Celebrity Big Brother Gets Its First CBS Teaser [VIDEO]

Celebrity Big Brother premieres February 2018

Celebrity Big Brother starts on February 7, 2018 and CBS is getting its hype machine started with our first teaser promo. It’s a teaser and nothing more. There, that’s our disclaimer so don’t throw things!

During the Survivor finale show we saw CBS release the commercial below which won’t be revealing the Big Brother Celebrity cast just yet, but it should be enough to help get you excited for what’s ahead.

Celebrity Big Brother Teaser Commercial:

[Update: CBS has twice removed the clip. Ahh well.]

So what is ahead? We still don’t know who will be on the celebrity cast but we do know the when of it all. CBS previously released the full season’s schedule and don’t blink or you’ll miss it! Just 13 episodes await us in the new series and it’ll be over in 18 days. Wowza! We’ll see the season premiere of Celebrity Big Brother on Feb 8th then the finale arrives on Feb 25th, along with the Olympics closing ceremonies.

While this season is sure to be different from a regular summer routine we’ll still have to wait and see just when the cast news starts to roll out. Typically we meet the cast a week before the season kicks off, but would they wait so long with more star power behind those names? Then again, based on the rumors we’re hearing, some of you may disagree with the label of “Celebrity.” There’s still no certainty yet to those names so who knows. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Are you planning to watch this new series? Did we mention there will be Live Feeds? Cause there will be! And yes, you can be an awesome BBN supporter an extra time this year if you decide to sign up through our Free Trial links. So thank you in advance if you decide to do that. If you’re not a Feedster, then you can support us by sharing our site with your friends and visiting us each day. Can’t wait to kick off the new series together and share the fun twice as much this year!

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  1. There isn’t an episode of BB I wouldn’t watch, no matter who is on it or where they’re going!

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