James Huling didn’t have to rely on his gut alone last night to see what was coming down the nomination pipe this week on Big Brother 18. The house division was clear enough to leave both James and Natalie anticipating the obvious move which put James in to action.
In hopes of cutting off the plans early James went to the new HoH to try and set a different course for the week but instead ended up making the case to keep things as planned.
With Michelle voted out by a tiebreaker James & Natalie knew they were in trouble and Victor’s win as the new HoH didn’t help their concerns one bit. Natalie spoke to James telling him he should have voted out Victor like she asked. “I begged,” she told James placing the blame on his shoulders. Nevermind that she put Victor on the Block herself.
James hoped he could at least save Natalie and maybe even give himself a fighting chance so he went to Victor to make a pitch for clemency.
Flashback on your Live Feeds to 1:08 AM BBT 9/2 (Get the Free Trial now).
James wants to be honest with Victor and see if it could influence his pending decision. He explains to Victor and Paul that when Victor needed James’s vote he couldn’t give it to him because James and Natalie actually had a F4 deal with Nicole and Corey. With that he had to vote to keep Corey.
We’re watching James try to build a case that this was all a logical, strategical move and nothing against Victor personally. In fact it was a move of loyalty, James suggests, since he was staying true to his F4 deal. The deal he just made against his old deal with Victor… Oops.
Victor asks James: “Was that final four deal made before or after Paulie left the house?” Remember that Victor & Paul worked with Natalie & James (plus Michelle) to get Paulie out and they were together as a group before Natalie decided right after Paulie’s eviction that they needed to target Victor instead of Corey and Nicole. They broke the deal here and flipped over to Nicole & Corey. James actively encouraged this flip while Michelle passively went along with it even though she wanted Nicole out.
James answers Victor that it was after Paulie was evicted. He’s telling him the truth. Victor replies, “after I did the dirty work of getting Paulie out you switched to them.” He tells James that he understands it was just the game, but Victor was being loyal while they weren’t. Especially since James says this deal with Nicorey was made “when it was convenient,” as Victor explains it.
James says he understands that he deserves to go up, but Natalie doesn’t since she wanted Victor to stay. This isn’t working on Victor or Paul either. They explain that Natalie and James are a unit and just as if someone wanted Victor or Paul out then the other would go up with him. Victor promises that if they go up together then it’s not a shot at Natalie.
“The situation is literally the exact same, but flipped on you guys,” explains Victor. Well, it’s hard to argue with that and James can’t. He tells Victor he knows he screwed up and hopes it isn’t used against Natalie. Victor promises to explain any decisions to Natalie if he goes that route (which he will, but rules prevent him from confirming in advance) and again says it would be to go at James and not her.
Nicole and Corey walk in to the HoH room after this and the talk ends. James gave it a good try but it’s not going to work. I’m still glad he went for it though instead of taking an approach like Michelle did. Really the only hope for James and Natalie at this point is the Veto on Saturday but even then they’ll need a game shift to keep both safe.
What do you think of James’s approach with Victor? Did he do the best he could or was this a sloppy method? Share your thoughts below as we continue to wait for today’s nominations ceremony.
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Not sue who to root for this season… alot of bullies and crybabies.
Victor is neither a bully nor a crybaby. Root for him.:)
I might rabbit I might but I dont think he will win I think PAUL will (between the two)
If they are F2, I think it will be according to whether the jury votes from a social aspect, a competitor aspect, or complete game aspect. There is a distinct difference in their game approach for sure, and it is up to the jurors to decide what they appreciate and respect the most.
I think Victor would have edge just because he’s had to battle back twice to get back into the house
Yet there are posters who think that would be a disadvantage with the jury. It wouldn’t be if I was voting.
Me either – he also got Paulie out, which thrilled the jury
Vic actually got Paulie out twice which no one probably even thought of but me! By winning jury buy back it kept Paulie from returning or Paulie would have been back in the house and the game would have been a bunch of floaters at that point as many people would have been on their own more! Only the 2 showmances would have remained.
Agreed 100% as either deserves to win and I am not a fan of either. Final 2 with them will be interesting what jury thinks but I think Paul gets the win.
Exactly – I can’t believe anyone would include him as a bully or crybaby
He was a jerk to the girls before his 1st eviction. He was a douche and a jerk. He improved his attitude once he returned the 1st time thanks to Paul. He said some cruel things to Nat Nicole M and not sure who else? At this point after the way Nic and James have played recently Vic deserves to win or even Paul. If they are final 2 it will be interesting.
Agreed. He was a class act both times evicted.
him or Paul. Final 2!!!
I am pulling for Vic – Paul –Corey in this order
I’m rooting for Victor – haven’t ever seen him bully or cry
he was voted out twice and I dont think jury members will vote for Victor.
Most of the Jury like him. It’s only Meech that didn’t like the fact that he was voted twice. Even Nat/James will vote for him. They’ve said that.
interesting . thanks for info.
Meech got bitter at the end. Loved her exit though.
Well that’s dumb if they don’t – he battled his way back in twice, plus he was voted out because he was a threat
He was truthful, then Dingus lied to Vic about an F4 existing between her/Doofus & James/Gnat. James made his bed with dirty linens. Now he can wallow in the aftermath. Dingus has been wallowing in soiled linens all season. Nothing new for her.
yet watchout paul might grt backstabbed!
By whom?
well v need strong jury mewmber make to win?
Vic doesn’t need Paul in jury. He would rather lose with by Paul by his side than win by backstabbing Paul.
Anyway, Paul has been backstabbed before. He heals well. :D
look at the jury house right hmmm
Yup. They all look familiar.
what teams are in it?
Is this a test?
look start the season
At least try to form complete sentences, if you’re going to attempt to discuss something. Thanks!
catgory 4 big sister freakzoids and unicorn!
He’s in a hurry :D
Sorry, I had to go stir my spaghetti sauce. Which one, winter, spring, summer, fall?
unicorn,catgoryfreakzoidandbig sister
Doesn’t James still have 2 team members in the house? Victor and Natalie.
What team were they on then?
India Ink – I have the user you are responding to blocked, so I’m not sure what he/she asked. You are, however, correct. James, Victor, and Natalie are all on the same team (Team Unicorn). Bronte was the fourth member of that team.
Thanks, the comment was from BBH or some form of initials and I just blocked them too.
James has been trying to get his team mate Victor out for a long time now; remember when James threw the team comp so he could get rid of Victor? Kinda feel sorry for James now though.
Vic is like a boomerang…he keeps coming back :). Yes, James hasn’t liked Victor from the beginning it seems. The comp you are referring to was right near the beginning of the season, wasn’t it? James’ time has come, but I understand how you feel. I almost always feel sorry for the person who is going home. (Paulie was the exception)
I like that name for Victor the boomerang :D
James tried his best to get rid of Victor but luck just wasn’t on his side this time.
Sounds like seasons in some fairy tale. I’ll take unicorn for $100.
i guds you dont get it seew ya block button!
Is that a category?
I’ll take Mickey for $200 Alex
And we have another contestant! lol
I tihnk he blok yuo agian. haha
Weal daem et!
I’ve seen them
sure do ksjb dont get it
Yes he was back stabbed but he still remains in the house!
they dont grt what im sayn!
I don’t
because you’re not putting a complete thought out… something about the teams, but I’m lost honestly. I’d like to seee your point, but I can’t with your comments. Form a complete thought.
jury house right 3 teams 3 member each depend who is final 2
Nobody really does
By his own hand – nobody gave him anything
Lolololol KSJB
Vic doesn’t need strong jury member to win. If he’s in F2 and doesn’t win, they are dumb
all bout building stromng jury that p need backstabb now
By whom?..what kind of question is that?..by a strong Jury mewmber!!..that’s it!
Stp it ur knot suptose ta mack cents
Dnt do diz u gyz im dyn hur! u knw wut he meenz cnt u reed?!
Oh, you are good!! lol
Oh man!..Where did you learn how to talk like this?..you are good! lol
you have all left me confuzzled and entertained!!!!!
its similar to the season we have watched of BB lol, one minute we are like mhm , the next is huh?
He donst rpsond to me Bloekd me. lol yup
abveeosly mi bloek dibent woerk…i cee u :(
omg!..look at this thread..CRAZY! lmao
I’m been cry laughing.
Oh my goodness. You guys are turning into Mickey.
Sometimes you just have to go with it. Cy started it. He’s a genius!
How does anyone think Victor is tied to James. He went up to plead his case, and actually made the case why he should go up and evicted
No way by Victor – ole James and Gnat going up
victor cant win by jurey house
LOL so gross…
I know how you feel about Nicole and Corey, KSJB (your hilarious nicknames say it all!) and truthfully, neither of them are my faves either, however, I’m not sure I follow you here. How did Nicole lie? James and Natalie DID make a F4 with Nic/Corey and that was AFTER they made a F5 deal with Vic/Paul and Michelle.
So, I’m not seeing a lie… And James actually only made his and Natalie’s case worse last night when he tried explaining his F4 deal with Nicole & Corey to Vic b/c Vic asked him when he made this deal. He asked if it was before the Paulie eviction (when the F5 deal was made) ar after the Paulie eviction… James admitted it was after and Vic called him out on that, basically saying “then you made that deal after you made the deal with me and Paul” and Vic, understandably, really had no sympathy for James… As you said, James made his bed, and yeah, Nicole threw James & Nat UTB in favor of making a new F4 with Vic & Paul, but I’m not seeing how Nicole actually lied b/c what she said to Vic was the truth.
She told Vic that she and Doofus never had a F4 with James and Gnat. Even Doofus told her she should have told Vic the truth.
Oh… I must have missed that on the feeds. Really? I am going to go back and rewind that. Why the heck would she do that?
I respectfully apologize K… :)
No, absolutely no problem at all. I don’t have feeds and miss a lot. I read that on Jokers. If you want me to go back and find the times, I’ll be happy to do so.
Yes would you? I want to see that b/c that is a dumb move that might come back and bite her in the you know what! :) Thanks much, K.. :)
According to Jokers, @ 1:59 Nicole was talking to Victor and he told her what James said and she denied it.
2:48 AM BBT..(2:41) Nicole whispering about denying they had a F4 with Jatalie. Nicole is worried. Corey says she should be honest with VP about it. He is explaining why they need to be honest about it.
Vic admires honestly and loyalty…lying to him is stupid b/c IMO he would understand that deal and not hold it against her
Yes I read that too. Everybody in the house has lied about something. They all run around talking about how another person lied. Basically a liar is calling out another liar for lying….lol
well said. Nicole is playing a better game than she did her original season. James is playing a worse one. (which I didn’t think possible)
James is so dumb – watch him get AFP! It is a mystery I will never figure out. He’s a lousy player, and attaches himself to a girl both times
paul latches on to whoever is hoh
Paul hasn’t attached himself to a girl, and played the game twice
this how many time paul been in hoh whoever wins it!
that’s just smart. It’s been working for him. HOw is James’s plan working for him? I’d say Paul’s in a better position.
ill say it again 3peat that all ivegotta say
I would never believe James either. He showed he’s a liar when he said he wouldn’t nominate whoever it was. Too early in the game for that move
Bridgette and Frank. He deserves what he’s getting.
Well, well, well……
My how those tables turn! Finally, after weeks of nearly giving up entirely on this season, and show, comes a glimmer of hope in the form of KARMA!!!! Should’ve stuck with the plan, and it would’ve been nicorey on the block instead of you guys! Nat was so power hungry she completely ruined her game!
Totally rooting for the sitting ducks!!!!!
#SittingDucks #forthewin
#EvictJatatlie (Pauls clap/throw away) #NeverCared lol!!!
Love it!
Go Victor!!!
Yes, how those tables have turned… Natalie is regretting her nomination now and blaming James for voting Vic out after she “begged and begged for Vic to stay”! Well, if you hadn’t decided to flip the script and nominate you allies then… as you said, it would have been Nicole or Corey leaving last week and not Michelle. Nat & James have no one but themselves to blame for their current situation.
#NoSympathy ;)
I do have a tiny bit of sympathy for James; I’m hopping Nat will be evicted and James find redemption before heading to the jury house. I can’t stand to see Nat breaking his heart like this.
It’s Nicole’s fault (sarcasm)
As much as I want Nicorey out, I want James out more
Well I’ll give James points for trying. But in the game you can’t try, you do. He may be playing the game, he’s just sucking at it. Which is a shame because I like him as a person, but he’s just dumb as hell as far as this game.
You’re a good guy James, but your game isn’t good.
he playn dumb to win!
It ain’t workin’. But he’s convinced me he is kinda dumb.
i gues steve didnt play dumb!
He never had me convinced he was dumb.
what is wrong playing dumb to get further in the game?
It doesn’t work if you are dumb to begin with.
Yeah James isn’t playing dumb, he is dumb
He is dumb, but it’s not a strategy
Then why hasn’t he made one smart move?
James needs to try a new game. He sucks at BB
I use to like James as a person, but I have to admit one of the times he fell from my grace besides flipping on both Vic and Paul was when he was in the kitchen with Paul along with Nat and Meech and told Paul this wasn’t his first rodeo and that he had played with the best of the best, etc. Just the way he talked down to Paul made me think this isn’t the same nice guy I thought James was. James had played with all newbies just like himself in his previous season and Paul was playing this season right along with James so wth was James talking about? I voted for James in his 1st season for AFP, but to me James is not only not playing a good game, but I wouldn’t like to see him get AFP this season. jmho
victor serious butt kikss in jury now if he wants to win!
Oh how sad to try to win 500,000. I would do whatever necessary to win that money. Victor has earned it if he makes F2. Fought his way back twice, won a number of comps, has a good social game
i bet paulie and mneech wont vote for victor
if v was wise enough bd p
True!!! I was thinking the same thing but couldn’t find the words to say it.
Team Victor.
Funny.. at the beginning of the season I didn’t like Paul or Victor… now if they leave, I wouldn’t care less about the season.
But, at the beginning of the season I really liked Nicole and James. Now i’d like to see them lose.
Amazing what a little character development does for an opinion about someone.
I completely agree except for it took me a little while to warm up to Gnat and then I got a chill that won’t go away.
Same here KSJB. I am so over her and I would not be at all unhappy if it was her and not James that goes first! No more whiney voice…Yes! Please BB Gods… :)
I’m really hot or cold on Natalie. I just don’t think I like her when she’s with James. She does get annoying sometimes, but she’s got that adorable side of her that always brings me back.
Same here.
I don’t care for Nat at all. IMO she is fake and is playing the exact way her bio said she would play. I don’t know if you have the feeds, but she drives me crazy with this Americaaa!!! She came into the house saying she was going to flirt and have a showmance and that’s what she did. She started with Corey and then realized Nicole and he were together so went on to Vic. Vic broke things off with her because he didn’t want a showmance and then she went on to James. Can’t think, but she will end up hurting James. She claimed to not know this game at all, but has referred to several players on different seasons so she knows more than she claims to know. She says a lot of sexual things and then turns around and says everyone is talking about her behind her back and plays the pity card. Lately she told Meech that she was the one who wanted Corey and Vic and she was the one who ended things because she realized they weren’t the type of guys she wanted. I could go on and on, but long story short I can’t wait until she is sent packing.
I don’t have feeds but I’ve read Jokers the entire season and have seen bits and pieces of what you are referencing, which have left me with not so great of an impression of her, either.
I’m with you
I think you mean you WOULD care less about the season if they leave.
I wouldn’t care less than I already did at that point, because I wouldn’t care at all.
If you didn’t care at all at the beginning of the season, why did you follow it this far?
oh jamsey jamsey james…too little too late…if you really want to help anything this week go to the dr and make a plea for pablo to return home…
Hahaha! Right? That might earn him a few points, but I’m think James & Nat’s fates are sealed. Hopefully, one of them will be going home this week. :)
v need a strong jury housr win this game!
And you need a less-strong potable.
catgory 4 look for victor to win
I can’t follow you — You spout random thoughts that don’t coincide with one another.
you comment on my thing oops!
ya he think he know aka andy!
I respectfully bow out.
you coomment on my thing first what does sawy ehthere block button to!
Who’s on first?
I blocked MM 2 weeks ago to keep my brain from exploding. Try that,it really helps!
I blocked him about a month ago. He was driving me crazy. And yes it really helps.
you call mm a “him”. I thought the goofy name meant a “her”!
I just figured Mickey was a guy’s name but you never know. :-)
No potent potable? ?
its just all so confusing and funny lol
When I saw potable, it reminded me of Jeopardy’s category Potent Potables.
Wait, the nom rule is still in place?
Yes. They’ve just announced that every single houseguest from the past 6 seasons is banned from Big Brother for breaking this rule. The season is canceled, effective immediately.
It’s really hard to argue or make a pitch with Victor. If you’ve wronged him, he’s always got the right answer. The guy is a straight shooter and a very loyal player…that’s just his game.
Absolutely Cyril. He is the most loyal player in the house. He would have honored his deal with Meech, Nat & James, but Natalie and Michelle broke the deal by nominating him and Paul, therefore, James can’t expect Vic not to return that betrayal by putting him and Nat up OTB. I saw that conversation last night and James really did make it even worse. Natalie totally put the blame on James too…Funny, how can she just forget that James would not have had the opportunity to evict Vic if she had not put him OTB to begin with!! I mean hello?? Anyhow, can’t wait for the nomination ceremony. :)
I know so many people dislike james now but I’d still rather see Nat go first. I was pretty sure she would stab james in the back when it became necessary.
You & I are totally on the same page India! :) James has made bad decisions, but Natalie has had a hand in them as well. However, according to her James is at fault because…she “begged James to keep Victor” , but Natalie is completely ignoring the fact that she decided to betray Vic by putting him up to begin with!!
James looked so defeated and dejected last night on BBAD, it broke my heart.
There’s no reason for Nat to blame James either. The plan was a good plan except they didn’t know there would be a returning Juror. If not for that they’d be sitting petty right now. They’ve both been unlucky.
She blames him for everything. Even after the HOH comp that James supposedly threw (which he didn’t) she tells him you’re a grown ass man you do what you want but you better keep me safe.
I saw her do that on BBAD and it was pathetic. She has eyes, couldn’t she see that james was weak and trembling and was just trying to save his ego with the Nicole deal.
What a shrewish fishwife she’s become.
Fishwife! Perfect description of her!
You’re right, but James should have known…the timeline and remaining HG didn’t add up, moreover, since the airline ticket was a bust…IMO he *should* have anticipated that a juror might be coming back.
For some reason James has said the DR would alert him if something like that was going to happen. So he thought he could coast through this season with the DR letting him know when to play hard. Doesn’t make sense but he has been comfortable nesting with Nat so far.
Well, he obviously hasn’t been listening when Julie says “expect the unexpected”! ;) LOL!
hehehe :D
I hope the DR tells him it’s time to man up and quit letting nat use him.
No he listens to his gut. Lol
I’m hoping she goes first too. She’s all about Natalie and I’m sick of her always playing the victim. Even after the comp she’s telling Vic if my fingers were longer I would of had that comp. Wrong her fingers had nothing to do with rolling the egg down the ramp.
i sorta nicole foes home first
Nope. It’s going to be Natalie or James.
yert who goeds home james get pov!
If James gets POV then Natalie will go.
will be split nicole and nat
No it won’t. If Nicole goes up against Nat then Corey and Paul will vote out Nat and James will vote out Nicole. Nat will leave by a vote of 2-1.
paul alway a wilcard to!
Paul wants either James or Natalie gone. He would never vote out Nicole. Especially after she saved him. Him and Victor go by trust and loyalty.
I expect Victor will put up Corey instead of the kittenish Nicole. :D Man can not live by bread alone you know.
last 2 freakazoids!
yert who goeds..oops
Bad bad bad. Lol
Yep (?)
Yup, yup.
I guews..oops
Little Miss Perfect – so sick of her. I hope James turns on her and gets her evicted instead.
I’m wondering if he wins veto if he uses it on her.
Let’s hope the DR or Nicole talks some sense into him. If James and Natalie are still on the block on eviction night I hope Nicole does what’s best for her game and evicts Natalie.
I think she’ll do what Victor wants. I think this 4 will be loyal until the 4. I really think they’ll talk it over because Paul would like to see Natalie go first too. But Victor wants James gone. I really think Natalie is better at comps then James. She almost won this one.
Maybe Nicole can sweet talk Victor into wanting Nat gone instead since Corey also wants her gone.
I still think James Is Nicole’s ace in the hole.
You do? Even after he feels betrayed by her? I’m hoping they all talk and decide to get rid of Natalie too. Can’t wait for the POV. If it’s James and Nicole in F2 I think Nicole would win. But if she’s against anyone else except Corey I think she takes 2nd.
I’m sure he’s hurt and angry by Nicole’s betrayal – but wait – was it really a betrayal when she kept her word to keep James and Nat safe?
James also betrayed Nicorey when he turned on Paulie and left them standing out in the cold.
Nicole needs to talk to him and get him focused on Natalie betraying him.
But then again, james is such a dangerous guy and is not known for keeping his word so I can see why victor wants him out next.
That’s true. I forgot about that with Paulie. And she did keep her word and both of them safe. I’m really hoping Natalie goes then will see what James will do.
I never thought I’d see this happen but wouldn’t it be wonderful if Nat and Nic could join forces and work together for once instead of against each other.
Things might get desperate when they reach the F4.
I don’t think I would trust Nat. The entire season she talked crap about how Nicole plays dirty and lies while she’s the dirtiest hypocrite. I just can’t take one more week of her playing the little miss perfect victim. I’d rather see Nicole and James work together if he stays.
I forgot that Natalie would probably beat Nic in the F2 because of the bitter female jurors.
The only person I think Nic could beat now is Corey tbh.
Yep Corey and maybe James. If she was against James she would have Corey, Victor, Paul, and Paulie’s vote I think for sure. James would have Natalie, Michelle, Bridgette and Day’s vote for sure. I think Z would be the deciding vote. And if she’s back close with Paulie then she might vote for Nicole.
u forgot meech
I said Michelle.
Let’s hope Zak and Paulie make up in the jury house then :D
Let’s hope Nicole gets to F2. ?
Yes indeed :D
wouldn’t that be something! but James will have to grow a pair & finally play for that half mil to go into his bank account.
He’s gotta have a temper somewhere and I can’t wait for him to explode when he realizes he’s been used.
Nat needs to check herself or she could become very unpopular with James’s fans.
what ive been sayn all sweason time to dumb nat has bait bam!
Are you saying “time to dump Nat?” If so I agree whole heartedly :D
thgis like frank used bri has bait bam!
I agree. He’s a stand guy. I want Vic to win!
can he win over jury i dont think so
You maen a Jury mewmber? Ya oops, bd p Ethere sawy I gues category 4 frikzoids..oops yup yup
Lol your an instigator.
Good thing Mickey can’t see your comments :D
lol I KNOW!!
You wascally wabbit :D
I look forward to your comments. Lol. Always making me laugh.
You don’t see people like Victor that often. He’s not afraid to let his targets know that he’s coming for them, if the need be. But he’ll do it while still being rational and, overall, a good guy. If he’s after you, it’s because you did something to him first.
Exactly! He has legitimate reasons for targeting someone…usually, because that person took a shot at him first. It is like he said to Nicole, he told her she has never done anything to him to make him not give her his loyalty…he only loses trust when someone betrays him like Nat and Michelle did on their Co-HOH.
(In response to both bay and TGJ)To be fair, this is all only working because he’s returned to the game twice. People who let his/her targets know that he/she’s coming for them get voted out. It’s not a good strategy (See: Tiffany, Frank). He has legitimate reasons for targeting someone, because almost every single person in the house has already nominated him or voted to evict him/evicted him. Typically that “reason” is nonexistent because people don’t get that second or third chance.
He is loyal that’s for sure. Didn’t care for him in the beginning but after he came back the first time I started to like him more and more.
I hated all the newbies before. Especially those two guys Vic/Paul….I like David though.
Yep were on the same page. David’s my favorite. I don’t think we’ll ever like anyone more than David right?
The first few weeks I wanted that whole crew gone… Josea, Vic & Paul. Still glad Josea never came back, but now I am team Vic all the way!
No other person in that house could have handled Paulie like Vic did and got him out the door in the process.
Totally agree here! :)
Funny what time does. At the beginning of the game Paul was unbearably obnoxious and Vic was… well, he was genuinely awful at the game. He deserved to be voted out 2nd.
Fast forward to now, and those two guys are the only ones I want to see sitting in those last 2 chairs.
I think Paul has been consistent. He was obnoxious at the beginning, and he still is. Perhaps it’s because he was on the “other side” at the beginning and you didn’t “know” him well enough after just a few weeks.
James should have asked Victor to speak with him in private. Paul did not need to be there. Although Paul is Victor’s only trustful partner, it should not stop anyone from throwing him under the bus. James should have explained why Paul or even Cory are bigger threats and he should not take them to final 2. He wouldn’t speak against Nicole. James should get evicted for being such an idiot. Once he’s gone, then Natalie can try to get Victor to go with her instead of Paul and give obvious reasons why she is a better final 2 partner.
I thought the same thing. When Vic went in to talk to Gnat about her not being the target, James left. Did Vic ask him to or did he do it on his own?
vic is mack’n on nicole…this could be an uh oh moment….
Vic has a huge crush on her…huge!
I agree.
No, Vic, just no. Why would you deem you would be deserving of sloppy seconds?
ikr???????ugh victor victor victor…..
You should see him, Karen..he grabs Nicole and puts his face into her neck and just kisses it or something..not sure what he is doing…Corey is right there in plain sight…not caring at all..so that tells me once the game is over..Corey will say..See ya! Vic does this alot. He really likes Nicole! And Nicole likes the attention.
Corey doesn’t care b/c he wants nothing to do with Nicole after the game.
Corey was and is more interested in Polly
Omgosh, I don’t wanna see that. But it doesn’t surprise me that Doofus has no reaction to it. He would probably be happy for Vic to take her off of his hands. He can do 3 weeks without sex, now 3 months was just unthinkable. :(
…and to think last year..she wouldn’t even give Hayden a peck on the cheek! I have really been grossed out watching those two with their bed antics! There has been undercover sex for sure!! 1000%!
I wasn’t reading spoilers during Nicole’s season just watching the show. When she finally kissed Haydden it was so cute and exciting. I really liked them together because I thought she was a sweet girl. Maybe she was back then.
Nicole is nothing but a hole pretending to be a good girl. She likes any male attention as long as they are in a leading position. Her main man is still Corey, but I think she may have noticed that he is not into her as much as she is into him.
thisw hy theyh breakup the pair now!
Her little sweet and innocent act starts to wear very thin in that house. She doesn’t cuss..but, she sure gets in that bed with Corey and has a very good time! With cameras watching..I would be so embarrassed.
last 2 freakazoids to!
I bet she liked working with good looking doctors and wonder how many of them were not into her as much as she was into them. Also, I hope she gets that nose looked at after the show. No wonder she talks the way she does…..
She could have something stuck in there and not know it.
She has a deviated septum. That’s why she sounds the way she does. However, it has nothing to do with the ‘uhh’ at the end of every word-uhh!
Sounds like Julia. James uh
That’s a pretty harsh personal attack. I’m not a fan of Nicole but saying stuff about her looks and private life at work isn’t cool. No one on here attacks the guys for looks and it’s sickening that people resort to nasty attacks about the girls all the time.
Victor, your mom is watching!
She would not approve, guaranteed!
agreed, any mother who watched this season and saw her and corey “stratigising” would not approve
What’s happening? I’m out of the loop.
Obviously, Vic is genuinely loving him some Dingus. :(
is that happening right now?
I hope he is not thinking of taking her to the final.
James was saying something to Victor about him and production. It is possible that they traded James for Victor.
vic woke nicole up with a hug and asked her to have breakfast with him, but as usual she was too tired and stayed in bed…
I don’t even want to think about this. Vic must be going through withdrawals(hehe) if you know what I mean. :(
He’s got hands! He should keep away from Nic & use one of them!
Hahaha! If you know what I mean…. Heh heh! Ewwwie!
Oh, girl!!! lol
What?? Really? How did I miss that? I am going right now to my live feeds and rewinding!!
Please report back on what you see :D
Okay India, here’s what I saw…
At approximately 11:58 am, Vic came up behind Nicole, he wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss her on the neck…repeatedly. It was definitely flirty, but not as wild as my imagination!! LOL! When I read “macking on Nicole” I imagined making out or something!! He kissed her neck in a playful kind of way, and Nicole seems to be enjoying his attention. Later Vic & Nic were upstairs alone in the HOH room playing dominoes. I have to admit, Victor really seems to like her.
Okay India, here is what I saw…
At 11:58 am Victor returned from the DR. Nicole and Paul were at the table discussing Nicole’s future trip to Cali in October. Victor came up behind Nicole, wrapped his arms around her middle and began kissing her on the neck, kind of growly too. It was definitely flirty, but not as wild as my imagination is!! LOL! When I read “mackn on Nicole”, my mind went to making out etc..
He does seem to enjoy spending time with her b/c later they were upstairs alone in the HOH room playing dominoes and he was definitely flirting with her. Anyhow, they are supposed to be coming back out to Cali at the same time in October… Guess we’ll see if Corey shows up too.
Okay India, here is what I observed in the live feeds. Vic came back from the DR @ 11:55 or something like that. Nicole & Paul were at the table in the kitchen area talking about Nicole’s upcoming trip back to Cali in October. Vic came up from behind her, wrapped his arms around her and definitely started kissing her neck! Repeatedly. It was totally flirty, but not quite as wild as my imagination!! LOL! When I read “mackn on Nicole”, my mind went to making out, etc… It was not quite that bad, but he definitely seems to like her and Nicole doesn’t seem to mind the attention either.
Once again, James latches himself onto a female and his game got away from him. I wonder how James would play if he didn’t do that…I just don’t think he is a good player..I guess he will blame Natalie like he did Meg.
James always latches himself to someone, male or female. Meg left and he was still up Austin’s behind completely trusting him. Because of his lackluster looks he has had to rely on his personality, but that doesn’t get you far enough in this game.
paul latches whoever ih hoh~
Mickey, do they sell a Rosetta Stone for your language? Only kidding.
well look how many times that paul been in hoh room!
That’s because he’s actually playing the game!
might as well call paul hoh from now on!
Hopefully we will call him jury number 7 soon!
thiswhy they ned make a big move now
That’s true. Kind of hypocritical for Vic and Paul to blame James for flipping sides when that’s pretty much what they do every single week.
yup iknow that
I wouldn’t really say that. You could argue that they flipped on Paulie, but that was Paulie’s fault and he brought it upon himself by saying and doing the things he did. They were then flipped on by James/Natalie/Michelle, not the other way around. They were betrayed and didn’t go back to the people who backstabbed them. You can’t fault them for that move.
It worked for Austin didn’t it. Mind you he didn’t have looks or personality.
Plus in James’ defence he is handsome in a sort of way! He’s super nice & I think that’s where & why he gets screwed.
He should have just won the damn comp!! Foolish man!
He is a nice guy, but he is not good at this game.
I do know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I don’t find him attractive at all.
I’d date James over Paul any day.
I think there’s someone for everybody. To each their own! Lol
I think that when Paul gets married he may talk his wife straight to her death.
And very loudly! Screaming!
james natalie victor need to work together i know sound desperate times!
Desperate times for James and Nat. Great times for Victor!
catgory 4 gone freakzoids 2 member left and big sister 1 left
Teams don’t mean anything anymore.
you want vote to win 500k victor wont win anything if want james or natalie gone!
I 1 billion percent disagree.
any jury like v right now?
all of them?
explains alot
We’ll see, won’t we? I think Vic has a great chance at winning. He has been loyal until screwed.
BB producers want paul tp win it anyways!last 2 winner came from same spot since they switch memory from season 15 to 16-17
I know. But I don’t buy into conspiracy theories.
do i post where all bb winner came from bb memory wall most the time top!
We’ll see, won’t we? I think Vic has a great chance at winning. He has been loyal until screwed.
Ya that’s true plus I have to say he’s not been nasty & that goes a long way. Good social game upon his first return. Just took a while.
He had to unglue Paul from his back first.
Paul saying, ‘just do as I say!’
Go home Paul! Home!
thiswhy i think vixctor backstab paul now
Da’Vonne has said she’d vote for either Vic or Paul, so I agree Eclectic, Vic has a great chance at winning the whole enchilada! :)
depensd pauli meech other do
Is that you Corey? :D
Busting a belly laugh just now & it produced a cough that almost made me pee my pants. Lmao. Heh heh!
That Corey is a real math genius I have to admit :D
Yep! I snuck my phone into the house! ?
Yes, great times for Vic. :) He deserves it. He has been loyal to every person he has aligned himself with. It is only after he’s stabbed in the back that he targets former alliance members… hence the reason Nat & James find themselves in the position they are now in.
thiswhy paul need backstab now by vicxtor great for ratings
Huh? Do you mean this is why Vic needs to backstab Paul now b/c it would be great for ratings? I’m trying to understand what you’re saying… But if that is what you mean, I cannot see Vic backstabbing Paul ever. Vic is loyal and I believe he will take Paul to the F2 even if he ends up losing to him.
look how jury house shaping up right and with preason football on now!
yet bb produver want paul win it because switched memory walls they want 3reat winner
We can only hope. After super bitch Nichole threw James under the bus after he gave her the wall HOH, she deserves to GO NOW.
freakzoids will weak in the jury house now
But it’s a game! I just don’t understand why she would keep the biggest threats in the house?? Makes no sense to this Canadian!
Lol ??
thisd why i wish there would be triple elimination aka bb canada style~
I don’t agree on that cuz the show would be a complete bore.
During Nicole’s HOH she kept her promise to Jatalie to not put them on the block but how soon james forgets.
If it’s Vic/Paul in F2 Victor wins by a landslide. I know I would vote for him simply because he comes across as a more decent person than Paul. He battled his way back in the house and was humble about it, not a douche like Paulie. Never cared for Paul he has a nasty mouth.
i dont vicxtor cant win over jury especcially meech added to the mix!
I bet he can. I don’t think many people in the Jury are going to listen to what she has to say.
only paulie
Maybe Day but that’s about it.
whatever dsay z follows!
We’ll see. It depends on if Zak and Paulie make up as to who will control her vote.
You got that right.
Ok just read this now! I doubt ‘Da would leave those 2 by themselves. ‘Da is her new bodyguard.
Agreed! Z is easily led and if Paulie gets his hooks back into her, she will do exactly what he wants. Day has already said she’d vote for Vic, so I hope she keeps Paulie far…far…away. :)
When the jurors came into the house right before the HOH, Day seemed to blame all her troubles on James for some reason and telling everyone to get him out.
I can see why Day and Michelle got along together so well now since both are vindictive and spiteful.
z dont like meech!
I don’t blame her.
Both of ’em are MEAN girls.
meangfierls dont like meech right now!
Let’s hope they never return to BB lol.
Yeah, Da’Vonne played a stupid game. She stirred up unnecessary drama by turning her original alliance members against each other. She started the whole Frank/Tiff thing by telling each of them that the other was targeting them. Bad game play imo, and in the end, it cost her her own game.
jame gor frank out to!
Yes, he did, but Da’ started the drama that led to Frank blowing up and targeting Tiff which broke up their original alliance.
yup whichj was big move thisvictor need backstab paul now if he wants to win it
Probably! That’s her new momma! Momma ‘Da!
Let’s hope we see super Bitch Nichole join the jury SOON!! After throwing James under the bus after he GAVE her the HOH was despicable. She’s a devious slut.
Have a pleasant day liz :D
Well devious I agree with… Slut?
IMO If she is then so is Cory.
I’m not a fan of always calling out the female as the slut.
That’s all!
Depends whether Victor or Paul wins after there are 4 left. Whoever sends home Nicole won’t get her or Corey’s vote.
this why they need smaller jury
I totally agree with you, Mickey. Too many people play BB JUST to get to jury. Especially in this cast.
they need a 5 person jury imaginber if frank was jury now sure great to catgory 4 would full team in it now
How come you never up vote my comments? LOL! I’m just KIDDING!!!
I was kidding!!!! You don’t have to!!! I’m only teasing you, my friend.
ya iknow
OK. Just so you know. :)
well need make big mover because sunday are celbrity famiily feud night
I just watch it ‘On Demand’ the next day.
i watch global tv next day because there no way im missn celbrity family feud been great this past season to just wish there was more episode of it
I like Match Game, too.
im not a fan a.balwin that all!
Yeah, he can be a jerk…but I liked the original show…so I like this one too.
ogh i see
He’s a fellow Long Islander so I can’t totally not like him.
I LOVE him as an actor…and I think he gets a bad rap by the press…but he can be a little jerk-ish sometimes. Lol! When I was a little girl (like around 3), I wanted to live on Long Island. I have no idea why. My Mom thought it was hysterical. We lived in Michigan. I must have seen something on TV and decided I wanted to be a Long Islander.
That’s so funny! Long island was a great place to grow up. I moved years ago and still miss it. I love Alec as an actor too. I like all the Baldwins , even Danny. He was in Homicide.
Did you know he was on Celebrity BB (in the UK) in 2015? He was also on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. But, he’s a great actor, too. All those Baldwin boys are really good actors. I think Alec just caught some really good breaks…I’m not taking away from his talent—he’s great—but he’s had more breaks than his brothers; and they are ALL talented.
I didn’t know that! Alec hit the big time on Knot’s Landing. He seemed to be everywhere after that.
I just noticed your avatar Sharona, is that Shirley the elephant? I loved her!
Yes…isn’t that the most heartwarming/heartbreaking story ever? Elephants are amazing creatures. Simply amazing. I think they’re more human—more capable of love—than some humans are.
I saw a PBS documentary about Shirley – I was crying like a baby at the end when after 50 years apart Jenny recognized Shirley when she arrived at the elephant farm in TN. Their trunks were entwined just like your avatar. You should see the documentary; I think you’d like it.
I saw it! OMG, talk about crying—I SOBBED. In fact, I’ve seen the doc twice. It’s an amazing story. That’s why it kills me that people think elephants (and animals in general) have no capacity for emotions. I’ve always been fascinated by elephants. I saw another documentary about an elephant mother who lost her baby shorty after it was born…she kept trying to resuscitate it. Then the other females surrounded the grieving mother. It was just heartbreaking; but absolutely wonderful at the same time. No one can tell me that these creatures can’t FEEL.
It could be Shirley with Jenny…but I know Shirley didn’t have tusks…and I Googled everything I could about the two of them and didn’t find any pics of Jenny with tusks either. OMG…their story just breaks my heart, but at the same time fills me with such joy, I feel like my heart could burst!
I watch just about all the documentaries on TV about elephants even though it’s so upsetting to see them slaughtered for their ivory tusks.
I joined a facebook group about the Tennessee elephant sanctuary and they have a lot of Shirley pictures – even though Shirley passed on.
Watching that Doc. I remember seeing pictures of Shirley as a circus elephant with her little elephant hat on back in the ’40’s; she seemed to be enjoying herself you could tell by her impish eyes. That’s where she made friends with baby Jenny and it must’ve been a very strong bond.
Then she was attacked by a male elephant – I didn’t realize male elephants would do this – and was crippled afterwards.
Her keeper in the Louisiana zoo was so good to her but it must have been terrible for Shirley to be cooped up all the time.
I’m so glad Shirley’s last days were happy with Jenny and her new life at the sanctuary.
Elephants are the most human of all the animals along with dogs :D
You’re right about the tusks though, I don’t remember either one having them.
It’s so nice to meet someone else who has such a love and interest in elephants. :)
I have a cat, whom I love dearly; but I grew up with dogs…and YES—dogs are right up there with elephants! I miss having a dog…but I live in an apartment where only small dogs are allowed. I enjoy BIG dogs…oh, shoot—any dog, really. I just love animals. It breaks my heart when I hear about them being abused. I have to turn the channel whenever those Humane Society or ASPCA commercials come on!
I’m so glad to meet another elephant lover here Sharona. :D
Growing up we would have an occasional pet but my mom was too ticky about the house and couldn’t stand an animal in the house. She did let me have pet hamsters though.
They were the rage when I was young but I suppose they went out of style.
Once I married I started having indoor pets too, mainly cats since they aren’t as messy as dogs, although I did have an outside Lab.
Glad to know you’re allowed to have a cat at least. My indoor cat just turned 15 years old and still going strong. We have to take him in to get a Vit B-12 shot and an iron shot to keep him energized, otherwise he’d sleep all day and night.
How are you enjoying apartment living? Too bad they made adults only apartments illegal – all those screaming kids can make racket all day long.
LOL…I actually live in a building for adults only! I’m disabled–I can still get around–I have RA and Lupus, but when I turned 50, I moved into the building I’m in now. I loved the apartment I had before…it was newer; it had a beautiful view: acres of fields and trees. My cat, Lula (a beautiful 14 yr. old black American Short-hair) was constantly entertained by the wildlife that came by to visit—deer, opossums (eek!), chipmunks, etc. They’d literally come right up to my slider. Oh, it was lovely.
Then the neighbor above me, moved her boyfriend in–illegally–and he’d get drunk Every. Single. Night.
Instead of dealing with the problem, Management offered to move me here when I turned 50.
It has it’s ups and downs. It’s very quiet, and I LOVE that…but the elderly ladies aren’t very fond of me! Lol…I’m serious! They’ve been suspicious of me since I moved in 4 years ago. Lol…it’s not funny, really. I don’t look sick and I don’t look my age, so I just can’t get these gals to accept me! I take them birthday cards and send cards for EVERY holiday. I always smile and talk to them. One of these days I’ll win them over! It’s so strange not having neighbors who talk to you! I’m quiet..I don’t have anyone visit, so they can’t complain that I’m loud or that I ‘party.’ Lol…I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to ramble on.
In answer to your question, I (sort of) enjoy apartment living. ;)
That’s so sad to hear about your health problems and I hope you aren’t in constant pain.
I also have chronic health problems so I know how difficult it can be at times. After a while I became reconciled to them but I do miss the good ol’ days when I was so active.
Is your apartment some sort of retirement home for women? I’ve been thinking about moving to one in the future. My husband is a lot older than me but he takes care of everything so I’ll be lost if I’m ever widowed. He had a heart attack and bypass surgery in December but has recovered well.
That’s when I started thinking about some sort of retirement community since we don’t have children.
I live in the south and the cost of living is much lower here than in the rest of the country. Are you from California?
I wouldn’t mind leaving the south since the weather is so much hotter here than it used to be. It was always hot but now it’s unbearable. So sick of hearing the droning air conditioner for 6 or 7 months out of the year.
I hope your neighbors will soon warm up to you – it’s ridiculous to shun you in this manner just because you’re younger than them. I’m glad you have black kitty to keep you company. I’ve had black cats before and I think they’re extremely intelligent compared to others.
Do you have a lot of time to read? I read a good elephant book “Modoc” by Ralph Helfer that I loved. Maybe the library can get it for you through inter library loan.
Good night Sharona and sweet dreams :D
Actually, it’s for Seniors and people with disabilities—but men live here, too (they’re all nice to me–lol). I’m sorry you deal with health problems as well–ugh–getting older, right? Right now I’m dealing with a lot of pain issues, but I’m finally seeing some hope on the horizon! I really can’t complain. I like to, but I shouldn’t…lol. Seriously, I can get around and a lot of people can’t.
I’m glad your hubby recovered well from that surgery…that’s a rough one. I hate that you even have to think about it, but a retirement community can be really nice. My folks lived in a beautiful place. Dad is still there–Mom passed 3 years ago.
I’m in MI now, but lived in NC for years–and loved it! Except for the heat! I don’t enjoy MI–I enjoy the seasons (!)–I just hate being here. Long story.
I spend much of my time reading, and live very close to a library, so I’ll check out “Modoc.” Thank you for recommending it!
Even though you wrote this a couple of days ago and in the evening, I’m going to take a nap…so the ‘sweet dreams’ still applies! Thanks for chatting with me, India. I’s been really nice. :)
There’s always hope isn’t there Sharona :D
I’ve enjoyed chatting with you too and I’ll keep you in my prayers :D
Yes…there IS always hope! Thanks you for the prayers. :D
unicorn and big sister equal mwember in jury to
adds in cat 4 to
Agreed. They should limit the jury to 5 people.
same for survivor
It never really bothered me that much before. But when I heard these idiots talking about how they ‘..just want to make it to jury for the money’, it made my blood boil. But a smaller jury makes much more sense.
How can you read Mickey’s comments when it says This comment was deleted. Am I reading it too late?
I don’t know about that. Nic voted either Derrick or Cody in her season & they both got her out. Can’t remember who was HOH but it was a team effort.
Paul WILL NOT win over Victor!! He’s an egotistical asshole and I think most people in the house would agree. Everything out of his mouth begins with the pronoun I or my. Self-centered is his middle name. He also spins the lies like a spider spins its web. One minute he lives at home with Mom and Dad and the next minute he’s referring to someone who lives closely his Condo!! I wouldn’t believe one thing that crawled out of that pretty ugly mouth. Uugh!!!
paul ives is in the hoh room 24hrs a day~
He’s a snake, a rat, a black widow! Bha!
same for victor!
I’d LOVE to put tar in that HORRIBLE BLOODY beard of his.
Thank you! He does begin with Me, Myself or I every time he opens his yap!
And he lies like a rug!
And he said he lives 3 months here & 3 months there to immerse himself in the culture & get a feel for the people. (Or something similar)
I love ‘crawl out of his mouth’ good one!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Someone who finally ‘gets’ this nasty dude!!!
Always having to ‘one-up’ everyone!
Just a wannabe BB alumni!!
bb producer want paul win it have 3reat sesasdon on bb memory wall!
since they switch memory wals from season 15 to 16-17 look where the last winner came from
He has a point. Tell them where, Mickey.
2nd row top left derrik and steve both camre from spot on the wall
Huh? Me no understand!
catgory 4,unicorn and big sister will have equal member in jury house now
frweakzoiod will have least amount
Big Brother (CBS) 2.3/8 7.73
Bones (FOX) – R 1.3/5 5.11
American Ninja Warrior (NBC) (9-11 p.m.) – R 1.2/4 4.48
Beauty and the Beast (The CW) – R 0.4/2 1.52
bb procuders want a 3peat
Connie has it exactly right. It is impossible to plan a strategy when people are given multiple opportunities to get back in the game. Victor gets kudos for winning two contests and getting back in twice. But James reveals his hand when he votes someone out, and if that person gets back in multiple times, of course they’re coming after James for revenge. BB should not have this many return opportunities. It skews the game.
thanks goodness you dont watch bb canada!
This season’s opening sequence goes back to the older theme music last used in Big Brother 13, rather than the newer version released and used in Big Brother 16 and 17. Likely reverted due to throwback for the veterans.
However, from the episode with the first Veto competition, the music has changed back to the newer version for reasons unknown.
The reason for the change to the older music, and then back to the newer music are both currently unknown.
Ironically, Season 13 was the last season to bring back former HouseGuests that started off as HouseGuests rather than coaches. That season also had its own Newbies vs Veterans alliance.
This is the first season to bring back past HouseGuests since Big Brother 14.
Coincidentally, in that season the HouseGuests started with 12 newbies and 4 vets that split up into teams based around the vets, just like this one.
This is also the first season since Big Brother 14 to evict a HouseGuest within the first 2 days.
3 out of the 4 veterans (Frank, Nicole, and James) all earned 7th place in their seasons. Da’Vonne is the only one who didn’t get 7th, instead getting 16th.
Da’Vonne was the first veteran HouseGuest to improve her placement, all by surviving the first eviction. She was also the only veteran not to win anything in Week 1, as James had immunity, Nicole was HoH, and Frank won the Roadkill.
This is the first season with 3 nominees on the block during eviction night since Big Brother 15.
Ironically, Season 15 is the only season of the 4 before this season to have no returning players.
This season also features two siblings of former HouseGuests: Paulie Calafiore (brother of Cody Calafiore from Big Brother 16) and Tiffany Rousso (sister of Vanessa Rousso from Big Brother 17).
This is the third season to feature a returning HouseGuest who was evicted pre-Jury, after Big Brother 6 and Big Brother 13.
However, this is the first season where the pre-jury returning houseguest was not immediately evicted upon re-entry.
This is the first season where everybody in the Final 9 won at least one Head Of Household competition.
This is the first season since Big Brother 6 in which multiple female HouseGuests won HOH and POV within the same week.
This is the first season in which five different HouseGuests won HOH and POV in the same week.
The five HouseGuests are Paulie, Bridgette, Corey, Victor, and Nicole.
This is the first season to have two separate HouseGuests wear unitards at the same time, being Nicole and Corey.
Coincidentally, they were in a showmance during their time on this season.
This season has the most unitard wearers, with Frank (wore a unitard in BB14), Nicole (wore a unitard on BB16 and again this season), and Corey.
This is the first season to have a HouseGuest return to the game twice, the HouseGuest being Victor.
Thank you for the interesting bit of trivia! :) Season 13 was one of my faves. I was just bummed Evel Dick got the terrible news he was HIV positive that season and had to leave early. I really wanted to see him and Danielle working with and/or against Jeff/Jordan & Rachel/Brenden. :)
look up big brother wikia somegreeat stuff that i always go vack up stuff on it because think im lying bout it just like team members in jury right now!
James is getting what he deserves, and I’m loving it. I’m still upset with him for what he did to Frank and Bridgette & he totally screwed over Paul and Victor.
jame got frank out anyways
I know. After he promised Bridgette that they were safe she dropped in the HOH comp for him. It was shady. Haven’t liked James since. It’s humerous to watch him now.
jame bring in the rating and pranks that all!
I want to like James so bad, but he continues to make dumb game moves. I absolutely love his personality and pranks. He seems awesome as a person. As a player he frustrates me because he was one of the best positioned players and he kind of ruined that for himself. When Nat won HOH they should have stuck with the 5 instead of turning on Victor and Paul. and last week.. I mean come on. He assumes they are shooting the sh*t when they’re actually confirming their final 4. It was hard to watch.
oh iknow but jamne so liked by jury to right now to!
Good post.
I’m still a fan of James too & am pissed about how he played this time.
Should never had giving HOH to Nat. Big mistake.
He knows her family & she used that on him. Shows he’s a damn nice guy!!
Too nice to some degree but, really it’s like he has no drive or passion.
Just lays around all day, or so it seems!
Nic broke his heart by separating from him & Nat.
James did the same exact thing last season too. He likes to quote Mike Boogey as an excuse for breaking his word, but imo Boogie was far more crafty about it, hence, he got away with it where James just looks like a liar.
ian was crafty to
You mean Ian of season 14?
ian out smarted dan that season
He’s a little worm this season.
100% agree!
“Nicole Has No Ethics/Morals”
People on twitter are so effing annoying. Trying to vindicate Nicole because she made a move against “Queen Meech,” or because she has a showmance with Corey is so futile. Michelle was targeting Nicole. Point blank, period. Nicole put herself in possibly the best position in the house. I find it funny that it’s okay for Nicole to continuously be bashed for lying or aligning with a strong male, when Paul, “ya’boy” has done the same exact thing… He played the middle for 3 weeks, and had Victor as his fall guy. Twice. Why do people try to shame Nicole for playing her version of the game, which is clearly effective as she’s still unnominated, as opposed to Paul? Or Victor? Just because she’s less entertaining doesn’t mean she’s playing poorly, or give you the right to say she “fucked her way to the end.”
I agree. Nicole is not a fave of mine, but I think Michelle saying that was obnoxious and untrue. Nicole made a strategic move last week and it is now paying off for her. There have been other showmances that have been pretty blatant as to what is going on, e.g., Paulie & Z, but I have not seen them blasted all over, so I think it is just a personal opinion…which everyone is entitled to. However, I happen to agree with you. I do not think Nicole *bleeped* her way to the end of this game, I think she coasted along until the end and now is actually playing BB. And that is my opinion folks and I am entitled to it. :)
fereakzoid will have least amount member in jury right now to
What?? I don’t follow what you’re saying hon.
team breakdown right that big sister catgory 4 and team unicorn will have 3 member each
I get that you mean those original teams, but I am not following what you mean by them? Those teams were forced on everyone, they were not actual alliances.
og iknow that but ,ost team would stay loyal like day and z vote paul to win it.
Ok, I see what you’re saying. You mean that the jurors who are members of the original teams might vote to see the member of those teams win… Right? IDK. Da’ said she’d vote for Vic as well and he was not a member of her OG team. There is no one left of Bridgett’s team in the house, so she will have to choose another option as well.
Personally, I don’t think (and I hope) those original teams should have any impact on the vote at all. They were forced upon the HG and not chosen like true alliances are, therefore, they are IMO, meaningless.
jame get natalie get voted out who they going vote for
I agree. I think the teams were designed to keep the return HG’s safe. They weren’t really loyalty inspiring teams.
ya desperate time ahead
this why they need smaller jury house wont have impact!
bb producwer want 3 peat winner lok at memory walls chnged from season 15 to16-17
Are you messing with me? How can you post such a coherent message above and then post something that makes no sense?
nope but look at team member each
Mickey likes to copy/paste articles from other sites.
I’m sure you can guess which of the messages are really his though :D
Oh okay… now I got it. That was driving me a little nuts! ;) Thanks India. :)
I asked Mickey the same thing a few weeks ago too :D
I was trying, but I don’t want to sound rude, you know what I mean? I’m not that kind of person, so thanks for helping me out. That’s friendship!! Hahahaha!
I was trying to figure it out, but I didn’t want to sound rude, ya know what I mean? I’m not that kind of person, so thanks for giving me the heads up. That’s friendship!! Hahahaha! :D
i bet james liked by jury members to
Nicole has been hanging out with Vic all day from the time he work her up with a hug and asked her to have breakfast with him. Still together playing chess. Wierd……kinda
desperate time
Kinda sweet too :D
Vic woke her up and kissed her? Where was Corey?
I think she said he woke her up with a hug…
Jealous, lol
Well, he’ll yeah. I claimed him before Nicole! Lol. No, all joking aside, he’s young enough to be my son! I loved his family, especially his father. To have survived Katrina, just wow. To have to be separated from your family at such a young age, wow!
Vic gets my vote.
The funny part here is that I was actually referring to Corey! Thought he might be jealous of Nicole lol :) I get your point though, Vic has been through a lot for sure. I don’t like him as much personally from what we see on BB, but there is no denying he is a great competitor.
But Corey has no interest, right
In Nicole? No. He told this to Vic.
He specifically told vic that he had no interest in her beyond the show. As soon as vic starts showing Nicole affection he’s suddenly jealous, wow!
It looks as if Vic is crushing a bit on Nicole… I thought I was the only one who thought this, but was surprised when a lot of others commented and said they saw it too. He really seems to like her tho.
cory leftovers!
I can’t wait for Victor to replace Corey in her affections lol.
sloppy leftover!
i guews victor love leftovers!
Ouch again!
im suprised that vixtor hasnt went after natalie to!
Be nice Mickey :D
come on now!
Victor is by far a nicer person. He really does seem to like her doesn’t he? He was pretty firm with Paul about remaining loyal to her & Corey too. I really think he has a bit of a crush on Nicole.
I don’t know how Corey is in real life but on the TV he comes across as so ‘asexual’.
Victor and Nicole have chemistry and I think he’d be nicer to Nicole than Corey, who couldn’t care less if she were evicted or not.
yet BBVhas cleanup corey twitter page before even started!
I think it’s production trying to protect Nicole when Borey finally drops her like a hot potato. I was thinking that he was telling production as much as Vic how he wants to leave the game single. Vic will look like the good guy (who actually needs the $$) and Nicole won’t look so much like what Meech said.
Everything was going lovely until Nicole beat Victor at dominoes :D
paul juyst hit 100000 member on twitter!
I checked out his online site, he’s moving a lot of merchandise. He send out cool thank you letters with each order.
James is a little too late. He should have campaigned last week when the tides were turning. Anytime you are too comfortable, that is when danger is afoot.
Plus, he betrayed his deals and alliances, yes, it’s his turn now. Granted Natalie is his “buddy” but isn’t he playing to win? I would have talked about The Executives alliances, try to go back to that (even though he messed up voting Victor out BUT if had voted Corey out, one of The Executives would have been gone).
James never knows what and when to talk. He slipped when he let DaVonne know she was being evicted. All his predictions were wrong.
Yeah his loose lips have been a problem all season! He did it again this week when he slipped and let Nicole hear how Natalie wanted to vote out Corey. Mind you, this is after J/N just made a F4 deal with N/C. Not good game play! It made Nicole reevaluate her trust in James…
Prior to the alliance formation in Week 5, Paul and Paulie had become very close in the house, making what appeared to be a bromance. This would later be seen the next following week as Paul would win the Head of Household and the two would form some what of an alliance with each other deciding who to get out. And to commemorate to the “bromance”, Paulie would play as a card in the nomination ceremony and he would go up the block as a pawn to later put Da’Vonne up after Paulie would win the Power of Veto which was talked about doing. Da’Vonne the main target was later taken out.
Break Up
Around the Week 7, people suspected Paulie was working for his own game, in keeping Zakiyah in the house with him since almost the beginning. Paulie would also align with Nicole and Corey and start targeting other alliance members such as Victor (the head of household of the week) and Paul (HOH last week) for seeming suspected of targeting him. Julie Chen would announce the Big Brother Double Eviction and James before the live vote would tell Paulie that he was voting out Zakiyah. This caused Paulie to not trust the rest of his alliance members except Corey who was also with Nicole. Paul and Corey’s votes would be taken out by James and his care package. By a vote of 3 to 5, Zakiyah was evicted from the house, causing Paulie to blame himself, only to target Paul and Victor and later make a truce with James.
I’m not following you here…
What does that have to do with James and his F4 alliance with Nicole?
it was side alliance with the 8 pack
old alliance-EIGHT PACK
James, Nicole, Frank, Da’Vonne, Michelle, Zakiyah, Tiffany, Corey,FATAL 5 ALLIANCE Nicole, Zakiyah, Tiffany, DaVonne, Michelle
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just block this poster. no more trying to figure out what the bleep she’s saying.
really hope next season on tv memory walls will change brcause last 2 season came from same spot
old alliance-EIGHT PACK
James, Nicole, Frank, Da’Vonne, Michelle, Zakiyah, Tiffany, Corey,FATAL 5 ALLIANCE Nicole, Zakiyah, Tiffany, DaVonne, Michelle
the revolution is strong to
Not too long after the game started, the returning players Nicole Franzel, Da’Vonne Rogers, James Huling, and Frank Eudy realized they needed to get people on their side so they don’t get picked off. On day 5, HOH Nicole nominated Jozea Flores and Paulie Calafiore for eviction with the former as her target. After the nomination ceremony, the vets managed to pull in Tiffany Rousso, Corey Brooks, Michelle Meyer, and Zakiyah Everette.SuccessAfter Frank won the Big Brother Roadkill competition, he had to secretly nominate one more person for eviction. He secretly nominated Paul Abrahamian. However, Paul won the veto competition, so Frank had to choose another person to nominate. At the veto ceremony, Paul used the veto on himself, and Frank secretly nominated Bridgette Dunning. The plan was to blindside Jozea. However, Da’Vonne later told Nicole that Bridgette was talking trash about her, so this tempted Nicole, and Da’Vonne to get rid of Bridgette. However, on day 9, the alliance voted against Jozea, thus blindsiding him by a vote of 7-4-0.Shortly after Jozea’s eviction, Category four won the next HOH competition, and Paulie became the new HOH. At the nomination ceremony, Paulie decided to nominate Paul and Bronte D’Acquisto with hopes to backdoor Victor Arroyo. the alliance tried to prevent Victor from winning the roadkill competition, however, Victor ended up winning it. He secretly nominated Tiffany for eviction. When it was time to pick players for the veto competition, the alliance hoped Victor would not be picked. Luckily for them Victor was not picked. Paulie won the veto competition. At the veto ceremony, Paulie used the veto on Paul, and made Victor the replacement nominee. On day 23, Victor was evicted by a vote of 9-1-0.
Downfall Begins
Following the Veto ceremony in Week 2, houseguests started getting paranoid as plans for the next week started. Due to her constant paranoia and a fight they had in the past, Frank wanted to target fellow alliance member Tiffany and made this very vocal to lots of his allies. Tiffany reacted dramatically to hearing this news from Da’Vonne and set her target on Frank. Wanting Tiffany out herself, Da’Vonne fanned the flames by further pitting Frank and Tiffany against each other.Meanwhile, many female houseguests started becoming uncomfortable around Frank, most notably Nicole, Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, and Natalie. This, along with his growing partnership with Bridgette started getting many houseguests wary of Frank. Soon, they started comparing notes and realized he has been making multiple deals with multiple houseguests and solidifying their suspicions that he was playing for himself, not for the alliance. While Tiffany was already considered kicked out of the 8-Pack by many of it’s members, they decided to reel her back in and shift their target on Frank.Following Victor’s eviction on Day 23, stakes were high for the HOH competition as there were many looming targets in the house now with Nicole, Corey, Da’Vonne, and James having been mentioned as further targets by members of the 8-Pack. Bridgette ended up winning the HOH comp, making many members of the 8-Pack believe Frank would have complete control over her noms, leaving Tiffany a likely nomination. This was proven true when Bridgette nominated Tiffany alongside Paul like Frank had told her to do. Frank taught that Tiffany would be evicted. However, he didn’t know that his jokes and attitude were rubbing people the wrong way, and his alliance was conspiring to eventually get him out. Frank managed to win the roadkill competition again. He secret nominated Bronte. Bridgette won the veto competition. At the veto ceremony, she chose not to use the veto thus leaving the nominations the same. Even after the veto ceremony, Frank still believed that Tiffany was going. However, Da’Vonne and Michelle were campaigning for Bronte’s eviction, so Frank would lose control.Ultimately, Da’Vonne and Michelle’s plan worked as Bronte was blindsided by a vote of 5 to 4.
After Bronte’s eviction, the houseguests competed in the next HOH competition which Paulie won for the second time. Paulie wanted to get rid of Tiffany. Meanwhile Frank told Tiffany that Da’Vonne told him that Tiffany was after him, and then Tiffany told him that Da’Vonne told her that Frank was after her. Frank also told her that Da’Vonne told him Tiffany was building an All-Girls alliance and Frank was her main target, which caused both former enemies to align together. On day 31, Paulie nominated Tiffany and Natalie Negrotti for eviction with Tiffany as his target. However, Tiffany won the roadkill competition and secretly nominated Corey because she wanted to breakup the alliance. Corey won the veto competition. On Day 34, Corey took himself off the block and Tiffany secretly nominated Da’Vonne as the replacement nominee. Prior to the live eviction,Tiffany told Nicole that Da’Vonne told her that there was an alliance between herself, Paulie, Corey, Zakiyah, and Nicole which upset Nicole, Da’Vonne told James that they need to get rid of the couples which made James upset and suspicious because he is currently tight with Natalie, and Corey told Frank and Paulie that he wants to get rid of Da’Vonne because he believes that she is coming after the guys. However, Tiffany’s scrambling failed as she was evicted by a unanimous 8-0-0 vote at the live eviction ceremony.After Victor won the Battleback competition, he reentered the house. Following his return, the houseguests competed in there next HOH competition which James won. He then nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction. Michelle won the veto. She wanted to use the veto on Frank because she wanted to get rid of Bridgette. However, at the veto ceremony, Michelle did not use the veto. On day 42, the houseguests solved the clues and discovered a secret room. On day 44, Frank was evicted by a unanimous 9-0 vote. Frank was revealed not to have the return ticket and he was evicted for good.Paul won the next HOH competition. While Bridgette was the easy target, Paulie managed to talk Paul into backdooring Da’Vonne. Paulie even volunteered to be a pawn. At the nomination ceremony, Paul nominated Paulie and Bridgette for eviction with Da’Vonne as a backdoor option. That same week, Paulie won the veto. At the veto ceremony, Paulie used the veto on himself and then Paul named Da’Vonne as the replacement nominee. On day 51, Da’Vonne was evicted by a 6-2 vote, with Michelle and Zakiyah voting to evict Bridgette. Da’Vonne was revealed not to have the round trip ticket and she became the first member of the jury.Victor won the next HOH competition. James won America’s care package. He won the power to eliminate two people from voting at the next eviction. Victor decided to nominate Michelle and Zakiyah for eviction, targeting Zakiyah. Paul told Paulie that he wanted Zakiyah out for being a strong girl, while Paulie told Paul he wanted Michelle out because she is an emotional train wreck and can blowup. Paulie then tried to get James to use his power so the can evict Michelle, but James wasn’t sure if he should do that. Zakiyah asked Paulie if he will use the veto on her if he wins and he says yes at the time. At the veto competition, Paulie managed to win the power of veto for the third time. While he wanted to use it on Zakiyah, he didn’t want to anger his allies. He told her that even if he doesn’t use it, she won’t go. At the veto ceremony, Paulie chooses not to use the veto, thus leaving the nominations the same.Blowing up Paulie’s game.Prior to to the eviction ceremony, Paulie’s game got exposed. Bridgette and Michelle pointed out that Paulie was running the house. They talked Natalie into evicting Zakiyah; and then both Michelle and Bridgette talked James into using his power which he agreed to do. Meanwhile, Paul started to lose trust in Paulie after Paulie said he wanted to target Natalie and did not want to listen to Paul. Later on, Bridgette told Paul that Paulie told her he trusted Corey the most, so this prompted Paul to leave Paulie’s side and get rid of Zakiyah. James said he will cancel Paul’s and Corey’s votes.Taking out Paulie’s showmance
At the eviction ceremony, Julie told the houseguests that it is double eviction week, and Michelle told the other houseguests that Paulie is running the game and right now they are handing him the money. Ultimately Zakiyah was evicted by a vote of 3 to 2 with Paulie and Nicole voting to evict Michelle. Zakiyah did not have the round trip ticket so she became the second member of the jury.Plan foiled.After Zakiyah’s eviction, the houseguests competed in their next HOH competition. Michelle, James, Paul, Natalie and Bridgette did not want Paulie to win because they wanted him out. However, their plan was foiled when Corey won the competiton. After the competition, Corey talked to the guys about nominating Bridgette and Nicole and the guys agreed. Corey then nominated Bridgette and Michelle. Then the veto competition occurred which Corey also won, thus giving him his second veto win. After the competition, Corey, Paul, Nicole and Paulie agreed to get rid of Bridgette. Then Paulie and Paul made up. Within no time the eviction ceremony occurred. Ultimately Bridgette was evicted by a vote of 5 to 1 with Natalie voting to evict Michelle. Bridgette did not have the round trip ticket so she became the third member of the jury.
friendship Cy
James is not a very good game player for a veteran!
he only bring in viewers!
Hi Jon, as usual-you’re right about James. Hope he doesn’t lose his “cool” back in the real world after he reads how his “fans” really feel about him. Loved him last season, not so much this time!
look at bb ratings!
Me too. I loved him last time, this time he annoyed me.
bb viewershoip would have way down if they didnt bring him back in!
Meh. I think most fans would watch regardless.
look what there up against this past summer!summer game mtv awards celebrity FF,AGT MC etc
so if you wented jame replace who woiuld it be then?
Or a newbie.
Michelle’s eviction interview has been posted.
wtchout thee might be fight in jury house now!
I noticed that every time they would cut to Michelle during an episode, she would be eating. Almost every single time! It’s so funny cause in the beginning she was so outspoken about being a nutritionist, and there was a lot of controversy with her hating fat people, so I think it’s so funny that most of her screen time this season is of her eating lmao
I used to think the same thing, and she did eat a lot, but most of what she ate was healthy life fresh fruit, omlets and so on. I did get to where i couldn’t stand to watch her eat because she would scoop really fast and chomp in her microphone.
look at last season eating!
Last night it looked like she was trying to eat a plastic clothes hanger!
bb viewership would have way down james wasnt there
Hind sight is 20/20. From Jokers: Nat awake & says 2 James: America might have sent Mich that ACP to get NiCorey out bc that was our original plan. James: Yeah, could have
09/02/16 03:09 PM (Ummmm, ya think?)
James was very upset when he found out that there was a juror return and he hadn’t been given a head ups from production. I wonder if he is currently feeling like production has chosen Dingus over him? Hey, dummy, you’re the one who handed her the HOH on a silver platter. Was that at production’s request? Hmmm, good question. ;)
Vic is their fav. now. They helped him win…they put a magnet on his eggs.
Well I guess I’ll have to start cheering for Christmas Corey then.
I know it. James has been talking about production like they are giving them tips. It was James and Nicole, now it seems to be Victor and Nicole. I wouldn’t even put it past production to tell Victor and Nicole to flirt with each other for the viewers.
I kind of hope you are right. I’d hate to think Victor would sink that low without being prompted to. We know there were a lot of benefits for Doofus. If Vic and Dingus become friends, I hope it is without benefits.
From Big Brother 11:
When Chima was giving her speech on eviction night and she called out Braden saying “my opponent here called both of my very good friends beaners and he even called you a whore, Julie.” Julie handled it really well.
When Jessie was evicted and Chima, Natalie, and Lydia had a meltdown. Crying about how “he prayed for everyone in the house” and laughing about how he wanted them evicted… Really weird
Anything with Ronnie
Big Brother 16:
Caleb going all “nice guy” stalker with Amber
James is telling Gnat if he wins veto he would use it on her. She said a little earlier that it’s scary she would give up her game for him. He says he wouldn’t let her. This is one time I think James is telling the truth, but I don’t believe Gnat would use veto on James. I think she is playing him so he will tell her not to use it on him if she won, but in the process insuring he would use it on her if he won. I don’t think she would have any problem letting James be her hero, and he thinks this would endear him to America….AFP.
I don’t think either of them would let the other use it on each other. If they would, they are both nuts.
James gave the HOH to Dingus, which was kind of nutty doncha think? lol
Good point.
One of his dumbest mistakes in this game, but not the first or last. He is still there and I’m sure will make more before he is evicted.
She told him that to ensure he will use it on her.
If I see her really trying to win it and not wait for James to save her, then I hope she gets it.
I wonder who Victor would put up if one of them wins Veto.
I would hope Nicole since Paul has served his time and Corey bribed Vic. Dingus put Paul up otb as a pawn with Michelle but she has never been otb this season. Time for her to pop a squat!
I hope so and Natalie could convince then that she is a snake.
He screwed their games last week, the least he could do is fall on his sword.
Absolutely right. He screwed them by being too arrogant about his “two secret weapons” and by giving up HOH in the first place.(He might still have lost but he gave it up instead.)
james ad nat noms bb blew it
If you didn’t have me blocked, we could talk about it. lol
why doesn’t he block me. I keep seeing this user is blocked multiple times on this page.
If you see this user is blocked, then you had to have blocked that user. I’ve blocked 2 people and when they post I see that message.
I blocked him. I think he may be dyslexic.
I can’t figure it out. I’m honestly not making fun of him but trying to have fun with him. He posts intelligent convo at times and then he will go right back to Mickey gibberish. I think it’s a computer that goes haywire more often than not. lol
I think he or she may be from another country. Probably Canada. He could be from the French part and doesn’t know English very well.