Celebrity Big Brother Sneak Peek: First Look At New Backyard [PICS]

Celebrity Big Brother 2018 backyard spoilers

We have our first spoilers for the Celebrity Big Brother house thanks to a generous reader who caught an interesting video on Snapchat. The clip below along with screenshots reveals just how production is preparing to deal with the colder February weather when it comes to the Big Brother backyard.

Sure, there’s an average high of nearly 70 degrees in February for Burbank, but that also drops to an average low of 44 degrees and the most precipitation in a month for the entire year. They’re going to have to do something to keep things a little more cozy for these celebrities, right? So here comes the structure to cover the backyard, shield the Houseguests from the elements, and perhaps keep the temperatures a little more stable. Poor BB9 in its winter season just had heat lamps by the loungers.

Click through the gallery here for your first look at the Celebrity Big Brother backyard and see what we’ll be watching in just one short month (for one short season!). Don’t miss the BB Celebrity schedule too for all the showtimes and dates for the 18-day season run. Blink and you’ll miss it!

Gallery: Celebrity Big Brother Backyard Sneak Peek

This is a pretty cool look and it quickly raised the question of whether they’d keep it for Big Brother 20 this summer. Maybe, but given all the sunbathing the summer season tends to enjoy I’m expecting to see this gone by then. You never know though. Either way the new season starts Wed, February 7th for a quick series up against the Olympics and we can’t wait for the fun to begin!

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@bigbrothernet Saw this on snapchat. Looks like theyโ€™re building a roof for #BBCelebrity #CBBUS pic.twitter.com/0GLZIQQPp1

— Jared Brooke (@jaredbrooke1231) January 7, 2018

Credit: @jaredbrooke1231



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  1. That’s a pretty expensive roof for 2 weeks. They might just leave it there, it would take care of the shooter with bullhorn and the plane dragging message. They can always put UV light for tanning and air conditionning.

    • Do they think that they are going to be bombarded with drones etc trying to catch sight of the ‘non’ celebrities so they have to cover up?

      • Let the drama begin! hahaha Guess what? My daughter is having a baby girl come June, just when Season 20 will begin…this past Saturday, though, the nurse called with the results as her having a boy and she made a cupcake with blue icing in the middle and gave it to my granddaughter to show what the gender will be via video recording. But scrap that. The nurse made an error before she got the actual lab report from the doctor. That one revealed no Y chromosomes present. High risk doctor called my daughter today with the correct result. It’s all good for my granddaughter as she wants a baby sister anyway. When my daughter told her it was actually a girl, my 4 yr old granddaughter said, “I was right! I told you!” hahahaha What my granddaughter wants, she gets! Hahaha She’s so spoiled! :-)

      • I hadn’t even thought about the drones, good point. I don’t know about bombarded, but just one is problem enough.

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  2. I love BB but am so tired of the same house. Face life doesn’t work any more. Please make a better house. Smaller Countries have much better digs than US.
    Maybe the ratings would pick up if new surroundings were made. Back yard is boring too. I am a die hard fan and will watch no matter what but sure would like a new house and yard. Australia’s was fantastic.

    • There isn’t really much they can do with the available space the show already has for the house unless CBS allows the show to completely change the house’s floorplans drastically within a year between seasons, if not move to a larger lot within CBS Television City.

    • Big Brother is not meant to be the ritz carlton. The HGs in the BB house are there to win $500K. Not live in the lap of luxury. The house is fine. That’s the jury house. A “better” house would just be a distraction. And a “bigger” house would make it so there would be no drama. It has to be very close quarters in order to keep the tension level up. The current house serves it’s purpose, and it’s become iconic.

  3. Really hate celebrities asking to go home. Really messed up the game. If they commit should stay and play the game!

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