Final Week To Apply For Big Brother 15

Big Brother 15 host Julie Chen

The Big Brother cast search ends in just a few days for the 2013 season making this your final week to apply for Big Brother 15 as the online application system closes its doors on May 11, 2013 at midnight PT.

Open-call casting events wrapped up in late April, but CBS has kept the online submission process open to collect even more applications. As we heard from Julie Chen last week, that’s because CBS is looking for “more HouseGuests than ever!

Before applying remember to check these basic requirements: you must be at least 21 years old, a US citizen, and awesome. That last one is our requirement, but we’re guessing it’ll help you get picked to head inside the Big Brother 15 house this summer. Read the full requirements list to make sure you’re eligible to apply.

To apply you’ll need to fill out a short online form and upload a video to go along with your application. This is your chance to impress so take your time and do it right. Don’t wait until Friday afternoon to start thinking about your submission!

We’re just weeks away from the premiere of Big Brother 15 in late June, 2013 (watch the first official CBS promo). Yes, I said June. CBS has moved up the season launch by two weeks along with a whole new schedule of shows. There is a lot going on here to make us think BB15 could be the best season in a long time.

Get ready for Big Brother 15 and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our free Email updates for all the latest BB news all season.



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  1. i can’t decide if i think it’ll be all new cast, all star cast or a mix of new and returning?

    i’m thinking new cast, there has been big money in all star, but BB Canada proved new cast rules

    i hope if by some fluke of nature, BB15 is full on all stars, then i hope they make it interesting, do a rivals season like mtv challenge did, take 2 former hg’s that hated each other in their season, or who don’t like each other now in real life and make them duos.

    it would make for awesome feeds watching some duos implode, while other find a way to co-exist. then when your down to 4 duos it becomes individual game and we get to see who sticks with their rival and who can’t resist targeting their rival.

  2. Matt BBN there is a rumor going around that BBUSA has built a new house. Do you know if there is any truth behind this?

    • That’s a new one to me. I’d be surprised as it’d be very expensive. Unless CBS needed them to free up Studio 18 I’d expect BB15 to show up in the same spot.

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