‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In Round 4?

Julie Chen hosts Celebrity Big Brother eviction show

Ready for the next eviction on Celebrity Big Brother? It was time for another live show where the Houseguests decided who was voted out last night and sent home next. “But first,” we need to get to that mysterious Veto twist! Which power did viewers pick to wreck havoc on the game?

That twist could really mess up some plans this round and that’s pretty fun for us to not know what’s going to happen with all the possibilities involved. There are three powers and not all of them have to be used no matter what viewers picked. Our readers picked the VIP Veto and that could really change things up, or have zero impact. Read on to see what won the official vote!

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

Big Brother episodes live on CBS All Access

First up is the Veto twist reveal before the competition plays out live. Once we’re through that chaos it’ll be time for the live vote and eviction. From there we’ll likely go back to the Feeds without an HoH and await those Big Brother spoilers overnight.

Veto Twist:

So now Omarosa knows if she renoms someone the Veto holder doesn’t like then he/she can change it up again. Well that was dumb for them to reveal the power before Omarosa made that pick!

Power of Veto Competition:

  • Omarosa (HoH), Ross (Nom), & Brandi (Nom)
  • Players picked: Mark, Marissa, & Metta
  • Veto winner: Ross (just barely beat out Omarosa)

Power of Veto Ceremony:

  • Veto power is used by Ross on Ross (of course)
  • Omarosa renoms Metta
  • Ross does NOT use the VIP power a second time
  • Final nominations: Metta & Brandi

Now that we’ve got the final noms of the week it’s time to get to the vote.

Celebrity Big Brother Results – Round 5 Votes:

  • Ross Mathews votes to evict: Metta
  • James Maslow: votes to evict: Metta
  • Mark McGrath votes to evict: Metta
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Ariadna Guiterrez votes to evict: Metta
  • Marissa Jaret Winokur votes to evict: Metta

By a vote of 5-0, Metta World Peace has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother.

Head of Household Competition:

After the show, we’ll be racing back to the Live Feeds for the HoH spoilers and eviction fallout then it’ll be time for the next rounds of planning on this round’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there!

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  1. Wow. Only 5 more shows to go until next Sunday and the end of BBCeleb. Let’s enjoy this one thonight.

      • I don’t think tonight because they have not announce it. But suspect there will be one on friday.

    • only five more! That sucks…… But, then we have BBC Canada 🇨🇦 so that makes it all better! I BETTER be able to at least get BBAD!!! 😠

      • I just tried again but it says not available outside of the US….
        so, I googled it but I need a “Smart DNS????” whatever that is!?! But even if I can find a way to bypass it, I have a Canadian credit card so wouldn’t that not work??

      • I replied to you with an attachment but I don’t see that reply anymore, did you see it?

        I know you meant for BBC :-)
        So BBAD is back on Slice….… Good!!!

        BUT you get the live feeds now right? How? The sneaky way? 😉

        Thank you so much, as always! XO 😚

  2. Wouldn’t it cause more suspension amongst the house guests if they didn’t know which veto they were competing for? It ruins the fun when they know which veto they are playing for that way they’d already have plans figured out before the veto ceremony

    • Haha he actually wants to put his self up..I actually wouldn’t mind seeing him do that and BB telling him that he couldn’t :D

    • That’s why I wanted Christmas to win last summer just because they let her win a foot race lol

  3. So Ross is taking himself off, and Oma puts up Marissa instead and then he uses it again and Ari goes up and Brandi goes home? IDK

      • We’ll probably see a replay of it on the next episode. I don’t think production’s control room could do a replay feature for the live show.

    • He’ll probably use it twice since brandiisnt really part of the alliance anyway so her leaving is fine

  4. Let see if I got that right. Ross will take himself off the block, than Omarosa will make a renom before he get to decide if he use it again.

  5. What a waste! I am so mad. And more mad because I am sure production rigged this and look at the flop result we get smh

  6. O’s playing the game. She’ll get Metta’s vote in the end for putting him up whether or not he gets voted out.

  7. I would not give Metta the satisfaction of going home just because he can’t sleep. He doesn’t know what he is doing most of the time. I would vote out Brandi.

    • Not only that but now no one other than the group of 4 have a chance cuz now they always have the numbers

  8. It must have been so close they couldn’t have had the camera on both. Strange though. Happy about Ross, but Metta is a wasted eviction.

      • Either one leaving would have made my day. This entire episode was a flop just like Metta as a contestant. Guess O is officially alone the entire season. My guess is she’ll be the next evicted

      • Yes def wanted to see Brandi go she is a very nasty person and I’m sick of all her rude potentially reputation damaging comments about James, which I’m pretty sure is cuz she’s jealous on rh she was always dating guys his age or younger and I have a feeling he was clearly not interested day 1

    • If he wanted to go they should have let him go a while ago.
      What is it with these people not wanting to be there? SMH

      • It’s different when you’re in their position, placed inside a house with no contact outside, and your feelings intensify.

        It’s all in the mind.

  9. Now I want to see Ari or James winning the next HoH comp, but I suspect that they’ll try to go after each other, oh decisions, decisions.

  10. Ughhh tonight was supposed to be a crazy night with the veto twist and all. Turned out like any other night. BB could possibly be seeing ratings go down after this mess of an episode

    • Indeed it was! We witness the houseguest handing Ross the 250k check and the CBB crown. That’s all folks!

  11. No one cares about your family like that dude. Or your baby mammas and futre wife. You had 6 days left, you could have held out, I am so mad

    • Metta cares. Not a lot of these people have been away from their loved ones for more than a week before coming to the house. The game can go mental so you either play it or get played by the game itself.

      And he and Keisha aren’t the only people to leave Big Brother because they want to. So many have.

      • I really dont care. Dont sign up. He doesnt even know the basic idea of this game and hes a bballer and has been on the road for a while so this shouldnt be new. Hes also been retired a while.

      • Basic Big Brother=Live in a house with strangers and tough it out for as long as possible. Last one standing wins it all.

        In Metta’s case, 20 out of 26 days is what he could accomplish.

      • There a huge difference between ‘lasting’ 20 days and actually playing 20 days. They wasted a spot for him because he fits a demographic. This deprived someone else an opportunity and skewed the game play. I wonder if production got scared that Ron could win and embarrass the game even more, so they had to make sure he got his wish.

      • Either way, the prolonged isolation can have profound effect. that’s why we tend to see a lot of past players who talk big game but ended up not doing much and others get driven by their own paranoia.

      • Marissa was heard saying on the feeds that Metta tried to escape again last night and he had made it out onto the street before caught. Maybe BB asked him to be voted out tonight and I’m sure he was more than ready to oblige. What a shame.

      • It is a shame. He talked about having a really hard time in sequester, which is when they could have pulled the plug.

      • Optics lol.

        But really, I’m sure they could’ve found another d list celebrity willing to fill in at a moments notice if they weren’t so dedicated to the quota system.

  12. Ok hes quitting and now trying to save face by reminding us constantly that HE IS A COMPETITOR.

    *insert sure jan gif.*

    • I’ve yet to see Metta the competitor. Guess that side just comes out whenever he tried to escape the house and realized no one was willing to send him home

  13. Curious 🤔 (because I cannot get the live feeds or watch BBAD 😡 sooooooooooo, I only find about the “good stuff” on here!)😠
    Why doesn’t anyone like Marissa anymore? And telling her to STFU?

    TIA 😚

    • My internet connection was being wonky .
      Marissa is getting a bad edit, they said she wasn’t washing .
      Google DNS changer, I found a free one th

      • LMAO 🤣 🤣
        Thanks for the info, I think LOL it was a little confusing but I think if I re-read it it might make more sense. LOL
        “She’s not paying attention to you (me) dealbreaker……??? Huh? 😆
        “Not being honest with you (me??) huh??
        She’s not washing or cleaning??? Gross!! really?? Gag 🤢 🤮
        Your connection is bad, “maybe later”…?? “Maybe later” what??? LOL
        You don’t know if this app works between Canada and the US, where does it work from then? LOL
        Thanks for the reply. I’m going to go read it a few more times and maybe I will fully understand it 😉 In any event, it made me laugh out loud LMAO 🤣 so thanks for that!! hee hee 😜 xo 😚

      • I apologize, I was going back and forth between two topics, the first topic was DNS changers .. They will unblock restricted sites at library, school or work, but I do not know if they will get US sites from Canada or visa versa . I will try to stream Sugarland when I get my High-speed bandwidth allotment next week and let you know, I hope, next week is a very long time away to me 😸
        The other topic was about Marissa and people in general, what I like and do not like.
        Lastly, my internet connection or disqus was freezing up on me, so I said I will try again later
        Alright think that was it, good talking to you TinaLee you are a hoot !
        Do you like my painting of Elizabeth, I enjoy painting so much, when I am happy with the results, I am hard to please though so a lot of what I do ends up on in the fire
        OK really bye now, later

  14. So it also sounds like the 3 evicted on Sunday will not have have the same chance as other evictees to see the game or social media prior to voting for a winner? Very weird because others will have a whole lot more information if they do it this way.

  15. Why, why do people waste all this time? Metta and Keisha both robbed someone else who would actually want to play Big Brother from a great experience by taking that spot just to quit. At least Keisha gave a decent reason. Metta being homesick is pathetic. Come on! He’s a grown man who signed up for this. There should be a penalty wasting gameplay!

    • Keisha is as bad as Metta. She knew she was breastfeeding before the show, she should had declined the invite.

      They should had let Metta go week one. It’s not like they didn’t had enough players. They are now rushing to the end.

  16. We have 7 players left and 4 shows left (right?)

    (Ari, Brandi, James, Mark, Melissa, The Scary Evil Witch, Ross)

    Weds. 2/21
    Fri. 2/23
    Sat. 2/24
    Sun. 2/25

    We know Sun. 2/25 is the finale.

    Does anyone have any idea about how this final week will unfold? (Eliminations-wise)

    If it’s a standard 2 person Finale that means (possibly)

    Weds. 2/21 – double elimination = 5 players
    Fri. 2/23 double elimination = 3 players
    Sat. 2/24 single elimination = 2 players
    Sun. 2/25 Final winner

    Does that seem accurate? Any guesses?

    • sounds right, but your guess is as good as mine 😉
      @captain555 is an excellent source of knowledge………

    • We could still get our standard Final 3 going Final 2 on finale night with Saturday being a clip show.

    • Wednesday is HOH and nominations; Friday is double eviction, Saturday not sure what’s happening, and Sunday is the finale starting with 5 players and 3 getting evicted to get to final 2. This is per Julie on tonight’s show.

      • You’re welcome. Julie didn’t mention Saturday at all but my DVR is recording it that night so it’s anyone’s guess what they will show.

  17. What a letdown this episode was. With all the suspense about the POV and breaking up the alliance of 4, Omarosa’s HOH only managed to evict Metta – by his choice at that. Not fair to Omarosa at all that Metta decides to leave during her HOH.

    For a minute I was afraid James would be going home after Ross won the POV. I thought Omarosa had won until the camera switched over to Ross showing him as the winner.

    Now we’ll never know who would’ve gone home if not for Metta quitting. KYA goodbye Omarosa, James and Mark.

    • It really look like a good season at the start. But with Keisha and Metta quitting it’s a huge let down. Come on. On top of that, Metta had less then a week to do!!

      I’m desapointed too.

      • Ross is one lucky guy and it seems that production is rooting for him too :(
        Now O,J and M will be picked off one by one. James is going to have to win a lot of contests to stay in the game.

      • I’m not a Brandi fan either but I’d rather see Marissa go first :D

        Now if Brandi and Ari will join James and Mark to get out Omar, Ross and Marissa I wouldn’t mind seeing that at all.

      • Good plan. With less then a week to play, I guess Marissa or Brandi is the same.

        I’m so desapointed about those quitters. I hope the network will do something about that.

        I want James to win!!

      • I’m rooting for James as well and I’ll be highly disappointed if he doesn’t win.
        Right now I’d rather see Omarosa win than Ross or Marissa.

      • I agree about Marissa.

        But can you tell me more about Ross? I find him funny in his drs and he seems to play the game. Not that I root for him, but it would be boring without him. I guess I’m missing something.

      • I liked Ross too, until he stabbed Shannon in the back. Now I have no use for him period. It’s the way he treated Shannon while stabbing her in the back that makes me root against him now.

      • Ok. Thanks. It’s good to know. I have to admit I’m not really looking at the feed, so I missed stuff.

        But to me Marissa is the biggest backstaber to Shannon. She turn on her so fast and could really had a good alliance with her.

        I really don’t like Marissa. It’s the type of personality I can’t stand. I was looking her on the web and saw nice pics of her before she start putting way too many hairs extensions. Lol.

        My hate for Brandi is bigger. Because my favorite James. She’s so rude to him. I suspect she’s secretly in love and act like that because she knows she’ll never have him.

      • Omg yes that’s what I said earlier cuz when she was on housewives she dated guys just like him but even younger! And I’m sure he like shut it down real quick

      • If it comes down to a Ross v. Marissa finale I’d root for Ross too. Marissa is the worst!

        I wondered if Brandi regards James as a kid and that’s why she’s calling out his perceived (to her at least) faults. I can see why she would find him attractive though ha!

      • I actually quit watching after that. I wasn’t going to watch in the first place but decided to give it a shot. I do enjoy reading the spoilers and comments though

      • The only reason I’ve continued to watch is because I want to see Ross and Marissa evicted. After last night’s episode it doesn’t look like that is going to happen :(

  18. I glanced away from the screen briefly and, for one horrible moment, thought Omarosa had won the VIP Veto. When I heard Julie say “Congratulations, Ross…”, I breathed a deep sigh of relief. Putting Metta up as Ross’s replacement was a no brainer, so no surprises tonight. I keep asking myself why he was even there? I’m sure a lot of other “celebrities” would have had a lot more enthusiasm than he did – he was so slow during the veto competition he could have just as easily not moved his feet at all.

    • It was actually weird. I rewind to check better and Ross wasn’t on cam. I was also surprised when Julie said Ross wins. It’s a huge technical error for viewers.

  19. What a bunch of quitters. Six days left and he leaves. Such a disappointing show tonight. People that really wanted to play are gone then we have quitters. SMDH. Bunch of pampered losers. They’ve been catered to since they got there. And they can’t make it 3 weeks. No cold showers, no have not beds, slop for only 2 days and one of those days they had a margarita party. Don’t have to share a bed, satin sheets on the beds. WTF. Anything else BB can do for these D list so called celebrities. And we’re stuck watching the disgusting duo of Ross and Marissa.

  20. Omarosa is on borrowed time. She should have swung for the fences and rotated the alliance of Ross, Ari, Marissa and Brandi. One was guaranteed to be sent home. Omarosa alliance of F4 would have been intact and in power.. The best alliance would be a secret team up of Omarosa and Ross. That would be a power duo no one would expect. Omarosa plays an amazing BB game despite what ppl think of her. She may portray herself as snakelike but it’s clear she is extremely intelligent. And her actions thus far is no worst than anyone else. The power of perception influences ppl to think something is fact when it’s not. James however is very arrogant and that runs through beyond just game playing.

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