Celebrity Big Brother House Photos & Julie Chen Tour

Celebrity Big Brother 2018 House

Here is our first look at the Celebrity Big Brother house with the early photos revealing the latest setting for CBS’s Studio 18. So far, things are looking awesome but how weird is it to be getting new Big Brother house pics in January?!

Executive Producer Allison Grodner noted, “For the first time, the living room, kitchen and dining room all share a common vista with one cohesive theme โ€“ the Los Angeles skyline.” So that’s the house design theme this year I suppose and it’s a very good look from what we’re seeing so far!

We’ve got a first glimpse of the kitchen, living room, and a bedroom so far. In there we’ve got the new logo for Celebrity Big Brother’s debut season, which is different from the purple version they’ve been using in commercials (see above). We also get a look at the hot seat nomination chairs. It just got real!

Gallery: Celebrity Big Brother House Revealed

What’s your reaction? Like the Los Angeles skyline motif for the CBB house? What about that mint bedroom? Yikes. Well, I guess we’ll have to see how that looks when it’s in action. With just 2.5 weeks in the season let’s hope they don’t trash it quite the same as we see in the regular season.

As for doing things differently around the house for celebrities, check out the backyard structure they built to shield the HGs from the elements this February.

Speaking of the timeline, have you seen the Celebrity Big Brother schedule yet? 18 days of chaos with Live Feeds and all so you won’t want to miss any of it when the season premieres on Wednesday, February 7th on CBS and CBS All Access!

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for all the CBB news all season.

Want more? About a house tour guided by Julie Chen? Here is the first teaser from Julie Chen! Watch and get even more details on what’s ahead. Note here that Julie calls this series “Big Brother: Celebrity Edition” so now we’ve bounced around to the third variation of the title.

Video: Julie Chen CBB House Tour Teaser

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JULIE LIVE FROM THE HOUSE #BBCelebrity #CBBUS Clues throughout the day! pic.twitter.com/L8fM7MiB63

— BBFan (@BBCelebFan18) January 16, 2018



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  1. I kind of like the mint, but are those purses on the walls as decorations? that is odd.

  2. I like it but some of my excitement has sunk with hearing Frankie might be back. He’s a celebrity in his own mind.

    • Well yes, that’s exactly the reason. The HGs, celebrities, have jobs to get back to.

      Secondly, the season will be short as it’s designed to run up against the Olympics which lasts for just about the same dates.

      • I have to say…..the “regular” HGs also have jobs and lives…..these “celebrities” should consider this a job as well…..it is getting them exposure. My guess is they are B rate celebs just like on Dancing with the Stars. I like the second part of your answer better. :)

      • A lot of the regular season HGs are unemployed, self-employed, or quit their jobs to go on the show. You’re not going to convince most celebs to take 100 days off their potentially fleeting careers.

      • If you look at the Celebrity Big Brother in the UK, each season only last a month. You can only do so much to get them to do this without any overlapping commitments from the outside world.

        Evictions and nominations takes place more than once every week so there’s a greater chance of more than one celebrity housemate getting the boot.

  3. Seems like a lot of fancy-dancy work for a lousy 2 weeks. We will barely develop an opinion in that span of time-I will watch, I’d be lying if I said that I won’t, but I feel it’s a bit of a waste.

  4. Why all the secrecy on the cast? Maybe, these so called celebrities are not really celebrities which is why they are trying to hype it?

    • Maybe if we knew, we wouldn’t watch the first show, wouldn’t look good to have poor ratings on the very first show.

    • I imagine part of it is that they don’t want the houseguests to know who the other houseguests are ahead of time. This way they can’t start planning scheming before the cameras are rolling.

      • That makes perfect sense but for some reason I don’t really think that’s the true rationale.

    • As common with other celebrity BB’s, you won’t know who the cast until at least the premiere itself. Rumors are always ripe as to who’s who but nothing is ever confirmed until the network that airs the show says so.

  5. Beautiful house. Thr nicest theyve had in years. Shame its all gonna be wasted for 2 weeks. Im guessing that this is just a test show, and if this goes well, they might do again next year.

  6. I hated the show last night. Wow, celebrities……that was a stretch. I might try again tonight, but yikes it was bad.

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