Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 3 Nominations

Big Brother 14 nominations

It’s week three in the Big Brother 15 house and we’ve got your nomination spoilers thanks to the Live Feeds. The Feeds are on and we’re able to listen in and see who has been nominated and who is going to compete for the Veto.

There has been an incredible amount of drama in the house over the past 24 hours with so much happening that CBS won’t come close to airing most of this. Either jump on your Live Feeds or keep checking in here for the latest updates.

Read on for the spoilers to find out how is on the block.

Big Brother 15 Week 3 Nominations:

  • Aaryn
  • Kaitlin

Before the ceremony Helen informed Aaryn she would go up but it would be as a pawn. Kaitlin was a surprise. I expected Howard from Helen’s private talks, but now the plan is for him to be the MVP nom. Helen is also still discussing BD’ing Jeremy. Who knows!

I’ll be shocked if Helen decides to go after Howard and Spencer instead of the Mean Girls and Jeremy. Oh, did I mention Helen made a deal with Jeremy? Yep. See what you’re missing on the Feeds?! It’s crazy in there!

Big Brother Live Feeds

The MVP should be discovered soon in the house and we’ll be watching out for that. The third nominee will be revealed tomorrow before the Veto competition.

That Veto competition will be held very soon, likely on Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.



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  1. Loved, Helen did what should be done, no doubt she deserves the MVP this week!

  2. To quote Jerry from BB10: “You’re going home!” (directed to either Aaryn, Kaitlin, or Jeremy.)

  3. Imo going after Howard atm is pretty dumb. Some ppl on your side still like him and putting them up would just antagoinize them

    • Exactly, Howard is liked by a few people in the rebel alliance so going after him isn’t so smart right now

      • But the Rebel alliance now know Howard was playing them and they think he is continuing to play them even though he confessed and supposedly came clean. Do you believe Howard is with them or is he still in an alliance with Spencer?

      • I think he is still with spencer, but i’d still trust him easily over Kaitlyn, Aaryn, GM, Jeremy, and Spencer

  4. I can’t believe Helen made a deal with the devil.. What is she thinking???!! Get Jeremy, Aaryn outtttttttt!!

    • No she said she was going to backdoor him, she is not stupid. Jeremy is a tough player.

  5. If Helen really is a SuperFan, she should know not to stray from her original plan. She needs to remember who made her feel threatened when she was on the other side of the power. This week is all about Helen’s game. Let’s see if she focuses on that.

  6. There’s a good chance Helen will backdoor Jeremy this week. She knows he’s a beast of a competitor and he’ll do anything to remain in the house. With him not on the block from either the HoH or the MVP and with the deal he’s made with Helen, he feels completely safe. That is when she could likely strike. The odds of him competing in the Veto comp are pretty low and I think we might be seeing Jeremy go this week.

    • They did it for years. I forget when they initially nixed the Live Studio Audience. But for years it was that way. I could see them going that route.

      • That’s what I was thinking. A live audience…unpopular evictee…it could really get ugly.

      • I’d like to see her get booed. JC would be able to control them I think. And normally the crowd cheers even for the unpopular HGs. Aaryn would get boos worthy of a professional athlete that left for a different team.

  7. @randy who is ‘we’? cant you talk for yourself?. I do care. aaryn needs to leave.

  8. Everything is put into place. Let’s go this Big Brother! Let’s make sure the racist DOESN’T win the PoV, and get her ass out THIS THURSDAY!!

  9. Helen’s side of the house has a golden opportunity here.

    – Nominate GM with the MVP vote.
    – Throw the veto competition.
    – Replace one of them with Jeremy and backdoor him with no way to save himself.

    These 3 morons may be annoying as hell but they’re not a threat. Jeremy is. Get him out and spend the weeks after that getting rid of the other 3.

    • I agree completely. Without Jeremy’s protection, the mean girls will be exposed and they will be defenseless.

  10. If CBS does not remove Aryan she should be voted out next week. America has heard enough of her vile comments. I find it incredible that the BB producers have not removed her along with Gina Marie and Spencer. The fact that CBS and their sponsors are condoning this bigotry by keeping these racists in the house is totally unacceptable.

    • I think Howard made a comment to Candice last night along the lines of “if production doesn’t stop them they must want it to continue”. CBS may issue statements condemning the comments but I don’t think for one second that they will take them out of the game. I really believe they will let the HG’s settle things amongst themselves as long as it doesn’t get physical. I may not like it but that’s what I expect to happen.

  11. I must say that this season of BB is just sad, I mean totally sad. Now, I must say that Aryan and her Nation are unbelievable. I must also say that Aryan’s behavior is one that is taught. If Aryan does not believe that her comments are hurtful and wrong, it is my opinion that she has been taught that her behavior is okay. I’m sure this is what she has been doing for most of her life. I like Howard, but I do not like how Howard is handling this. He and Candice, by no mean, should have slept on the floor of the Have Not room. They should have slept in their bed(s). Aryan’s problem is that she knows that Howard and Candice are good people. Therefore, she is not afraid to cross either of them. If they were to stand their ground, I’m positive this would not be happening to them, at least not close up and personal. I am by no means blaming Candice and Howard for the stance they have chosen to take, because it is the stance that they have been TAUGHT to take. If I were in that situation, I am 100% positive that there would be no more BB 15. I would have kicked some asses and been questioned about it later. My rant!

    • I know some would have Howard, Candice & Helen resort to fist fighting, physically hurting, or just verbally exchanging with a 20-something year old girl… but you already pointed out that this is LEARNED behaviour. It’s wrong but she simply doesn’t believe it’s wrong because there’s enough people in her community reinforcing those racist thoughts… I am PROUD of Helen, Howard & Candice for showing that the best response to hatred is grace and maturity. It gives me hope that the human race isn’t destined to blow itself up afterall. :)

  12. Have you guys noticed Jeremy today? He was super nice to everybody. He’s like a born again something. Then again, he was throwing everybody under the bus to

  13. This season of BB is like watching a smut show. Most of those women are sluts. I cant wait for Aaryn to meet Julie at the “dont let the door hit you in the a..” interview.

    • I think it was intentional to load the house with young, good looking and people, given them beds they have to share and try to get as many showmances going as possible. It cannot be a coincidence that within a couple of days we had Kaitlyn all over Jeremy, GM all over Nick and Aaryn all over David. Let’s not forget Jesse trying to pair with someone as well. Whoever came up with this idea needs to be taken off BB production. It really does take away from the game.

  14. Executive producer Allison Grodner knew exactly what she was doing when she assembled the BB15 cast. This is the first time in ten years that BB has made headlines. People are talking and more viewers are watching. Shame on her and shame on CBS for allowing this bigotry to continue.

    • Actually, that job belong to Robyn Kass. She does all the casting. Google her.

  15. Everyone wants Aaryn out because of what she said. You cant tell me that other one on this show has not said bad things about someone else they just didn’t say it on live TV. They would be smart if they kelp her to the end and they would win the money because of what she said because no one would like her. It all has to do with the rating for Big Brother they are low this year so they need something out there to get rating up.

    • If you’ve been following, there are actually a number of people that are willing to (and do) like her, which is why this isn’t just an Aaryn issue. If any of the mean girls or Moving Co. members stick around to the end, you might be surprised how she gets some votes from the jury. Better to get rid of her towards the end, but not bring her to the end…

    • There is no need to keep any of the bullies and racists. It is just a dumb excuse to bring them to the end because they happen to be someone’s favorite. Let us call a spade a spade. You are in effect saying that if all the bullies and racists are gone from the house—-none of the other 9 players can play the game. All one has to do is take a floater to the end. If you played the best—-most house guests are fair and will give you that $500,000. In Rachel’s season which she won over Porsche, Rachel played way better than Porsche and the only reason it was close is because Danielle and her cohorts voted for Porsche. Still, Rachel won it! Occasionally, a floater will win but, only if the player who played slightly better than the others screwed up the others so bad—-they ended up voting in protest against that person. This is a social game as much as a physical game. There is no going around that but, to suggest

      that you need to take Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jeremy, Kaitlin or Spencer to the end to win this game is utter nonsense! If you boot all the racists and bullies out, one of the other 9 remaining house guests will win $500,000 and another $50,000. Actually, removing the bullies and racists from the house increased the odds of winning for the remaining 9 house guests! This is simple math and not rocket science if you use your head. Also, as long as you have one racist or bully in the house, there is a very good chance they will nominate those in the rebel alliance should they get HOH so, what take that stupid chance! Only reason for these BS arguments is because you want your nasty bully or racist favorite to stay in the game! And that is the reality of it! If the Rebel Alliance uses their heads as they should, the plan is simple. Evict all the racists and bullies one by one until they are all gone!

    • and possibly the most unlikeable one across the different iterations (UK, Canada, etc) of the Big Brother format

      • From what I’ve heard there were a lot of people in the UK upset that BB-UK is just a casting call of nothing but models & porn stars…

      • I actually like the cast of BBUK this year. There’s at least fame whore wannabee among the cast and she’s expected to leave the house soon because she just homewrecked a relationship from one of the housemates outside the house.

      • Oh no need to convince me, I know there’s people who like to watch the show with anticipation of marriages being ruined, characters being discredited, people being obnoxious, and sex being rampant… I’m just saying that there are many in the UK who didn’t (and don’t) really enjoy the level of smut tv that BB-UK has delivered. Same with the US version. Why do the producers keep getting closer towards a ”Jersey Shore” type of cast each season? Simple, because there’s a segment of the population that really enjoy it… Being honest I enjoy some of it, but I’m disappointed we’ve lost the ”everyday people” who used to be given a shot at winning.

  16. At least Aaryn and GinaMarie have lost their jobs at home for their bigotry that is some consolation…won’t they be surprised!

  17. There’s too much BS going on in the house right now. They’re actually thinking about getting rid of Howard. Like, hello what about KlanBarbie, Jeremy, VaginaMarie or kaitline and why the hell is Helen making deals with Jeremy. Ugh I thought this power shift was going to go somewhere but its just sh*t like most of the cast members this season

    • Helen is just covering her bases as she stated in the diary room: ”You can’t play BB vindictively otherwise you won’t be able to win” (but I don’t think she’s being 100% honest with Aaryn that she’s only a pawn).

  18. Aaryn dosen’t think she’s done anything wrong. Where is she from? Mamma must be proud.

  19. If Elissa wastes her MVP (I think she got the MVP) to nominate Howard, I definitely will not watch anymore. I know no one cares and you shouldn’t. If Helen and Elissa allow Amanda and McCrea to control the game, I will be totally disappointed. I know you don’t care about that, either. McCrea said that he wants to get rid of Howard because he is “in Candice ear.” Did he ever think that someone should get rid of Amanda, because she is “in his ear”? This season is just too crazy for me.

    • Elissa doesn’t really want to nominate Howard. But the rest of her alliance does. The thinking is Howard could win the Veto so they can backdoor Jeremy. Amanda wants Howard out because she knows Howard wants to get rid of her. The house knows now that Howard has not been honest with them and they think he is only coming clean now because he knows he is a possible target. Same thing goes for Spencer.

      • Do not know why they are sweating it. Nominate Gina Marie, Kaitlyn and Aaryn. Deliberately, lose the POV assuming Jeremy is not playing in POV and one gets off but, put Jeremy in place.

        Then, it looks like one of the three got lucky when it was by intent. If Jeremy is playing, then, Helen and the others on her side should play to win the POV. If they win POV, take one of the 3 women off the block and stuff Jeremy in it! No need to be nice now. It has to be done to eliminate Jeremy, not that he can stop the process even if the wanted to! Send his ass packing then!

  20. Trying to get out Howard would just be a dumb move. Noone’s going to vote him out.

    • Amanda and McCrae would vote him out. But I think they alliance thinks Howard can win the Veto against Jeremy if Jeremy’s selected to play in the veto competition. Helen has made it clear her target is Jeremy, if they can back door him.

    • Just put Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlyn on the block. If Jeremy gets picked to play then, Helen and the others have to go all out to win the POV. If one of the rebel alliance wins, take one of the girls out and put Jeremy in the hot seat and evict him! If Jeremy wins then, they can target him in the next week assuming he does not win HOH. If Jeremy is not playing for POV, deliberately lose the POV to one of the girls. The winner gets off, put Jeremy as the renom and he once, again gets evicted in that scenario.

  21. Is it a coincidence that Aaryn and aryan (aryan nation) are so much a like? Is it a possibility?

  22. Based on the After Dark show tonight, the target is clearly Jeremy if one of the nominees wins the POV. It looks like the plan is to make Howard the 3rd nominee hoping he wins the veto comp even if Jeremy should be picked to play. If he doesn’t win and they can’t back door Jeremy, then Aaryn goes home this week. Either way, the rebel alliance needs to be patient and not quibble of who goes home this week or next.

    Elissa suggested that they just remove the mean people like Jeremy, Kaitlyn, Aaryn and GM and then play a regular BB game without the drama and personal attacks. That is a worthy plan and hopefully the entire alliance stick by it. But one thing is certain, everyone dislikes Jeremy big time so his stay in the house is going to be short lived.

  23. I hope GM gets evicted because I had a dream last night after watching the last episode that Jessie won in a 7-0 against GM in the final. Please, no.

    I had a similar dream in season 13 in which I saw my fav Porsche losing against Rachel.

  24. I agree with Elizabeth. These folks are always rude and self centered each year. It seems from the Amanda conversations these folks have no idea that they are bigots. That is even more scary. They think like this without any remorse.

  25. I need a lil clarification please… Aaryn made it sound as if Elissa was the reason for the rift between the two. Aaryn started tripping when she suspected Elissa was the sister of Rachel (and not being honest about it). Am i just confused or forgetting something?

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  1. Big Brother: The Three Most Compelling Developments from Week Two – | Internet News 247
  2. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 | Hollywood Hills
  3. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills | Phase In Out
  4. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills | My Daily News Update
  5. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills | Forex Newsline
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  7. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills | Newspaper Today
  8. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills | TodayJournals.Com
  9. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 – Hollywood Hills |
  10. Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries & Kaitlin Nominated For Eviction Yesterday,Week 3 | Woi News
  11. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 3 Friday Highlights | Big Brother Network

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