Morgan Willett – Big Brother Over The Top Winner Interview

Morgan Willett became the first winner of Big Brother Over The Top this week when America’s Vote results were revealed ands she narrowly defeated Jason. She now joins Nicole as only the second woman to beat a man in a Big Brother US finale and she did it after a season of strong alliance performances and outlasting her allies.

Morgan Willett - BBOTT winner

With a nice victory prize of $250,000 in her pocket Morgan is heading back in to the world but before she could do that I had the chance to speak with her today about that win, how she made it happen, surviving over her sister, and more. Read on to see what Morgan had to say.

Big Brother Network: What do you credit for swaying viewers to vote for you over Jason or Kryssie?

Morgan Willett: I think everyone loves an underdog story and I kinda feel like that was me sitting in the final three. I was the only person left in my alliance. I was the only America’s Nominee to have somehow survived the game. So I give a lot of credit to that. I give a lot of the vote to that I had Scott and Monte and Alex and Shelby pulling so hard for me. They were such loyal alliance members. They really came through.

Apparently Shelby made a really great rap video and I’m very excited to see that. They were just so supportive and the fact that I was standing there at the end as the only surviving member. I didn’t just want to win for myself, I wanted to win for every one of them. So hopefully anyone who was a fan of one of them also voted for me.

I think that definitely helped me out over Jason. And the fact that Jason was a Vet and he already had his chance in this game. He had his season. He came in to this game already knowing the ropes and knowing exactly what to do. Well I came in here and was clueless and I kinda had to figure it out on my own.

We played very separate and very different games. For me it was more social and then I picked it up at the end with my wins. I think America appreciated that and saw how hard I worked and, I don’t know, to me Jason made some dirty moves in this game and as me experiencing that, I wasn’t a big fan so who knows, maybe America wasn’t either. But I think a lot of the votes came from the fact that I was the underdog and I was the last one standing on my side of the house.

BBN: In Week 6 both you and your sister, Alex, were on the Block together. Were you surprised by the house’s choice to vote Alex out instead of you?

Morgan: I was very surprised by that because for me, the logical decision would have been “let’s get Morgan out and we’ll get rid of the Care Package then we can target Alex in the Double [Eviction].” The fact that they didn’t do that honestly shows me that they were playing a very emotional game because the strategical thing would have been okay, get me out, because you know I stayed and got me the Care Package that kept me safe and Shelby safe.

So I was shocked because I thought Jason and Danielle were these huge strategists and they would make the smart game move. And to me, getting me out would have been way smarter. I was expecting that and I think that was probably why I was so emotional and upset that night. I was kinda banking on going home then to see your sister going home, oh my gosh, I’m still here and her dream just ended. It was quite a roller coaster night.

BBN: Tell me about that where you mentioned this game was your sister’s dream but you ended being the one to stay beyond her and won the whole thing. Was there any survivor’s guilt there? How do you feel about having that win over her dream?

Morgan: Honestly I’m very proud of myself. We definitely have a sibling rivalry and anytime we’re arguing I think I’ll be able to throw this in there and win our argument, but I think we both played very different games and that’s why it ended up the way it is. I owe Alex so much. She really kept me sane in that house and was the only one I could fully trust.

Honestly once she left there were a lot of times where I hit a very low point. I just didn’t know if I could keep doing this. Every single time I was like, you know what, what would Alex do in this situation? She is the most calm and collective person I know and she never gives up. So I think because of her leaving and even having her in the house is what made me want to make it to the end even more.

BBN: Thank you Morgan and congratulations on your win.

While Morgan’s record might not have been as strong as her opponent’s she clearly handled the jury better with America’s Vote and drew the win over the returning Vet Jason and his ally Kryssie. It was interesting to see the season’s two main twists face off in the finale as the Secret Sister versus the Vet and how America decide to reward their game play. I may have been surprised by the final decision but clearly she won out with her methods and that gives her the title and a huge payday.



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  1. I called this! Knew the ballsmasher fans would vote for Morgan because of the alliance she was in — which is what Jason didn’t think of not that he could have done anything to prevent it anyway. Congrats Morgan!

    • i think moving forward i am going to find out who you like and root for them from the beginning lol, we always seem to like the same players.

      • Haha. Sounds good. I usually change my mind after the first week though. Happens every season. The first week I liked Jason and Justin. Couldn’t stand Jason by the 2nd week and Justin was okay I just got tired of him. Didn’t like Shelby the first week and loved her after that. Morgan and Alex I liked from the beginning. I was hoping Alex and Shelby would of been in the F3.

  2. So, proud of Morgan!! Hoping we get to see her act on Bold and the Beautiful! Since a lot of the BB’s have had an acting part on the show BBTB! Good luck, may God continue blessing you with many more great adventures in your life!

  3. Morgan “I was the only Americaโ€™s Nominee to have somehow survived the game. So I give a lot of credit to that.” Well thats because Shelby used the veto on you.

    • Well that’s how the game works isn’t it? Using alliance members to bolster your game is pretty much textbook.

  4. “So hopefully anyone who was a fan of one of them also voted for me.”

    I think (or maybe I hope) that this, more than the whole “Morgan’s nice and Jason’s mean” nonsense is the key to understanding the results of this season. I’m pretty sure Morgan hit the nail on the head with the above quote. The divided house meant a divided fandom also, and that carried through to the end with the result that people didn’t really vote for the player they wanted to win, they voted for the alliance. My guess is that if you asked a lot of Morgan voters, they would admit (if they were being honest) that their vote for Morgan was really a vote for Shelby, or a vote for Alex.

    Or maybe Big Brother fans just truly aren’t interested in gameplay.

    Either way, if you voted for Morgan to win, you’ve lost all right to ever use the term “floater” as a pejorative. ;)

  5. Congrats Morgan! You played a good game and showed some real strength of character. Victory well deserved.

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