‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Round 3?

Big Brother HoH competition

Two rounds down and nine Houseguests left in the Big Brother Celebrity house as we head into the third round of events starting off with the first Head of Household competition. Who would grab the power of safety and nominations this week? Spoilers ahead.

The latest eviction show ended with Keshia ending her stay in the game with a tearful plea to her fellow HGs to send her home. They obliged and the BD-Shannon plan was averted. How long though before she discovers what nearly happened though and moves to exact revenge? Good times ahead if she unearths the plot!

Read on for the Big Brother spoilers revealing the latest results for the HoH competition in the next round of Big Brother.

Celebrity Big Brother Round 3 HoH Comp:

  • Ari won HoH

Lots of celebrating by Brandi and Ari when the Feeds finally came back after hours of downtime. They’re already talking with Omarosa about what they’re planning to do and that involves James going up. Will they go straight for Shannon like they wanted Ross to do last round?

Whatever they’re going to do it’ll have to wait a bit because Ari is now the one having trouble breathing. She’s having coughing fits and has to borrow Marissa’s inhaler. Soon she’s off to the DR for medical attention. Seriously. There was some comment about Ari being in front of a fan the longest. Must have been part of the comp we didn’t see.

Nominations will be coming up probably sometime tomorrow. We’ll keep watching for the spoilers.

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  1. I hope this week’s HOH comes with a really heavy weight attached because Ari’s one of the all-time great floaters. It doesn’t matter what she does because if someone exciting is nominated it feels like the other person will either cry and beg to be voted out because their blind mom’s seeing eye dog has intestinal distress or no one will vote for anyone else for reasons none of us can figure out logically.

    • I donโ€™t know Ari aside from big brother, but Brandi is a very catty, bitchy chick without a doubt! She is not a nice human being!

    • Did you notice how Shannon put her ear to the door of the HOH room? When they didn’t answer and turned of the lights (why they did that is beyond me), she was laying down and pillows over her face, I think she suspects something already.

  2. Can someone help answer a questions for me??! ๐Ÿ˜š

    We just finished 4 hours of big brother. (yeah I was a little behind!)

    After Marissa won the veto comp, what was she talking about with Keisha immediately following as they were going to commercial break??? I know Keisha was saying something about wanting to go home because she was drying up, but there was more to the conversation and I couldnโ€™t understand it.

    I have a few more questions but my brain is on overload at the moment, I will remember them tomorrow. TIA

    • Marissa was telling Keisha that she plans on using the veto to save her. Keisha was mentally prepared to leave as she may have had some running thoughts going into the live show about home and her newborn child.

      Once she was told about the plan, she broke into tears.

  3. There is nothing I dislike more than when a HG quits the game & at the same time tries to destroy another HGโ€™s game that is STILL playing the game!!! It irritates me so much! I think itโ€™s BS and poor sportsmanship (for lack of better words!)
    & yeah, there are a lot more things I dislike butโ€ฆโ€ฆ LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰
    In my opinion, what Keisha said in her speech about Shannon (to James) was crap ๐Ÿ’ฉ & unfair to the HG (Shannon) who wasnโ€™t โ€œgiving upโ€ and has been playing the game hard since day one! (perhaps a little too hard LOL but……)
    Sure, I know Keisha was โ€œevictedโ€ but essentially she โ€œquit the game/gave up!โ€

    The way I see it is, Keisha showed up, got paid what $200,000 plus? To sit there for a week pretty much doing nothing PLUS had an โ€œironclad excuseโ€ to ensure the HGโ€™s would definitely send her home! Keisha honoured her contract by not quitting! But quitting, but not quitting! ๐Ÿ˜

    I donโ€™t know perhaps Iโ€™m wrong ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
    But hey, good for her! Again a good $200,000 plus for a week of sitting around! Sign me up!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Sidenote: sorry I think this was a little repetitive, itโ€™s way past my bedtime!

    • Big Brother has always been more than a game. It started as a social experiment and continues to be so as we see how these participant unravel themselves the longer they stay inside.

      Even if us viewers would think three weeks is a very short time for a regular season, they are to those who are spending those thirty days in islation and with little to no contact from the outside world.

      Everything there is heightened (a word I’ve been trying to say to describe my earlier opinions during the live show last night). From feelings of sadness to paranoia to excitement, all rays of the human condition are maximized.

      We see things clearly from every angle available to us in the feeds, but they don’t have that kind of convenience.

      She didn’t quit just because she felt bored in the house after a dozen days locked inside, but the feeling of homesickness have really gotten the best of her, something that could happen to anyone at any given time. You can’t predict that it will or will not happen. She mentioned that her supply of breastmilk might not be enough to sustain her child for the remaining days and the thought bubble she had this whole time may have grown larger over time.

      Seeing this as a longtime fan of the format, one should recognize that Big Brother is a very mental game and no one should be persecuted for the choices they make that may seem unfair to some.

      People at least should recognize the fact that Keisha gave the house the benefit of properly evicting her, and not simply walk out right then and there. Sure, there are plans of getting rid of another target but BB is a game in real time so we should really expect the unexpected and this is one thing we surely didn’t expect to happen but it did.

      On another topic, as far as money goes: n line with how celebrity BB’s work overseas, all participating celebrities are paid an equivalent of a full salary just so they can take part in Big Brother (some celebrity versions, celebs take part on behalf of their chosen charities). It varies per country but if CBB in the United Kingdom is any indication, they get more than what housemates get from their incentives in civilian editions.

      • Yeah, I understand it all. I have watched big brother since season one, episode one as well as big brother Canada, religiously!
        Thanks for your reply/comment, it was a very interesting read :-) take care

  4. Ari and AlcoHo getting along so well…who would have thunk? I wonder if Ari knows anything about Brandi? There is a 21 year age difference. Maybe Ari needs a mother figure. hahaha
    I hope Ari and Alchy are ready to rumble. Go lady and tramp! lol
    And….anyone watching feeds know why Marissa didn’t use the veto? Predetermined or did she wimp out?

  5. First I was thinking, why in the world would Keisha want to do this with a newborn at home. Then when I heard the baby was over a year old, I just shook my head. That kid should be on food by now. At this point, Keisha is breastfeeding for Keisha, not for her child. I seriously doubt the child refuses all food and only wants breast milk. Kids all like different things, but most like the taste of the jarred baby food fruits. I hope Shannon figures out they are all against her. And I agree with Tinalee. Keisha quit and showed her ass before walking out the door. Shannon wasn’t the only one that wanted James out. As a matter of fact, a lot of them were against Shannon’s plan of saving James. I’m still waiting for the Brandi/Omarosa war that I have been expecting.

  6. I hate it when the weak ones all gang up and go after the strong ones. I don’t care what reality show you go on, you can never appear to be a strong player in the beginning because they will always go after you first because they’re a bunch of wimps. If they would allow everyone to play HOH every week regardless of whether or not they won the week before like they do on Survivor it would make it more interesting. I can’t stand to watch the weak ones get together and gang up on others only because they know they don’t have a chance on their own. The weak ones are always cattier and nastier.

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