought the number was 24. She is a royal*****

    • I think Brittany will be evicted, but she proof herself making 2400 goals. So I Donny is safe.

  7. If Donny goes home I will be very upset. Cody should have put Calab up, He needs to stop listening to Derick. Derick reminds me of Dan 2 years ago. Dan lied to everyone and made it all the way to the final. I know lying is part of Big Brother but Derick is not playing a good game. I want Donny to win and Amber to come in second.

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