Michelle Meyer was evicted from Big Brother 18 this week after setting herself up as Nicole Franzel’s top target following weeks of aggressive tactics while failing to campaign for herself in the least. Now on the outside of the house and heading to Jury we got the chance to ask her a few things about life as a Houseguest on Big Brother.
Going from superfan to Houseguest is surely an overwhelming experience as she was now forced to make her own moves instead of watching from home, but when it came time to make those moves she faltered. We asked what happened during her opportunities of power, why there was no campaigning, and more in our interview with Michelle.
Big Brother Network (BBN): James told you not to campaign this week but you even said you were worried you might be the target. Why did you still not do any campaigning at all until just before the very end?
Michelle Meyer: Because when I was co-HOH, I was talking to Nicole and Corey, and they said they were going after Paul if they didnโt go home. I thought they were smart players and they realized Paul was the bigger threat, so I didnโt think I needed to say anything. I donโt know if I campaigned things would be different.
BBN: You mentioned regretting not saving Frank then also regretting not putting Nicole on the Block. Two times you had power and control but ended up doing what other HGs wanted. Do you still regret not making the moves you really wanted to make?
Michelle: Well, if I would have used the veto on frank, the whole house would have been livid โ they all wanted frank out, and that would have made me a target. Putting up Nicole would have been hard because I wouldnโt have had the votes to get her out anywaysโฆ I donโt think so, at least.
BBN: After going from Big Brother fan to a Big Brother Houseguest what proved to be the most exciting thing of the experience and what was the worst?
Michelle: The exciting part was getting to talk game with everyone, having a first-hand experience on my favorite show. Getting to live out my dreamโฆ the worst part was the constant paranoia, and getting evicted. And, dealing with people that were pissing me off. And, my emotions… my tear ducts.
BBN: Who is playing the best game right now and can go far in the game?
Michelle: I think Natalie. She plays up the dumb card when sheโs actually very strategic and smart. She can win comps when she needs to. The boys donโt see her as a threat so she can go far… and sheโll have a killer final two speech. She really surprised me. Iโm glad I got close to her.
BBN: Thank you Michelle.
Michelle heads off to Jury now and we’ll see her again in a few more weeks for the finale though I imagine if we get some more Jury House footage there’s a good chance for some fun drama there. Do you think she’ll blend in quietly at Jury or be ready to pile with the rest of the ladies against Paulie?
next time some grab his robe
Meech’s biggest regret if not stealing more stuff from the HG’s. She still has a chance in the jury house. ?
not in les big fight breaks out
Yeah because she actually didn’t steal anything. People are just too stupid to get a joke.
Michelle I thought you went to the jury house, what are you doing here?
watchout meangirls will get to here
We get internet in jury.
She didn’t? Then why did she have Paul’s pants in her bag?
She’s a mess with her crying on cue and eating 20 bags of chips a week
Coz Paul gifted her those pants.
No. Meech said he let her borrow them and she was “taking” them. That’s out of her own mouth.
Ah no he didn’t. He said she could wear them one day and she didn’t give them back. She also had clothes from other houseguests.
I don’t think anybody cares what she takes. Just happy to see her go with her histrionics
Or they didn’t find the joke funny. That could also be it. Kind of like James and his stupid jokes/pranks when others didn’t find it funny they didn’t go along with his joyful attitude about it.
Oh she stole plenty. Even the night before her eviction when she was packing Natalie asked her who’s pants she packed and Michelle said Paul’s and I’m taking them. She not only was a bitter mean girl she was also a thief.
there might be big fight to!
Nicole kicked the trash to the curb! I already forgot about you Michelle.
Nicole is trash.
watchout jury will therr be big bfight i think so!
Can’t stand Nicole She has whined and snaked her way to where she is. She claims to be so innocent.
These women couldnโt play the game because their petty jealousies got in the way all because of testosterone in the house! They will probably kick themselves on the rear once they realize how stupid they conducted themselves. Day already realizes her mistake. Didn’t take her long to figure it out.
Yep she is. She’s strategically got herself to where she’s at. Smart game play. Michelle was just jealous of her.
She’s still crying over what Michelle said on her way out. She’ll be crying right after the show ends when Corey dumps her.
Nicole is weird michelle is a pshyco
No kidding. The look in her eyes and that smirk on her face. Wouldn’t want to run into that in a dark alley.
Sorry she got over Michelle 5 minutes after she kicked her to the curb. Like she said right back in her face this is why I got rid of you Michelle. And Michelle made a real class exit. NOT
Me too.
Maybe Michelle will get the mental help that she needs now.
watchout meabgirls are coming get her!
I wonder who Michelle will bully in the jury house.
Paulie. She’s best friends with everyone else there.
She should enjoy herself in the jury house then.
yeah misery loves company
They can eviscerate Nicole all day and all of the night now.
no doubt !
Yep and they’re all pretty miserable bitter people in the jury.
I bet she doesn’t have a friend in the house. She was nasty about everyone. I know that you like her and that’s fine. To Meech his own!
That was a good one
Well you clearly have no idea about the relationships made in the bb house this summer then coz everyone in jury likes Michelle. Even Paulie was fine with her before he left.
Ok. We will have to agree to disagree.
my guess is every one of them. she seems to hate everybody including herself.feel sorry for her.
She’s said as much many times; feel sorry for her too.
Really wanted Meech to win, I’m sad. She stayed herself through the very end though and I love her for that. Hilarious exit. I sure hope she gangs up against Paulie in Jury.
you must be related LOL
You must be related to Nicole if the first thought that jumps to your head when it comes to a fan is that they are related.
Don’t care for her either! But Michelle is a whack job
paul;ie isnt whack job!
Paulie definitely has many issues and I would imagine end up being charged with abuse eventually if he doesn’t get help.
Pauli treats women as if they are his puppet. He is a mental abuser.
You don’t know him. That’s an unnecessary judgment. I would bet heavily he won’t be charged with abuse in his lifetime. But my hunch is no better or stronger than yours because we’re both speculating. If I didn’t know somebody or have it on good authority that I was right about something I was saying, I wouldn’t say it.
Michelle appears to have a lot of issues. She needs some therapy
She’s surely not one of her sisters. Her sister tore Meech up on Twitter.
Oh yeah! It’s not going to be a warm welcome home. Everyone was so touched about seeing their family. Not Meech, she said her mom was awkward.
Meech acts awkward! She is a mess and she needs psych help!
Sure did!
She would never win. They could put the duck floatie beside her in a F2, and duck would win
Um, no. She flipped the house twice. Got Bronte out instead of Tiffany. Turned the entire house against Paulie. That’s gameplay. Zakiyah, Da’Vonne, and Bridgette all would have voted for her in the F2. Don’t even try to say she wouldn’t have had a chance.
Except she can’t take all the credit for any of those moves. The only thing she did by herself was call Nicole a snake and that sent her home.
The 2 AM house flip that saved Tiff and evicted Bronte was single-handedly Meech. The Paulie house flip was a team effort of her, Natalie, and Bridgette, but hey, she was still a leading force of it. To me, comp wins aren’t all there is to being a good player.
The Paulie flip may well have been production. It’s a little bit too much of a coincidence that everybody was cool with Paulie, they’re called to the DR, they come out, “Hey I don’t know about this guy anymore”. Paul was right in the middle of exactly that. You could call me a conspiracy theorist but remember Natalie confirmed that production pushed her to work with Corey and Nicole. It’s completely feasible that if production felt the game needed a shake-up, as at the time Paulie was running everything, they’d tell somebody to get their eye/target/radar on him. I don’t normally like calling things like this, but like I said, it was too fishy, too much of a coincidence, and the ill-advised timing of the houseguests (literally right after they got out of DR — way to be subtle and even try to make it believable) didn’t help.
Yep she was good at name calling, sleeping and eating.
i rther watch jury house now because fights are going breakout soon
Michelle still didnt admit that she got manipulated when she had power and did what other people wanted. No accountability at all.
she’s delusional
yet every1 was in her ear
Not a lot of insight there
yet once she got hoh every1 went to het because they were afraid of her!
Afraid of her? Hardly
oh please
yet who was in her ear most of the yime aka paul was sht
None whatsoever
No accountability. No smarts. No humour. No a lot of things. I hope I never see her face again.
yet every1 wanted be in meech ear once she had hoh!
because they were worried what that loon would do!
i gueds was ok frank was in bri ear to!
u think it was ok be in her ear 24hrs a day?
Because she was HOH, that’s what they are supposed to do. Except Michelle when she was on the block.
no swhe co hoh!
Had half the power and the power to renom
ifwasnt acp!
Funny eviction? Yep
Good player? Nope
was bri day and z great player?
Z no, Day and Bridgette not the best, but better than Meech, yes.
did day and z win anything yet?
No, I’m not fan of Day and Z, but at least Day played a little bit smart game than Meech, common’ she said that she’s a superfan, but she forgot the basic rule of the game: you never can’t feel safe.
cory is super fan to!
And he’s not a good player too. I said this before, I’m not rooting for anyone this season (maybe Victor and Tiffany, but well, she’s out), a lackluster cast in my opinion.
yey weho always in victor ear?
The only females left in the house are Dingus and Gnat and Gnat hasn’t been a weho so you must be referring to Dingus, yes?
Paul? I think that he’s playing a good game, he’s not my favorite, compared with the first weeks he made a big progress.
see paul owning vicxtor right now on all hisdecxision isthat smart?
ywet wqho was in the ear?
Agreed. He does make me laugh sometimes.
I’m all in for Victor or Paul winning
Agreed. Day is not the best player but she is solid. Tt’s the reason she got evicted so early. People saw her as a threat. Michelle not so much. She'[d sill be in there if she didn’t have a hard on wit her Nicole hate. Seriously, what did Nicole do that was so awful that all the evictees hate her? :p Michelle claims she floated but that’s bull. Nicole worked on alliances and made moves when she need to felt it was time for a switch up.
i guesd meech couldnt play het owen without some1 in hert like co hoh jusdt like frank being in bri ear!how natalie hohs going with james always by her side?
Michelle had a lot of chances to play a good game, but she didn’t approach that opportunities.
I agree 1 billion percent.
Christmas Corey
That was a good move. I’m not surprised though people want to play up Corey being an idiot and using this as fuel. I hope Corey wins. Reactions on here would be funny.
I thought it was a good move after he explained his reasoning. I’m not a huge Corey fan, but he has grown on me. I promise I wasn’t making fun of him.
Lol it’s cool even if you were (I believe you though that you weren’t). I’m glad he’s grown on you, and it’d be nice if more people would see the positives in him like I have all season. He’s always been one of my top 3-4 faves this season.
yet paul always in victorsd ear same jame and frank to!
But at least Paul, Victor even Frank played better games than Meech.
i gues it was be in every1 ear?
Ok, out of the ear thing let’s be honest: Victor and Paul are better players than Michelle.
ill said can vixdtor make his own decision yes or no with paul being is his ear?
Yes, he can make moves without Paul.
Out of the ear thing -LMAO !!!!!!!!!
paul always power hungry when he doesnt win hoh oe poc!
I didn’t find anything out of this joke of a player to be funny. I have no idea how anybody found her funny. I thought she was painfully unfunny, actually. I agree though about not being a good player, although that’s putting it mildly.
I only found funny that she took the Paul’s toy, her argument with Nicole -in my opinion- was unnecessary.
Fair enough. I was kind of shaking my head that she took Pablo, but Paul’s reaction, yelling “You took Pablo?!” right as the door was closing, that was pretty funny. So I guess by that measure, her taking it was funny…
Agreed about her dumb argument with Nicole. She just sounded stupid.
Michelle was actually in a good position early on in the game. People were confiding in her and she really wasn’t anyone’s target. Unfortunately for her she started to unravel, shoot off her mouth and isolate herself. She didn’t argue for her positions which should be part of anyone’s game. She fought people who really weren’t fighting her. She has no one to blame but herself for where she is now.
samething for bri and day to!
Meech said in another interview she said Dan was her cousin to make Nicole paranoid and took Pablo so part of Paul would leave the house. More oh brother than big brother.
more like his robe!
victor cant make his own decision without paul being in his ear 24hrs
I can’t wait until the backyard opens to see if Pablo is there.
Me too!
look at chima speech!
james and natalie noms!
Funny watching all that confidence Natalie had draining out of her
bbn hasnty announced it but she on the bloick nowe massive wasa out
I think Michelle ate Pablo
So funny!!!!
I agree. Natalie could make it far if she aligns herself with Paul and Victor. All 3 could get rid of Nic and Corey.
only if she win pov now!
Natalie’s only chance is someone taking her because she can’t win!
victor is gettn sloppy 2nd
James will lose his mind til the end, not knowing what will be going on.
Please, there has been enough of that this season.
She would have to promise more than a kiss to Victor,and Paul.
yet who in bed with viptor
It would take a while to get use to a real man.
Corey is such a whiney sort of guy. He can’t even dance. No rhythm there. Just a tall waste of time if you ask me. I prefer guys who are much more manly than him. He looks as if he’d cry if someone yelled at him. Big sissy.
Oh ohhhhhhhhh
I hope Nichole & smarmy Corey go SOON. Can’t stand either of them. Maybe my TV is screwed, but Corey’s hair looks dark brown to me. Yet he referred to himself last night as blonde. WHAT!!!!
She will win if Corey or James are in the final 2. Victor or Paul win and she gets second place. Victor takes Paul and there is a big chance he won’t win it.
nixcole corey vixctor takeout paul know do it
I’d like some takeout. Where we getting it from?
I wish they’d get to this ceremony and also get the BY open. I think Pablo might be back there. hehe
Paul will break into tears if Pablo is in the BY. He’ll be SO excited to see his blow-up friend. It’s probably like his blow-up doll he has at home!!!! ??
We all need little remembrances from home when we’re away.
For sure lol
Oh maybe that was his blow up doll that flew over on the drone, lol
Hee hee
Hehehe hehehe hahaha hahaha
Stooopppppp. I went and picked up . chicken with veggies.
Natalie is only in the game because James has kept her safe
paul keeping vicxtor sage for the reason
producer screwed up noms today
Why is the BY still closed? Did producer screw that up too?
Oh, I forgot, you don’t talk to me. I’m not smart enough.
Yes you are KSJB
;) Thanks!
So, how did you pull that off?
What happened?
memory wall switch up james and natalie nioms ive posted the link above
cory and nicole targets are natalie now!
reddit link
Michelle’s parents should pack up, and leave town to a undisclosed location, before Michelle get’s home. lol
not in les meangirl fighjt breaksout!
They should definitely pack her up and make her leave home if she behaves akin to that in their home. Call me cruel, but my 2 children did not pout and cry and act like they were spoiled brats. They’d never get back in my house if they did. That’s something that can be controlled if a person cared enough to try.
You got that one right. She acted like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.
I could look a certain way at my children and grandchildren when they were small, and they knew to cool it, or the next time it would be the stinging pinch on the inside of the upper arm, which left a slight bruise every now and then, if needed. I promise that there would be no bratty adult in my family. That’s uncalled for.
I agree. Only one look and they know to knock it off!! Kids are pretty smart & know when they can get away with stuff. It’s parents who need the training & end up with bratty kids. I’ve met quite a few in my day.
You know, no one has talked about Nicole’s statement that her parents didn’t say that they were proud of her. I think she should be aware certainly that her being horizontal might have something to do with it
She knows what she is putting out there for the world to see and she was looking for something from her family that affirmed it was pretty bad. She said her brother didn’t look too happy and her mother didn’t say she was proud of her. Dingus has given them plenty of reasons to be ashamed and upset with her.
Yeah, I was shocked to hear her say something about what her family was thinking
She sure didn’t care what the other hgs thought either.
Looks like someone’s salty.
nicole and cory targetting natalie now!
natalie better win pov before she goes!
Natalie playing the best game, lol. I’m preparing myself now for a very unsatisfying end to this season if someone takes a goat to the F2.
she onthe block but cory and nicole targetting her now
Corey & Nichole are dick heads.
freakzoids vs big sister vs unicorn!
I’m already dissapointed in the final four. You can bet it will be Victor, Paul, Nichole & Corey. What a terrible ending to the season. I don’t want any of them to win. Out of the four, I’d rather Victor get the money, but I say that begrudgingly.
compare to last season endingsteve winning!
Bye bye little girl. Your tantrums and thieving ways won’t be missed.
Are you under strict rules when you do these interviews? Were you not allowed to ask about her fat shaming, and overall disgusting viewpoints?
Always disappointed with interviews .. why didn’t she just interview Pablo?
I liked Michelle. She was crazy and her gameplay was lacking. But what’s Big Brother without a psycho or two.
The other being Paulie.
austin an frankie
I couldn’t stand her telling Julie “I knew it” (that Victor and Paul were working with Corey and Nicole) when just before that, in the same interview, she clearly expressed not understanding why they didn’t go against each other to evict the “bigger threat”. I’m glad this babbling idiot is gone and has no opportunity to return. She speaks completely unintelligently, especially when she’s being confronted or awkwardly trying to confront somebody else. Her stupid speech and her talking before walking out the door was pure gibberish. I actually yelled at my TV “just shut the **** up and leave”. Good riddance. I can’t believe she had a single fan and that they gave her something as powerful as co-HoH. She was a joke.
She’s going to get a big wake up call when she gets out.
I freaking hope so. She needs it and deserves it.