‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Week 11 Nominations

Nominations are in for Week 11 with Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Feeds after the new HoH’s plans were confirmed overnight and put in to place today.

Nominations on Big Brother

Nothing changed during the day as we awaited the official noms results as the targets spent the day relaxing and only lightly worrying as there wasn’t much they could do to change things at that point. And for something completely different, production actually flashed the memory wall screens in advance on the Feeds revealing what had been expected.

Read on to find out which two Houseguests better get ready to play for that Veto comp on Saturday!

Big Brother 18 Week 11 Nominations:

  • Victor nominated: James & Natalie

This was James’s first nomination of the season. Only Nicole remains as the last never-nominated HG.

Victor made his intentions clear overnight in talks with both James and Natalie as he let them know James is his target and Natalie is there to help make sure things go to plan. Of course I’m not yet convinced Nicole and Corey won’t be tempted to go for getting Natalie out. Corey has said he’d prefer her gone over James and Nicole wants to be the last girl left. If they’re both voting on Thursday I think we could see a push for that to happen.

Veto competition arrives on Saturday and that will be James and Natalie’s last hope at changing up the plan. We’ve heard promises between them to save the other if they win the Veto so I’ll be interested to see what happens. Of course Natalie telling James she’d move to Texas and buy a house for him to live in with her should she win the $500K probably wouldn’t influence his decision making at all this week, right? Nah.

As for production’s own leak you can Flashback to 3:56PM BBT Cams 3/4 to see the interesting footage on screen or check out the image below:

click image to see full-size view

What do you think of these noms? Turn on your Feeds now to watch the fallout on the in-house cams!

Good times ahead on the Feeds! Grab your Free Trial to watch the next week for free then keep it for $5.99/month. That’s 20 cents a day for 24/7 access to Feeds content. Silly cheap.



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  1. It was fun to see the memory wall pop up on the feeds, though I admit, it took a little bit for me to understand it, ha ha!

  2. James telling Natalie not to side with Nicole and Corey but to join up with Paul and Vic instead after he is gone shows that James still doesn’t understand strategic game play. The only chance Natalie could win is to take out Vic and Paul. Of course she needs to team up with nicorey. Smh

      • Unless she uses the fact she was never nominated despite multiple chances of getting her out (hello Michelle) to sway the jurors to her favor but year, tough road ahead for her.

      • Do you think Paul or Vic would take anybody besides the two of them? I think they are both ride or die so if they both in f3 no one has a chance. That’s why you have to take at least one of them out. Hence, nat needs to pair up with nicorey. She also has a chance to beat them in comps as well.

      • I honestly don’t think both Paul and Vic make it to final two, but IMO Nat has the best chance with them moving forward. And if P/V were to make it to final three with Nat, I feel Paul just might take Nat to insure the $500K, should he win the final HOH.

      • Paul and Vic will take each other. They’re loyal and everyone knows that’s what they’ll do.

      • Nicole would love to come back for her third season, on one condition: a house of 15 males with her the only female.

      • I agree there is something going on with Nicole and Vic unless she is just trying to make it to final 2 with Vic but he won’t chose her over Paul and Nicole is kinda slutty. I watched as Corey had his hand in her pants last night on after dark and she may have had her hand in his pants as well there was some hevy breathing and she kept moving the blanket but you could still tell what was happening under the blanket…Oh my if these BB beds could talk…they really need to make no screwing a BB house rule!

      • They finger any eachother all the time that’s all they do it’s lame they don’t deserve to be f2

    • James is an idiot. He said he doesn’t sh** on people either, when Nat thanked Victor for not doing that. Victor should have said I hope you leave this week James! James is a ridiculous little man

      • Yes, James is not a very good BB player. But I get a bit confused when fans believe that he’s just this horrible person. I could probably count the number of spiteful things he’s said about other HGs on one hand, if that. Has he gone back on deals in the house? Of course and that’s part of the game.

      • yep they say he is a nice guy outside the house…Then again Rachel Riley was a bitch in the house.. but people say that outside the house she and Brenden are an extremely nice couple…Then again some HGs bring their true self into the house…Maybe like Josea…lol…that guy was a trip or maybe Michelle is as nutty out of the house as in…u never know till u spend real time with somebody..

      • They are living a sort of hyper reality in the house, where every thought they have and every word they utter is competition. I wouldn’t last 5 minutes. I suspect there is a lot of true essence of the person that we see in the house, on one hand, but much more or the competitive game player (unless they are total floaters).

      • I agree Sophie. The house and it’s stresses certainly have a tendency of bringing out the worst qualities in people. Even if they try their hardest to avoid letting it happen. I don’t think the “nicest” of HG comes away without a few negative moments that they wish they could erase. And for some of them it’s just one negative after another.

      • I’m pretty damn certain that if I was in that house, I would display a lot of negative moments. Let’s face it. People don’t tend to live under the spot light 24/7. That being said, I would also probably be painfully aware of the spotlight and try really really hard not to lose my sh!t like, say, Paulie

      • You are right. As a BB player, the guy is useless. As a person out in the world, living a real life, I completely believe that James if pretty damn awesome. Just not sure why he came back for this season …. well, except that I’m sure he got some $$$$ for coming back.

      • james-HOH Wins 2 (Weeks 1 & 6)
        Times Nominated 5 (Weeks 3, 4, 5, 10 & Day 78)
        Veto Wins 2 (Weeks 6 & 10)
        BOTB Wins 2 (Weeks 4 & 5)
        Days 78
        Other Prizes $25,000 (Fan Favorite)

  3. HOH Wins 2 (Weeks 1 & 6)
    Times Nominated 5 (Weeks 3, 4, 5, 10 & Day 78)
    Veto Wins 2 (Weeks 6 & 10)
    BOTB Wins 2 (Weeks 4 & 5)
    Days 78
    Other Prizes $25,000 (Fan Favorite)

  4. james-In The House
    Nickname Captain Camo
    Season Big Brother 18
    Alliances 8-Pack
    Loyalties Da’Vonne Rogers
    Natalie Negrotti
    Michelle Meyer
    Team Unicorn
    HOH Wins 1 (Week 5)
    Other Prizes $5,000.25

  5. First things first, who didn’t see this coming this week when Victor won HOH? Second, even though James has played a very bad game (I still like to think he was laying low), that doesn’t mean he should leave the game this week because of all the Victor and Paul fans still on here say he needs to go. let James and Victor play this game this week the way they want too. If James or Natalie come off the block, then one of Nicorey has to go u u u u up and I hope he puts Nicole up as a pawn. Everyone on here is a Monday morning Quarterback and a expert on this game yet no one INCLUDING myself will ever try out for this game. Let the game the way that it has been playing this year and if James leaves then he leaves no hard feelings from me. If he stays then he stays, there is nothing we can do about it if Nicole and Corey decides to flip the vote. In order to make sure James leaves, then if Victor or Paul wins the POV they need to pull Natalie off the block and put up a pawn like Nicole or Corey then James will go.

    • True despite James being target Nicole/Corey/Paul all want Natalie out…We shall see…I think that as there are “3 duos” that there will be a twist to break up them up..I am probably wrong.(as my gut isn’t talking to me) but this week is gonna be sooo same old same old and boring if Production does not do something..

      • When Meg left last year ( I think before James), he did nothing so I expect about the same.

      • Seems that James is a threat to no one, but Natalie has demonstrated some chops, so best Nat go for the rest of their games. I suspect James will just keep lounging about after ward.

      • I would too! While I would cheer if Victor won, I secretly( shhh don’t tell) would love to see James and Nicole in final 2. (I’ll duck now, I know the tomatoes are coming?.)

      • Very brave thing to say!!!! Good for you. Totally don’t agree and might throw a cherry tomato, but the opposing perspective is always fun. If we all agree, what’s the point of a discussion right?

      • I’d like to see Victor and Nicole as F2. And, as my late uncle used to say … if two of you agree on everything, one of you is not necessary.

      • Victor needs to run away with Nicole. Did you see the long protracted hug with her last night?

      • I’ve noticed that Victor seems more flirty with Nicole ever since Cory told him he wasn’t interested in a relationship once he leaves the house. Maybe he has thoughts of trying to hook up with her if Cory dumps her.

      • That’s an interesting idea, just trying to figure out how that very very bitter jury would go if that were the case.

    • “Everyone on here is a Monday morning Quarterback and a expert on this
      game yet no one INCLUDING myself will ever try out for this game.” Damn straight my friend! Love watching, but would never in a million years sign up for this. Insanity. Plus, I would probably tell/piss everyone off in the first two days, because I have no patience, and would get voted out immediately.

      • Can you just imagine how disgusting those sheets must be? I’m way too much of a neat freak for that house.

      • Michelle got out of bed the other night, probably to go get more food, and James commented to Nat how nasty her bed was. I noticed the bottom of Corey’s feet one night this week and they were nasty.

      • I also saw Corey’s dirty feet when he got in the HOH bed with Nicole. I have heard James mention washing his sheets.

      • I have a feeling that you and I would be in deep doo doo fairly quickly, but it would be fun raising a stink. hehe

      • But I’m 55 & would get voted out early I’m sure!
        But they really need our generation to compete one time!
        I’m assuming your near my age…. Sorry if you’re not! Haha!

      • I’m 60 and know I’ll never be on the show, but it would be a blast to just mess with a few of these young entitled lazy whippersnappers. Give me 2 weeks with them. lol

      • Maybe the solution to a tired BB formula is not to outlast but to get voted out first. Imagine the bad behavior then! Although I don’t know what you’d do with the rest of the season past the first episode.

      • This idea has potential, at least for the first round of two of evictions.There was a TV show a few years back where the quicker contestants could get themselves fired, the more money they could win. I think it only lasted one season, but was pretty hilarious.

      • That sounds kind of awesome. Maybe they could have some system where every second person evicted goes to jury …. or no one knows who among the evicted players are going to jury, but they open an envelope when they get evicted that tells them. Something like that. Could be majorly rigged, of course, but if the house has no idea who is sitting on the jury, it would make things pretty interesting.

      • Wow, that would really be interesting!!! Or, just put everybody in jury without telling the HG. Anything to shake things up a little.

      • How about changing it up so the jury is made up of the first ones evicted rather than the last? LOL

      • Yeah, it’s quite comical to read some people say they’d be all cutthroat and ruthless, yet each season has a totally different social dynamic and there’s just no way to anticipate how you would do no matter how smart you might be.

      • Michelle went in as a”super fan” thinking she knew the game, but is still clueless about Paul and Nicole’s game or anything she couldn’t see for that matter. It is very different being inside the house and not knowing everything that is going on as the viewers do.

  6. this season is the worst season yet the house manipulated the game till they got people the way they wanted them by having comps to get him back in the house however many times it took

  7. Can someone summarize/paraphrase for me what production’s leak was and what its significance is? Thanks.

    • [Spoiler] Did they just make a mistake and show the noms on live feed?

      I just saw James and Nats pics on a graphic for the nom ceremony. I think that was not supposed to happen.

  8. Boy oh boy. Nat is laying it on so thick with James. I have never heard her talk so endearing and lovingly to him all season. She even talked about winning the game and buying a house for them to live in. Then she said he could be her maid. Lol. I’m thinking she is leaving no room for error that James will use the veto on her if he should win it. I think what bothered me the most about James, and I was really a fan, is that he let his stupid one sided non- realistic showmance get in the way of the game again. He just met Natalie, but put her before trying to secure a future for the daughter he loves so much. He looked horrified when his daughter’s mother said we love you on his family package. He really showed little to no emotion. Maybe he wanted just his daughter in the package. I don’t think for one minute he would use the veto on himself if he won. He gave Nat permission to save herself and talks about him saving her too. Ugh. I’m so frustrated with him.

    • I have a feeling James believes that he has no real chance at winning the game and that if he lays on his sword for Nat, he’s got a better chance at AFP.

    • I have been reading the same on Jokers….While laying it on thick with the loving comments,, She has been very honest in letting him know that “he” screwed up their game but she also took responsibility…I don’t like the girl cause shes a “user” but I will give her points for being honest in this instance,,,

      • By nominating Victor and convincing Michelle to nominate Paul (in the first place) when they had a final five deal which Natalie and James regret going against, for P&V would’ve been loyal. It was a certain final deal (I believe).

        So now, I’m hoping their loyalty is now permanently with the two I do not care much for, Nicorey. Let’s make this final 4 happen bcuz that’s friendship! :)

      • I’m not so sure .. I think she is so angry she couldn’t hold back how at fault she thinks he is.

    • I can’t help but wonder why James moved from S.C. to Texas where he won’t be able to see his daughter grow up. His ex was attractive.

      • Hi Kay and thanks for your pleasant comment :D
        Yes, I can see she has a sibling but that still doesn’t answer my question as to why James moved to TX when his daughter lived in S.C.
        I didn’t realize it was such a difficult question to answer…

      • James told the story early this season that he never dated Bailey’s mother. They were longtime friends that did the deed only once when they were both drunk.

      • Yes, I’m well aware that she was a one night stand for James but what had you rather I call her besides ‘ex’? ‘Slut’ ‘Hoe, Concubine, Soiled Dove or floozy? :D
        Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees lol .

    • Omg, Nat is now claustrophobic, chest pains, anxiety attack at the thought of being in the house without him. Sounds like she is trying to self-evict.

      • Yeah, I saw that. She just knows he’s soooooooo in love with her. She really does not mean to hurt him.

        What’s with James and that heavy breathing?

      • She said she loved him too up in the HoH room when Paulie was still in the house. She said she loved him more than anyone with the exception of her family. She said it when she was defending him in front of everyone. I think she really cares a lot for him but doesn’t know what he would be like outside the house and told him so.

      • I remember that, but she probably meant as a good friend. She loved him less than her family and her best friend.

      • I agree Kay. Nat truly does care for James and more than just a friend level. She’s not perfect by any means, but she’s a better person than a lot of BB viewers give her credit for.

      • Was he really? After she laughed he made it seemed like it was just a joke, but he may be falling for her. They have been there for nearly 3 months.

      • Yeah he’s definitely fallen for her, but I think he just wanted to get a reaction out of her with that comment. It worked:)

    • This is her strategy. He is the fool that seems to be falling for it. I think what Corey is doing to Nicole is a lot worse because Natalie has never had any inappropriate relations with James. She doesn’t even allow him to touch or kiss her. A couple of times she gave him friendly kisses.

    • My first thought was what’s the difference in Natalie saying she buy a house for herself and James and the money James and Nicole promised each other earlier. Kind of sounds like another bribe to me

  9. Has there ever been a season where two players have fought back against production’s wishes to not only survive, but be loved by America? If not, Paul and Victor have truly conquered this game this year, especially Victor

    • They didn’t fight back against productions wishes. Production not only gave him two chances to get back in the game, which no one ever has gotten before after being evicted, but all of those comps were physical. Not that much chance the others in the first battle back would win and in the second, both Vic and their “boy” Paulie were set up to win. Vic deserves props for his physical comp wins but he doesn’t deserve a win more than some others that survived this long.

    • Well last season, production hated Steve. They barely showed him on the feeds, and if he entered into a conversation, they would immediately cut the feeds, and switch to something else. So I think Steve qualifies as an answer.

  10. Natalie winning Veto will make Victor choose between Corey and Nicole. Hopefully James or Nicole go home.

  11. The boring part now (besides Corey) is that it makes no difference if one of them wins the veto or not, one will go home. I wish BB would build in some entertainment, like extra cash for getting somebody to say or do something really silly, playing board games for charity, etc. something besides sleeping, eating and whining that you wanna be the onleeee giiiiiirlll leeefft. Barf.

  12. Corey calling her bro shows he is in the friends zone anyway and she is dumb he used her and I bet she will not go on the block she will be whinny and vic won’t put her up as replacement and she wants Nat out and lap dog Corey will vote like she tells him to so I see Nat going not James. And ? have you been watching the same show I have? How have Nicorey been an awesome showmance? They have been playing grab ass all season and Corey is a doorknob!

  13. I really hope Natalie wins veto and saves herself of James wins and saves Natalie, JAMES HAS GOT TO GO

  14. Wouldn’t it be great if Nat went home & James teamed with Nic & Corey to take out the stronger players? Then ….. Then ….. Then…. I don’t know….. Lol

    My hand is numb from leaning on it & it’s feeling funny to type this!
    Gotta go wake it up! Lol

  15. wish Nicole and dumbo Coryyyyyyyyyyyy——- was on the block! James needs to save himself to worried about Natalie! Wait till he see’s the first shows showing she had eyes for Victor!!!!!!

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