Jason Roy – Big Brother Over The Top Runner-Up Interview

Jason Roy returned to the Big Brother house with a determined mindset to not only outdo his BB17 performance but to make it to the end and win it all. In the end Jason fell just short of that last piece by a few thousand votes as the victory slipped through his hands to Morgan.

Jason Roy on BBOTT finale

Now on the outside of the house and the season I had the chance to talk with him about surviving his Vet threat, the Fake F5 deal, and even all that drama with Shelby that seemed to outlast almost everything else about the game. Read on for what Jason had to say.

Big Brother Network: The very first week Monte painted the target on you as a Vet and a threat to the rest of the HGs in a season of viewer voting. Then after you won the Veto and dodged eviction it seemed as though HGs seemed to put you on the back burner as a target despite being a Vet. Why do you think the rest of the house didn’t keep on coming after you?

Jason Roy: Alex touched on that finale night saying a lot of people were afraid to touch me thinking “Oh I’ve got America behind me” and “We can’t go after Jason unless we’re going to be disliked” which clearly is not the case. People realized, especially at the beginning of the game, I was not winning as many comps other than that first week. I think people maybe thought they could deal with me later and maybe when America’s influence slows down or ends. That’s when I really turned it up and made sure I was going to win myself in there.

I think that sometimes you can become a little bit blinded about who your target is and that made everyone look around elsewhere. Then after that Alex then Scott won HoH and those were both people who were willing to keep me around. Then my side came in to power for a few weeks so I couldn’t really be a target again until around the Double [Eviction].

BBN: Back at the beginning we saw that early alliance that included you and Shelby. After that things between you two drifted and clashed. What happened there between you two?

Jason: Well we clashed hard. Shelby was waiting to play like me. Part of that reason the silly alliance was made was because I was sitting around going “When is the game going to start?” because everyone was being nice. It was only Day 2! I came here to play BB and let’s get going. Shelby was definitely in that same boat.

We sort of told Shelby, this is what you should do, you should go over to and round up those girls, stay under them. You should make sure what those girls are doing all the time. You should know all their information. All we did was really give Shelby her strategy of go run with these girls that you’re very much like.

I think that was very early days in the game and sometimes you may just relate on hey, we’re both here to play and we’re both sassy personalities, but the more passive aggressive comments and eye rolling I got from her the more I was like I’m not someone who is going to bit my tongue. Hate it or love it, I’m definitely someone who always expresses myself and I’d rather be that than someone with a milk toast personality like Alex.

BBN: The Fake Final 5 deal you set up with Danielle and the three ladies. Did you have a game motive with that or was it purely cat and mouse toying with them?

Jason: At that point it was basically cat and mouse toying with them. All season long those girls constantly lied to us up until eviction. They would tell us they were voting out the person who would receive zero votes and they were actually voting the other way. You know in this game you do have to build some bridges for in the future and we sort of felt like these girls had no problem with lying to us endlessly. Why not?

For me and Danielle, obviously voting out Justin was always a consideration of ours so it’s not like the most foreign, ridiculous deal in the world. If we had decided to go through with it we could have. But obviously it just didn’t seem like the best thing to leave those girls so tight together. They really are a school of fish. Even now Shelby and Alex don’t go anywhere without each other.

It’s one of those things where obviously it was never going to work to do that with them but it was definitely not my shining moment of Jason being nice, but it was entertaining and I’m sure it didn’t come across as terribly entertaining but you’re so bored in there, I mean why not go and make a fake alliance with the girls that lied to me for 30 something days.

BBN: Thank you Jason and congratulations on make it to the F2.

I was surprised by the final results as I thought Jason had it locked down, but his rough and tumble way in the game just might have been his undoing. Despite his loss last night Jason did pull off the most wins of the F3 and was the last alliance leader left from both sides. It wasn’t enough to sway the viewers though and he’ll go home with $25,000 for his efforts. Not too shabby, but surely a frustrating outcome for him and his fans.



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  1. That is the difference between playing to a jury and playing to America. America was unforgiving in the fake alliance trick. He just came off hateful and mean. Glad he came in second place. Hopefully he will do some self reflection this time.

    • I agree. But i beleive Paul lost the jury for similar reason last season. I said similar since it was not even close to be as bad as Jason. So even a jury could be turned with bad behavior.

      Sadly I don’t think he will get the message. He still thinks it’s humor that we don’t get. I don’t like to judge people for what they do in life. To me every job is a job and we all need our grocery shelf stuck. But in his case, i feel he cannot do better. For sure nothing that need social interaction

    • Remember, Julie asked the Jury who they would vote for and Jason only got 4 votes, Morgan got 6 and Justin didn’t vote for his own reasons. Morgan won the Jury as well as America. Jason fans are sore losers, which we’re are seeing an awful lot of those folks lately across America.

  2. Jason did not play a good social game. He infuriated many American fans with his vile, vulgar rants and behaviors. He was his own undoing. I would switch to the girls when he got so gross and they would be having clean fun and laughing. Huge difference in quality of behaviors. From what I have seen he is still continuing to bash the other HGS. Get over it Jason this is why you lost. I voted you into the house and Voted Morgan the winner.

    • As did I. I really wish I could go back and vote for Jozea now. I would never vote for jason to return again. And I did vote for Morgan as well.

      • I wonder what Jozea would of been like in the house. Wonder if he would of been as bad as he was on his season.

      • Hahah I bet he would be a lot worse. Because America would vote him in and he’d be a vet, he would especially think he was a Messiah this time and prob be voted out first. It might have been funny though.

    • Same here. I really think if he would of been up against anyone but Josea he wouldn’t of been voted in. I read a lot of comments before this started that people were saying they were voting in the lesser of two evils.

  3. Jason was great. Morgan, Shelby and Alex all ran their mouths, lied & had fake alliances too. Those girls are all just nasty human beings. Jason had the best game play, top notch. I hope BB brings him back one day to play again. Morgan just kissed a lot of butt & is probably just as vile outside of the house as she was in the beginning of BBOTT. Alex & Shelby even beat her in comps. It’s a how many computers that people had to vote game this year & the orange skin fake tan girl got the votes to win but Jason still deserved the win, he made the show worth watching.

    • it is the other way around, Jason is a nasty and horrible human being, Morgan, Shelby and Alex are much better. So glad Morgan won and Jason LOST.

    • Sherry I totally agree with you. I voted for Jason with 40 votes which was what we were allowed to. I was in numerous chat rooms where I lost count of how many people were bragging about the number of votes they were able to pull off for Morgan. There was also a site which I won’t mention here where they bragged about doing the same thing. I don’t get people this season. I have watched since S1 and have had feeds since S2. In all those years I made countless BB friends who were there for the love of the game. We didn’t always pick the same person to win the game, but everyone was respectful to each other and respected each other’s decision on who they wanted to win. Until this season where for the first time all that respect went out that window and if you didn’t agree people became downright nasty. Most of the time as more and more people came into the rooms I didn’t even recognize the user names and finally I left because I no longer felt comfortable. Many of us that I had known for years did the same thing. I think it took 3 more rooms until I found a room where I felt comfortable. Another thing that has bothered me this season was all the comments against LNJ. It seemed like people who claimed they had watched for a long time forgot there have been several HGs in seasons before that said and did a lot worse things that they were saying about Jason and the LNJ as a whole. Did they forget Frankie Grande and the things he did and said to other guys in the house like Zach? Let’s not forget the rape reenactment he did concerning Victoria. How about just last season when Paulie called the women in the house f-king little schemers, rags, scum, โ€œblojersโ€ and kept obsessing saying Natalie has โ€œFTsโ€ (fake t*ts). If that wasn’t enough he went on to talk about women being โ€œdumpstersโ€ for male bodily fluids. Also, when I heard them talk about Kryssie being so disgusting with her burps and all their farting again are they forgetting Frank Eudy a fan favorite his first season who farted his way through both of the seasons he was on? ? I guess that’s why I didn’t get why so many people this season were so against the LNJ. I don’t get it why have people who have claimed to watch past seasons forgotten other HGs and make it seem like there was never a season like this with LNJ? And yes I heard the so called “perfect girls” say nasty things and go back on their word regarding alliances too. When it was known Shelby was going and Morgan was going to be left with those awful people as she called them she seemed to actually be enjoying herself on Thanksgiving until I heard her last DR and then I didn’t know what to think. Heck, those awful people even helped her study against Justin. Since she won I have already heard comments from fans of the Plastics that fans of LNJ are experiencing sour grapes and we must deal with it. I just find it sad that a show I have loved for all these years now leaves nothing, but a bad taste in my mouth. jmho

      • You should watch RHAP OTT Autopsy Post Finale recap, on Youtube, Jacee. I think you will appreciate it. It’s very good.

      • Hey Cyril thanks so much I will watch that. Guess I got a bit long winded with my post, but I sure felt better after writing it. Take care my friend. :)

      • Hey Cyril I’m almost done watching the video and had to come back to thank you again. It is very good and got a chuckle when right away they brought up past players who were far nastier than Jason and nobody got their panties in a bunch about them. I don’t know if you read any of the comments that people made about Eric Stein from BB8, but reading them was like I was back in some of the chat rooms I experienced this season. I have to laugh when people are criticizing Jason and how nasty he was and yet they are saying things far nastier. I don’t get it. Anyway, just wanted to wish you and yours happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year. :)

      • Isn’t it great? I like Eric Stein’s perspective of BB. That’s how I watched the show, with an open mind. That way you don’t get traumatized, or get so angry when it doesn’t go your way. lol..same here Jacee..Wishing you happiness and good health this holiday.

      • I agree. It seems this year that people just could not accept an opinion different then theirs. I haven’t seen such division in the house since BB15 and I don’t think there has ever been more outside the house. Was Jason too crass sometimes? I think so, but people do not go on Big Brother to be angels. So I still gave most of my votes to Jason.

      • Thanks Matt I appreciate your comment. I see even after Morgan won some people can’t stop with their nasty comments.

    • It takes one to know one, so yeah, you probably did enjoy Jason’s behavior. Even Manson had followers.

  4. What a joke Jason. Saying those girls were lying about who they were voting out. Gee wasn’t it Alex’s HOH which I believe was week 3 when your nasty group when upstairs and bombarded her with put Scott up and we’ll vote him out when they were voting Monte out. So who started the lying? You’re such a bitter loser. And I truly believe your vile behavior in the house is the way you act outside the house. So glad you didn’t win. I’ve watched since season one and I don’t recall a houseguest being as nasty as you. Not even Evil Dick.

    • The thing about Jason and the entire LNJ and even their fans is that they would be the exact same if not worse if he had won. They are sore winners and sore losers.

    • Can you honestly say you have watched since S1 and don’t recall a houseguest being as nasty as Jason? I’ve watched since S1 as well and right away I can think of Paulie Calafiore and the things he said on S18.

  5. Jason, you are a mean and nasty person, so glad you didn’t win, go back to your mom’s basement where you belong, bye!!

  6. For being a super fan and all the other crap Jason refers to himself as, he sure is forgetting one of the biggest parts of the BB game…LYING! Of course you don’t tell the truth to the side of the house you aren’t working with?! That would not be good gameplay at all! As James always said..”This is Big Brother. You can bounce checks in here all day long”

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