Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Talks Week 9 Of Big Brother 16

Judd Daugherty on Big Brother
Judd Daugherty on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Well where should I begin? I would be lying if I said this has been a crazy week of Big Brother but hey it is what it is. Last time I wrote I talked a lot about what it was like being a returning player and I was really hoping that we would get two people back preferably Zach and Hayden but that didn’t happen.

I went to a party with McCrae and Amber Thursday night so I avoided reading spoilers on twitter and I told all my friends and family that watch Big Brother not to tell me who got back in the house. I remember we were eating at the party and Amber was messing with her phone and said “Nicole’s back”. I have learned by now that it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid Big Brother spoilers anymore. Haha oh well it was still fun to watch the episode and Zach went out in the most entertaining way possible.

I was terrified when I was watching Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, and Zach compete to get back in the house. I was kinda thinking why waste time building this crapshoot when surely there is a bag of skittles laying around they could have used to determine who will return to the game.

Nicole won the competition and though she was my 3rd pick to return I was still very happy for her. I think Jocasta showed Hayden it isn’t THAT hard to get a kiss from Nicole you just gotta sneak it in before she knows what in the world is going on. I think that was by far my favorite part of the Sunday episode….

I was so frustrated during this weeks HOH competition because it was basically the house vs Nicole and the super villain of the season Donny. Nicole went out super early then every time someone else got eliminated from the competition they would basically be like “I hope my 4,563 allies can slay this Donny Beast” and ultimately Cody won the HOH competition.

I like Cody but I mean as soon as he won I just rolled my eyes knowing that either Donny or Nicole will more than likely be evicted this week. I understand why they want to get rid of Donny because he is not in their alliance but I don’t understand why they have to be so cruel to the poor guy. I felt like Derrick was mad at Donny for even trying to play the game. News flash: Donny is a human being just like the rest of them and he has every right to try to stay in the game.

At this point I am keeping my fingers crossed that something crazy happens and Cody saves Donny or Nicole from the block and backdoors someone else. I think Cody is smart enough to know that he will need to make a big move soon. I know that Derrick is the smartest player in the big alliance and he is the most likely to change things around but it is getting close to the end.

Hopefully SOMEONE/ANYONE will shock us and change things around. I would love to see another juror return to the game but I’m sure that won’t happen! Maybe they will get a Pandora’s box or something crazy and mix things up a little bit. We shall see!!


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  1. “I was kinda thinking why waste time building this crapshoot when surely
    there is a bag of skittles laying around they could have used to
    determine who will return to the game.” Thanks for the LOL!

    • I think Derrick really was trying to work with him if Donny just would have been honest with him. He told Donny multiple people said he was coming after him. Donny could have explained it, then made a deal to work with Derrick since he’s alone in the game now. At this point it doesn’t make any sense for Donny to keep trying to turn people on Derrick if he knows Derrick is leading the group. I still hope they backdoor Frankie because he probably will go after Cody and Derrick if he gets HOH next week.

      • I call that BS! Derprick wants him out and has for a awhile. Derprick hasn’t told Donny anything but expects Donny to tell him everything. Donny isn’t one of those stupid fratbrats and Derprick trying to talk to him like that is disrespectful. If Derprick thinks Donny is so brilliant he knows something is wrong with Derpricks back story. So getting Donny out is now a full obsession. I bet when Donny is in jury Derprick will still be obsessed ala CrazedCaleb/Amber.

      • I agree! The whole scenario reminded me of when Donny said that once trust is broken it takes a lot for him to trust that person again and Derrick broke his trust.

      • No I don’t want Donny to go this week either, but with Derrick running everything what reason would he have to keep Donny when he knows Donny is coming after him. Donny doesn’t need to trust Derrick, but since he knows Derrick is leading the group right now his only hope is to convince Derrick to keep him. He’s not going to change anybody else’s mind. He knew that when Cody was HOH last time when he told Cody he knew somebody else made him do it if he end’s up putting Donny on the block and he wouldn’t hold it against him. Why does he keep going to the followers if he knows who’s running everything? That’s the only person he needs to talk to this week. He doesn’t even need to convince them to backdoor anybody else if he just reminds them Nichole is better at HOH comps than him to point the target in her direction if both of them stay on the block. Derrick is the only one that has people following him blindly, so if he knows Donny is the only one against that, as sad as it may be for Donny, Derrick has no reason to save him.

  2. Saw the pictures on Twitter of ya’ll & it looked like a TON of fun! :D
    Derrick needs to get his head back IN the game right now & take the opportunity to get Frankie out before he gets got!! For once, CODY is the one with the clear thinking about how it would be smarter to backdoor Frankie because they have the votes at the moment!
    Picture this: Cody uses the Veto on Nicole & leaves Donny up (not ideal, but more likely to cause a split in the votes – ALL of them would vote out Nicole over Frankie!). There are 5 votes this week. Christine & Caleb would probably vote to keep Frankie, BUT Derrick has a vote, Derrick controls Victoria’s vote, and Nicole would OWE them a vote (not to mention that she would LOVE to see Frankie go!). On Thursday, Julie Chen is saying, “By a vote of 3-2…Frankie, YOU are evicted from the Big Brother house….” Easy peasy. Done. Derrick’s $500k SECURED.
    Cody can apparently envision this, but Derrick is getting greedy & not seeing that Frankie will take him OUT as soon as the TA $$ dries up!!!

    • Donny has been living rent free in Derpricks head all season. Derprick even said in a shout out that he hopes he’s high Joker’s poll…guess who’s been number one most of the season? But no matter how many hints Derprick gets he’s obsessed with getting Donny out. Donny won’t drink Derpricks kool aid and he can’t have that.

    • Frankie is all about the drama and money. No one wanted to do is stupid idea of doing a Broadway show but him. He didn’t have to save Donny but maybe all three of them could have come up with something better. Frankie is a has been before he became an ever was.

  3. Wow. this is why I don’t write on these posts. I’m done. you don’t know me. I’m a fan of Big Brother and enjoy the show. Contrary to what most people say on these blogs that they’re bored, I’m still enjoying the game. I like all these people and enjoy the show and the game. Good luck to you Bill. And Goodbye. Enjoy the SHOW.

    • All fans on the blogs don’t downgrade the other players. They are expressing their opinion and you can agree or disagree. I love Donny and wish he and Derrick had got together Day 2. Didn’t happen. Derrick is by far playing the best game and for that deserves the money. Many of the HG bring negative responses by their actions in the house. Frankie hanging all over the men and stating incorrect facts like he knows everything, Caleb possible stalker by his actions, Cody feeling up a married woman, Christine allowing it, Victoria is Victoria.

  4. It seems everyone is planning to take Victoria to the Final 2. Wouldn’t it serve them right if the Jury members let her win. What a farce!!

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