Ahh! The House is Split. You gotta love a season when the house is split down the middle. We haven’t gotten to see that in so long because of the disgusting Battle of the Block. Here’s to hoping that the vets and company don’t ruin all of our fun this summer by dominating week after week.
Eww! The HGs Get Personal. We love drama and game bickering, but if Big Brother 15 taught us anything, it’s that you can go too far. And this season has already crossed into BB15 territory. You haven’t seen it on the episodes yet, but if you’ve got the Live Feeds, then you know that we’ve heard the guys wanting to punch the girls in their faces, the girls wanting to knock each others’ teeth out and Bronte wanting to ship James, who isn’t Chinese, “back to Hong Kong.” Not impressed by some of these HGs and Bronte should be ashamed of herself. It’s obvious some of them haven’t seen BB15 or been informed of the number of HGs who lost their jobs from their on-camera statements.
Ahh! Jozea is evicted. I mean he had first boot written all over him. And there’s some poetic justice here when you consider how great he thinks he is.
Eww! Jozea is evicted. I hate to contradict myself, but this guy was actually pretty entertaining. Sure, it was a cringe-worth entertainment, but we like that or we wouldn’t be Big Brother fans. Am I right or am I right?
Ahh! The Battle Back. I love this twist. I know it’s basically Redemption Island, but it’s better than sending people off to sequester, or jury as we’ve seen in recent seasons, and then let them all battle at once. I like this idea much better.
Eww! Big Brother Fans Who Are Never Happy. Hear me out on this. I love you guys and I’m glad you’re reading, but some Big Brother fans are just never happy. Nothing the show gives us or does is enough. I see this mostly on Twitter, but it also shows up on other platforms. So many Big Brother fans hate all the houseguests, all the twists, all the season outcomes. They hate it all. So my question is why do those people watch? Some people just like to complain, and Big Brother allows that. I say enjoy the show! Unless complaining about the show is how you enjoy it. If that’s the case then who am I to tell you to stop complaining?
Ahhh Big Brother fans that are never happy – makes for fine entertainment in the comment section…
so far i’d say this season is pretty entertaining.
Which is why I read the comments.
Yup but once Paul and Victor are gone it could be not as fun tho.
If Bronte is around, I could see her & Tiffany maybe recognizing their twin souls. But there are always the side alliances that become exposed. Eg: The Fatal 5. How long before the guys counter that? How long before it reverts to Vets/Siblins against Newbs? Point is, there will always be drama, I think, this season.
LOL about Tiffany and Bronte being twin souls; I see it too.
“If this happens or if that person gets evicted then the game is rigged and Allison is a snake and CBS is so f’ed up and pigs are flying and I’m so over BB and I’ll NEVER watch again!!!!!!”
Yeah right. Loser hypocrite.
Who said that?!
Somebody somewhere is saying something similar during every episode.
Everyone who gets waah faced when something doesn’t go their way.
hang around long enough and someone will lol
I like the teams thing, it gives a lot of opportunity for more sneaky strategies such as James throwing Victor overboard or Paulie getting HOH. Just one more layer of plotting and one more way of people forming alliances if they choose. Frank could never get this far playing both sides without having the excuse of being nice to his team while supposedly being loyal to the 8.
I’m enjoying the team concept this season too but eventually the HG’s always figure out a way to skirt the system I’ve noticed. I suppose they have a lot of time to think about how to do this alas.
I really don’t understand the fans that complain about everything. If you can’t find something to be content with, then why are you even watching?! Yeah this show has had some MAJOR flops in it’s history. But it’s also brought us great players, some memorable seasons, and some pretty cool twists in its 18 season run. How about instead of complaining about every goddamn thing, you just appreciate the fact that this show is still on air. If you were a true fan you wouldn’t want it to not exist at all, would you?!
Couldn’t agree more. I haven’t gotten live feeds yet this year, but I know in previous seasons people in the chat rooms are some of the most hateful people on the internet. I think it’s a “I feel better by putting other people down” thing.
I don’t care for the really cruel things said about the HG’s either; no need to go to that level at all.
They do that all by themselves!
Spencer certainly did when he admitted to sleeping on his job at the RR. This guy did not need a job where he could accidentally kill people because he was sleepy.
I mean there are some things that went wrong, but there have also been good moments too.
I know.
That’s kind of the argument I’m making here… :P
But…but..sometimes I have to complain or I’ll explode lol.
I understand that. Everyone has something to say about everything. Even I do. But if it reaches a point in which the ONLY thing you do is complain and you can’t see anything as decent, then … why are you even a fan?! The show isn’t complete crap and if you can’t see that then stop watching…
Well yeah, nobody should carry complaining to that level.
You do realize that my original comment was made in jest?
Perhaps you took it too seriously ?
No mention of a third nominee on the block? I actually really like this twist, as it could get really interesting and usher in more side-alliance deals, especially as the numbers start to whittle down and 1 stray vote here or there could send the right/wrong person packing! Let’s just hope these HGs are strategic enough to make use of this…for good or evil.
That’s Road Kill … he did mention it.
Duh (me, not you). Apparently my morning brain couldn’t make the connection that Road Kill = 3rd nominee. It must’ve gone on vacation early for the Fourth (even though I’m still technically “working”).
Eww.. Frank ruining our blindside moment.
THIS needs to added to the list!
Yes is does, Branden better update this and add Frank being a asshat and ruining the blindside.
Hahahaha my boss once mentioned to me that people liked to complain for the sake of complaining … and it’s very true!
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. People will complain either way.
Complaining is part of watching BB. It shows your passionate. I have watched since season one and have always found something I did not like with each season. I still come back and still watch. Teams are ok but even though Victor is not my favorite, I admit the team thing did screw him when James threw it. I wish Julie would not announce the vote numbers at eviction but she does, does this mean I will not watch, no just would be fun to see the paranoia. Overall I love this year so far.
So far the new twists and turns are interesting I agree. I can see why a lot of people are upset that the new formula heavily favors the vets though. Sometimes BB is so aggravating it’s nice to come here and complain about it. :D
I’m loving this season! Except, I’m truly disappointed that my man Frank, spoiled a blindside of the Messiah. Other than that—I’m loving this season!
I’ve actually seen more happy fans this season… :)
Don’t care for these twists, especially Roadkill. I wish America could vote for the third nominee instead of one of the HG. I do wish they would include the viewers in some aspect of the game this season. It will be fun if the HG know who America likes and dislikes.
On the last point — it’s not that BB fans are very unhappy all the time and nothing can please them, it is just the way of the “internet” world now. People use online forums and platforms to bitch about everything. You can’t see any article or opinion on the internet, from political to just-about-anything, and not read venomous attacks. Pretty sad, but the stereotypical “internet basement troll” thrives.