Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 5 Eviction & Next HoH

Julie Chen returns tonight on CBS for an all-new Big Brother 16 live eviction show starting at 9PM ET/PT as the HGs prepare for the eviction vote between Amber Borzotra and Jocasta Odom.

Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises
Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises – Source: CBS

Amber has been receiving a lot of misinformation in her pursuit of votes to stay and no one is taking more pleasure in that than Caleb who finally came around to the realization that she wasn’t interested, so now she’s got to go.

The vote count should be extremely solid against Amber, but now that could get a little shuffled thanks to Team America and their new mission to throw in some wild votes. We’ll have to see what happens with that on tonight’s Big Brother.

Tonight’s HoH competition looks to be a memory challenge as the HGs studied looping video clips yesterday as they flashed on the Memory wall.

Join us tonight at 9PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother eviction.

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  1. So could get interesting. TA is supposed to throw out some votes and blame others? Would that be for tonight’s vote or next week? If tonight it could make for an interesting week next week.

      • I gather you don’t like Mission A..I think Zack can handle Frankie…that will be fun to watch. lol

      • Can Donny & Derrick be the two needed to vote against the house since Frankie can’t…..then Frankie & Derrick be the two needed to accuse others since Donny can’t without arousing suspicion? Otherwise, Frankie doesn’t have much of a role in its execution. Also it would put blood on all their hands.

  2. Does anyone think it will be double eviction tonight like all the hgs were talking about on BBAD last night??

    • Usually HGs don’t know, but we do. We are always told the week before. So it shouldn’t a DE week.

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