Jocasta Odom – Big Brother 16 Eviction Interview

Jocasta Odom
Jocasta Odom – Big Brother 16 Houseguest

After a final hour house flip Jocasta Odom went from another week of safely navigating the block to becoming the sixth evicted Houseguest from Big Brother 16. She may have gone to Jury, but she’s not completely out of the game as Julie revealed there may be a chance to get back in the house.

We got to ask Jocasta a few questions today after her eviction last night about her strategy, her frequent illnesses, and who she might target if she returned to Big Brother 16.

Matthew Boyer โ€“ Big Brother Network (BBN): What do you feel was your best move & what might have been your worst move?

Jocasta: Best: Me always pushing for Cody and Amber to get together so Caleb would notice it, which he did and that was good.

Worst: I should have sat and had a one-on-one with Hayden.

BBN: Since you were already a fan of Big Brother, what turned out to be your biggest surprise once you were inside the house and playing the game?

Jocasta: How paranoid people are! People were so paranoid, I donโ€™t think I was that paranoid. Paranoia is the true beast in the BIG BROTHER house!

BBN: If you get the chance to re-enter the house, who would be your top target?

Jocasta Odom: Frankie, Christine and then Caleb

BBN: At one point you mentioned a strategy of feigning an upset stomach to avoid certain situations with other HGs. Were any of your other times of being ill ever a strategy or just unfortunate circumstances?

Jocasta: No, I really had a messed up stomach. It is a little hard to use the restroom when there are camera and microphones all around you, and it catches up with you in the rapture! Unfortunately, the house can make you constipated.

BBN: We didn’t see much campaigning from you this week. Did you feel confident being up against Zach or did someone mislead you in to a false sense of security?

Jocasta: When you know that there is an alliance, you realize there is not much you can do except talk to the people you think will keep you. Even if you talk to the others, they will flip what you say and use it against you, so you have to be careful. Itโ€™s all about watching your words.

BBN: In our preseason interview you mentioned you were going to reveal a symbol to viewers in the house, but I’m not sure we knew what to look for. Did you get a chance to reveal that symbol and what was it?

Jocasta: Didnโ€™t do it. And I am not going to say anything now in case I go back in!

BBN: What’s going to be your favorite memory of your time on Big Brother?

Jocasta: My favorite memory is Donny using the veto on me.

BBN: Should you not re-enter, name your early prediction for who is most likely to win.

Jocasta: Frankie and Christine

BBN: What’s next for Jocasta Odom when you get back home?

Jocasta: What is next for me is to do what I promised my kid I would do โ€“ I said even if mommy doesnโ€™t win, she can take you on a train ride. They love trains! And that other guy, the guy I am married to?! He can come too!

BBN: Best of luck and thank you for keeping us entertained!

Did you enjoy Jocasta in the house this season? She wasn’t always a front row star, but when we got to see what she had to offer Jocasta was usually a lot of fun. Maybe we’ll get to see more of her if she wins her way back in to the game.



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  1. I would have LOVED the interviewer to ask about her jibberish/”speaking in tongues”. Lost opportunity.

  2. Again, a nice person (like Hayden) but really boring on the show. She’s someone I’d want to be friends with IRL, though.

  3. She never really did anything for me as a viewer to take interest. Also didn’t like how when other’s saved her like Donny or Amber winning BoB she acted like she did something. She seems like a nice lady and I wish her well in life, but glad she’s gone from the game.

  4. She was boring. She won’t be missed and I hope she is not allowed back in the house.

  5. At least still making$1000/week in the Jury House …. all expensed paid holidays / retreat this summer … not a bad gig, imo … :)

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