Jeremy McGuire was evicted this week on Big Brother 15 by a near unanimous vote while only receiving support from his in-house girlfriend Kaitlin. After two weeks of blindsides this was an eviction that everyone, including Jeremy, saw coming.
I spoke with Jeremy today about his time in the house and his actions which brought a lot of scrutiny both inside and outside the walls of Big Brother.
Big Brother Network: Why didn’t you try to convince Kaitlin to not use the Veto? You would still be in the game at least another week.
Jeremy McGuire: Everyone told me and her that if she didn’t use the Veto on herself they’d vote her out just out of retaliation. I wasn’t going to ask her to throw the game for me so I didn’t try to talk her in to it.
BBN: Do you regret supporting David being voted out in Week 1 considering he was your ally?
Jeremy: I didn’t vote for him to leave, but I do regret not trying to help him a little more. Regardless, he would have gone anyways. It was too many people against us and not enough for us.
BBN: Do you think your limited background on Big Brother hurt or helped your game play considering many of the HGs know the game very well.
Jeremy: It definitely hurt me. If I could have been a little bit more of a fan or had a little more knowledge then I probably would have been a little more gracious. The cocky guy doesn’t win and look where I’m at now.
BBN: Your interactions with the other HGs were often abrasive. Was that intentional or a reaction to the circumstances?
Jeremy: I think a little of both. I intentionally wanted to be a strong player and going in, knowing as big as I was that I was going to be a target from day one regardless of how my social game was so I just wanted to win, win, win through the game and that’s not how you do it.
I was stern in my actions as well because I wanted people to know I’m here and I’m serious, but I think it came off a little harsher than it was supposed to just because of my image and my intimidating size.
BBN: Why did you call Howard a coward as you’ve said about the members of the Moving Company?
Jeremy: I found out more and more everyday about that kid. He was throwing things and promised on his Bible that he did other things and he was lying. I just think he’s a liar and a coward. I really do. He knew the whole time that Nick was going to be gone and he didn’t try anything to keep him. It wasn’t right.
BBN: Speaking of Howard, we heard on the Live Feeds from Aaryn that there was an argument between you and Howard during the “Scary Dairy” Have-Not competition. Since it didn’t make the cut on the show, could you tell us what happened?
Jeremy: I noticed before the challenge started he was doing a little bit of whispering which seemed a little sketchy to me so I was keeping a close eye on him. I noticed he wasn’t doing as well as he could have been doing. It wasn’t a hard challenge. All he had to do was throw a little spoiled milk in to the next bucket. I could tell he was throwing it off on purpose. Then not only that, but after the red team finished, Elissa was yelling at Howard and saying “What are you doing?” and “You’ve got to stop!” He made a fake fall right after they yelled that at him.
I could tell right away that he was throwing it and it didn’t make me happy. He was on a team full of girls, people I was friends with at the time, and it was not manly of him to throw it. I thought we were here to compete and he was just blatantly not competing. It was upsetting.
BBN: I imagine Howard was in part driven by the things that were said and done in the house. What’s your take on the things the girls said and even some of the things you said.
Jeremy: A lot of things the girls said I didn’t hear. But some of the things I did hear I told them that’s not good for their game and it’s not really pretty and they should probably just keep their mouths closed.
Some of things I said, I didn’t mean any offense to them. I wasn’t being harsh or hurtful in any way. I said a comment in front of someone it was about but I didn’t think it was going to be taken the way it was, but I’m not going to say I didn’t do it. I’m going to own up to it. I made a mistake and I need to be more conscious of and cautious of what I say.
I’m not racist at all and I know who I am. The people around me know that I’m not. You’re going to be scrutinized for everything anyways. I just need to be more aware of it and I apologize for anybody that was offended.
BBN: As for the asshat situation, do you regret using Elissa’s hat for toilet paper?
Jeremy: This house is a pressure cooker and it makes you do things you wouldn’t normally do. I had an immature moment and that is one thing I’m a little ashamed of you know. It’s not something I would normally do. Spur of the moment type deal.
BBN: What was your best move & what was your worst?
Jeremy: My worst move was joining the Moving Company for sure. Maybe I could have been a little more gracious, but I’d say my worst move was the MC.
My best move was meeting Kaitlin. She is a fantastic person and she taught me a lot. I am 100% grateful for that.
BBN: Which HG has the best chance at winning BB15?
Jeremy: Now that I am out, I think that Kaitlin has a great chance at winning. She has her head in the game now and she’s not worried about me. She’s got the target off of her back. Taking herself off the block and putting me up put her on the good side of the house.
I also think that Andy is sitting pretty right now. He’s a good guy and he is definitely playing his cards right. He made all the right friends at the right time and everybody likes him. I think Andy and Kaitlin have a great chance of going super far in this game.
BBN: What’s next for you now that you’re evicted? Would you pursue a relationship with Kaitlin outside of the house?
Jeremy: I’m definitely going back to my boat. Whether or not I’ll be working on them, time will tell. I have a few jobs that are offered for whenever I come back. I’m going to hang out with family, but after that we’ll see.
I would love to pursue a relationship with Kaitlin outside of the house but I don’t know how she feels. She told me one thing and I told her let’s wait until finale and we’ll go from there. We’ll just see. I’m not even going to act like I didn’t fall for her. I mean I fell hard for her. She’s a great girl and I’m excited to see her do good things.
BBN: Thank you, Jeremy.
So Jeremy gave up his chance at a half-million dollars because he didn’t want to put Kaitlin’s game at risk and as for his best game move? Meeting Kaitlin? Sounds more like Jeremy came to get laid, not paid. Overall his game came off like a wasted opportunity. Being a jerk to other HGs and then citing your height as the cause of them taking things the wrong way when you yelled at them? At least he owned to up saying what he said, even if he added the disclaimer that it wasn’t intentionally offensive.
If you want to keep tabs on Jeremy then check him out on Twitter @JeremyDMcG1.
Watch our original preseason interview with Jeremy McGuire:
ill correct you, your worst move was getting too close to Kaitlin. Your best move was the moving company if you werent so close to Kaitlin perhaps all would be different
nah worst move prob just being an ahole
Him being an asshole was the reason the Moving Company died. Hey, but on the upside, he got to meet a chick! Hey Jeremy, in the future go on a dating show and stay off of any show requiring you to make and keep friendships.
Jeremy said he did not come to BB to find a wife. Okay, Jeremy, explain that. Such a loser.
What were the comments that Jeremy made? I think I missed it.
Jeremy had a few. He said he was “Jew’d with a gay color” for the Veto comp. He talked about Howard saying “black men” have issues with communicating and have to come off as dominating. There were also a slew of misogynistic comments about the girls and Kaitlin in particular. Those are just the ones off the top of my head and I don’t have the Flashback times available for them.
Have to give Jeremy credit, though: he’s at least owning up to what he said and acknowledging that it offended people, whereas Aaryn will probably continue to deny it ’til the day she dies.
Delusional & self impressed. No wonder he’s gone. Glad the Jerkokee got kicked out of the tepee.
While I don’t approve of your wording, I agree with your sentiment. Jeremy needed to go.
I’m flabbergasted!
Jeremy would have been a great player but his attitude did him in.
Seriously. What a tool. “I need to be more conscious and cautious about what I say”. Right. So… keep all your racist/bigoted thoughts inside that little brain of yours and don’t let anyone else hear them. Probably a good plan, because one day someone’s gonna kick your a** for it. Sorry, this guy is a total douche. Highly doubtful he will change. Good thing for him that he lives in Texas. This crap wouldn’t fly in many other parts of the country.
Sorry Jeremy but I’m not buying it. There were times in that house when you could have chosen to do the right thing instead of making situations more difficult. I think it’s apparent you’ve taken full advantage of “your size” in order to make others cower in fear and you love the power trip that gives you. I think you did a good job showing others exactly who you are. And that’s the reason you are no longer in the BB house.
How tall is he??? Seriously, the way he talks it is like he is Andre the Giant.
Kaitlin does not have the target off her back…… she is still buddies with Aaryn. They all deserved each other. Plus, I didn’t think Jeremy was that tall, big or anything that would intimidate a person. The only thing I think is big is his ego. “BIG EGO” equals small…………….. OOPS!
I’d love for someone to explain to him that “jew” is not a verb. What a dickhead. Glad he’s gone. Hope he has a horrible life. Him and whatever meat wallet is stupid enough to open up for him.
Why would Jeremy apply to be on a show he doesn’t watch? He had no game. He was strange, now he’s gone….ba-bye, NEXT!?
His mom is a huge fan, she talked him into it, he was a big physical threat, but despite his mother and brother both warning him to “not go in with guns blazing” he thought he knew better.
Bigger question: Why would BB take him?
i don’t think I’ve ever seen a person use the word flabbergasted as much as he did. He probably thought it made him seem smart
Best thing Jeremy did was joining the MC, worst thing the MC did was inviting Jeremy to join them. It fell apart because of his bullying and general being a jerk.