Nick Uhas Big Brother 15 Eviction Interview

Nick Uhas - Big Brother 15 HG

Another week, another blindside on Big Brother 15. This time Nick Uhas fell victim to the MVP twist and found himself betrayed by his alliance and evicted in a 7-4 vote as part of last night’s very exciting and intense live show.

Today I spoke with Nick about his experiences and reactions to what went on inside the house. We talked about what went wrong with the Moving Company alliance, his questionable showmance with GinaMarie, and what he’s got planned for his future.

BBN: Why, oh why didn’t you tell Elissa what she wanted to hear?

Nick Uhas: Talk about one situation where you can basically pinpoint the downfall of Nick Uhas. I was on this uphill battle to gain trust with the Blondentourage so I never wanted to be seen with Elissa or ever talking game with Elissa.

She asked me in the middle of the kitchen. I didn’t want to give her an answer, talk to her, or be close to her. I wanted to get out of the situation, not tell her what she wants to hear.

Elissa is a loudspeaker to the house. If I gave her a name, ‘Kaitlin, yeah that’s good,’ that would get back to the Blondentourage. All my hard work and getting in to the Blondetourage would be impossible.

BBN: Who do you blame the most for your eviction?

Nick: I blame the most actually Spencer, but to my knowledge now it looks like Helen.

BBN: What do you think caused the breakup of the Moving Company?

Nick: Oh man, totally bummed. The problem with the Moving Company’s demise was that there wasn’t enough time to build significant trust. My attitude going in was I would blindly trust five people and build trust over time. You can’t have a secret alliance without trusting them and trusting they’re going to do what they say in this game. Otherwise you’re going to spend so much time paranoid that you’re going to paranoia yourself out of that situation.

I think that was actually the downfall of the Moving Company. I think that Howard and Spencer got to a point where they talked so much game among themselves that Spencer eventually paranoid’d himself out of the Moving Company. I don’t know why it was advantageous to remove himself by casting a vote against me. He did have so much power on his side of the house that it made sense for him to not be exposed by the Moving Company, but I was thinking a little more long term.

BBN: If you got to start over and build a new MC, who would you ask to join?

Nick: I would ask the exact same people to join. Only difference is I would start another alliance among myself, GinaMarie, Helen, and Helen’s pals. Helen is a shaker and a mover who is intelligent who I completely overlooked until almost the last day but it was too late because we were on the block together. It’s really hard to build an alliance when you’re almost competing with each other.

BBN: What was your best move and what was your worst?

Nick: The best move in the house was creating the Moving Company! The worst move in the house was creating the Moving Company!

BBN: How do you really feel about GinaMarie?

Nick: It started out as a fauxmance. I was very open to the idea of hanging out with GinaMarie. As time progressed it actually turned in to a real showmance. I didn’t want a showmance going in to the house. I knew that’d be my Achilles’ heel.

About 75% of the way through I realized her emotions were real. Up until the last day I’m sitting there thinking ‘wow, this girl really cares about me.’ So I wanted to protect her from her own emotions. I didn’t want to dive too far deep. I knew at some point the Moving Company would have to let her go so I almost wanted to protect her own emotions because I really did care about her.

When asked if he had romantic feelings for her, Nick answered: The lines get blended in the house, but I was definitely more than a friend. I’m going to go on a date with GinaMarie. We’re going to go to a monster truck rally.

BBN: About the GM situation and her comments. How does that affect your view on her?

Nick: I absolutely 100% do not condone that type of behavior. It’s not something I would ever do. I don’t believe in core value of this behavior. I can’t say anything for her. I am not GinaMarie. I guess I’ll have to cross that bridge when I get there.

BBN: When you went undercover to infiltrate the Blondetourage, was that your idea or did someone else in the MC push you to do that?

Nick: That was definitely my idea. I really wanted to pursue that. There was this awkward time when the MC was established but we didn’t know what side of the house we were going to fall on. I made the decision it would make more sense for me to go toward the Blondetourage based on prior relationships that had started. I already knew Jeremy so that made sense for me to gravitate to that side.

BBN: If you had survived, what was going to be your next move in the game?

Nick: Eliminate Amanda! That was priority #1 for MC. The MC got super-spooked by Amanda because she kinda figured it out.

BBN: As the game sits now, who has the best chance of winning?

Nick: 2 people. Helen has an amazing chance if she doesn’t get too power hungry or too threatening. The other is McCrae. He understands the game very, very well and he’s a super lowlier. No one in the room is thinking “I’m going to take out McCrae.” He’s got it down.

BBN: What’s next for Nick Uhas?

Nick: I’ve thought about getting my MBA so I might pursue my MBA. It’d be a good time to do it.

BBN: Thanks, Nick.

Nick was just as high energy as he was when I first met him a few weeks ago. His eviction hasn’t dampened those high spirits at all. Nick plans to watch the rest of the season and converse with fans on Twitter so follow him @NickUhas

Watch our original preseason interview with Nick Uhas:



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    • I somewhat agree. I liked Nick, but can’t stand Jeremy and the look on Jeremy’s face when he realized he was not in control of the house like he thought he was was worth the ouster of Nick.

  1. So if BB ever has a Second Chance season, the first person they have to ask is Nick and Jodi. Nick had SO much potential. So disappointed to see him go.

    • I’m all for the idea of a second chance game. Sounds like it would be fun with the right blend of people.

    • Agreed!! I was super sad to see Nick blindsided last night and would love to watch him again in another season!

    • I completely agree. I felt so bad for Jodi when she got the boot after only spending a few hours in the house. Nick and Jodi would easily be on the top of my list for a second chance season.

  2. so sad…
    he picked the wrong side to side with
    that’s too bad
    had he sided with Helen like he wished
    he could’ve survived
    coulda shoulda woulda

  3. I think if he hadn’t targeted Amanda then McCrae wouldn’t have flipped. Elissa would be out the door instead. I guess his lesson of the day is, don’t talk bad about your friends girl or it will come back to haunt you.

  4. I don’t think the MC was bad, I just think having Jeremy apart of that was a mistake. I think he should have went where the numbers were, instead of trying to get in with the popular crowd..oops..I mean the mean racists in the house. Nick should have made deals and stuck with the Rebel side, and he would have been safe. If he were to have done those things, I don’t think Nick would have ever been nominated by Elissa. He couldn’t give Elissa safety, and so with that she nominated to take one less vote away from the others, and to eliminate a good player in the game. Nick probably could have coasted, but he made classic mistakes you can’t make in the BB house, and one of those was with GM too. Nick somewhat grew on me, but he didn’t play the game right. The game is about lying, but also about those you can trust, and he put too much trust in the MC, and if he were to have aligned himself with the other side, he could’ve had safety, but instead he put his safety solely with the MC, and the rest of the racists. We don’t know how things could have planned out with last nights HOH win with Helen, but if we just assumed…Elissa gets safety, Kaitlyn gets nominated and voted out, Nick is still safe, along with Elissa and Helen, HOH comp and Helen wins, and Nick would still be safe, while Aaryn and Jeremy are the targets. Who knows if that’s how it could have played out, but just assuming… Maybe he’ll be given a second shot on another BB All-Star or something.

  5. In my previous post, I thought Helen would not be HOH this soon>I was wrong, and very happy to be. I was saying we should vote her as MVP, because she is not a racist ignorant ass. Aaryn “satan’s minion” go back to hell. Flipping beds?Really? When Aaryn goes, satan will not want to be in hell with her and repent! GM you need to fry too! Too Jeremy and Katlin please don’t procreate!

  6. Did I not get the memo, is it BB nepotism? Why is Elissa still here? Nick was a thinker and stagiest. He should be in the house. Just not fair.

    • While I am sorry to see Nick go (it’s unfortunate Elissa didn’t nominate Kaitlin instead), I would rather have it been him instead of Elissa. He is partially to blame for it, anyway, at least no one was targeting him because of his last name like they were doing with Elissa. It’s a ratings boost to have Rachel’s sister in the house this season, while Rachel has her detractors, she also has a huge fan-base.

  7. It was sad to see him go.

    His downfall was his allegiance to GM, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn. If he’d been on the other side of the house he would have dominated the game!

  8. If Nick doesn’t realize that his alliance with Jeremy and the mean machine hurt him then he is not as good a player as I thought. Those arrogant pigs he was with enabled Helen’s alliance to grab people like Judd and Jessie. If he were to do the same thing over and take David or even Andy over Jeremy, he might have last a little longer.

    Nick is not like the rest of them, but they made him a target.

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