Big Brother 16’s First Showmance Made Official Last Night

While you might have been expecting Caleb and Amber to be the first Big Brother 16 showmance, no I’m kidding, one coupling made itself official last night on the Live Feeds. Haycole, the combo of Hayden Voss and Nicole Franzel came together for a little undercover action.

Hayden and Nicole showmance
Hayden and Nicole showmance – Source: CBS

Okay, don’t get too worked up. Hayden stole some kisses last night from a long reluctant Nicole who finally gave in to the Teddy Spanks charm even without some poetry readings.

Flashback to 12:25AM BBT last night on your Feeds (get the Free Trial) to see Hayden putting the moves on Nicole who was very worried someone would walk in and catch them, gasp, kissing! They pull up the covers a little for their make-out session as the cameras zero in on Haycole.

In the middle of this Nicole asks Hayden if he’s happy the “chase is over” and that he’s won.

A few minutes later at 12:33AM BBT Hayden gets up and gives a big thumbs up to the camera before sneaking out of the room so they don’t get caught. Next stop: Diary Room. Now that’d be an interesting one to eavesdrop on! Meanwhile Nicole has rolled over for some sleep.

What do you think of Nicole and Hayden getting together for a little kiss-kiss fun? Would this couple last outside of the game? Check out the pictures below and see what you think.

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  1. Nichole appears to be a sweet girl and Hayden a good boy I would hope they can take it slow and prosper

    • Nicole seems to be a girl next door type as opposed to others in the Big Brother House. Hopefully, it works out for them. I think Hayden really likes her enough to develop a real relationship outside the Big Brother House if it happens!

  2. Welcome to third grade. Not that their relationship is third grade, but the reporting of it is. Sorry, Matthew, I know it is all you have to report on during a slow week like this one.

  3. The problem with Nicole is that she is obsessed with what other people think of her. Her hair, what she’s wearing, showmance “what will people think?”, silly perceived slights that cannot go unanswered, and it is all sidetracking her game.

  4. How nice for them. I still think Hayden is selling himself short. Nichole is to high maintenance, he needs someone not so consumed by questions and who thinks. I like the down low sweetness, and the not in your face like last season.

  5. OMG !..What just happened? Awesome convo between Donny and Cody this morning. Donny: “Don’t base your decision on what other people want you to do. Base it on your own game”.. Donny tearing up. It looks like Cody had a change of heart..Caleb may go up !….Yeeees!!

    • I heard that conversation..I know Cody really wants to put up Caleb, but, I just don’t think he will. I think that Derrick is in his ear way too much right now. But, if Caleb stays and possibly wins HOH this week..he will put Cody up.

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