Julie Chen Reveals Big Brother 15 Spoilers: More HouseGuests Than Ever!

Big Brother 15 with Julie Chen

Julie Chen is putting Big Brother 15 in the spotlight this week with a significant reveal.

Tuesday on CBS’ “The Talk” Julie Chen made a quick announcement saying, “Big Brother is getting even bigger this summer which means we need you. The show is starting two weeks early on Wednesday, June 26th, and we need more HouseGuests than ever.”

More HGs than ever means a lot of hamsters! Last season we heard it was the “most ever” with sixteen players, even though BB9 matched the same number of HGs (counting Neil, who left very early). That means we could be hitting seventeen, eighteen, or even more houseguests for Big Brother 15. Wow.

An extra two weeks of the show with an early premiere this summer makes this extension of the cast an obvious situation and much preferred to the option of cutting out our favorite Double Eviction nights. Can’t have those going missing on us.

Julie Chen reminded viewers that it’s not too late to apply. All 2013 season open call casting events have passed us by, but you can still apply online. Check out all the details on how to apply for Big Brother and submit your application right now.

We’ll continue to post preseason news for Big Brother 15 as we close in on the June 26, 2013 premiere event. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email to get all those updates sent to you so you never miss a thing.

Source: Dreamers



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  1. i’m curious does casting usually go this long, for some reason i thought in previous years, the casting calls would be over and now they be doing call backs and narrowing the field of possible hg’s. i could be completely wrong.

    if that’s the case, then maybe casting is a shame? maybe people who applied will be not get on this season, and the casting call still going on is to cover for a BB All-Stars 2?

    that would be good reason why the season is extended and more hg’s than ever. the are so many great players from the last 14 seasons, so they’d want to get as many as possible.

    with the success of BB Canada, i’d want a new cast, but an All-Stars 2 could be epic

    • Casting definitely goes on for a long time each season. This season it’ll probably be even shorter due to the early premiere this year.

      If casting was a sham, then wouldn’t it be easier for CBS to say “we’re just doing online applications this year” instead of sending a third party casting company all over the country?

      I hope it’s an all new cast too. BBCAN has been a blast w/ a new batch of faces.

    • Your enthusiasm would be an asset. Not all of us are a size zero and are starlet wannabes. When it comes down to it….being “eye candy” can only get you so far. It’s strategy that counts. Seeing as you are obviously a big fan, i’m sure you would have a great one. I say GO FOR IT!!

      • I agree with CuriosityCounts.Bigger could sometimes be brighter. And besides..what exactly describes big?

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Final Week To Apply For Big Brother 15 | Big Brother 15
  2. Exclusive: CBS Seeking All New HGs For Big Brother 15 | Big Brother 15
  3. Big Brother 15 – CBS Says 100 Days In 13 Weeks (VIDEO) | Big Brother 15

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